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Radiant Innovation THP0FU Manual page 3

Non-contact forehead thermometer


Symbol Descriptions
The CE mark and Notified Body
Registration Numbers, the
requirement of Annex II from Medical
Device Directive 93/42/EEC are met.
BF type applied part
Classification for water ingress and
particulate matter.
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic emissions
The THP0FU is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the THP0FU should assure that it is
used in such an environment.
Emissions test
RF emissions
RF emissions
Harmonic emissions
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctuations/
flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The THP0FU is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of the THP0FU should assure that it is
used in such an environment.
Immunity test
IEC 60601 test level
Conducted RF
3 Vrms
IEC 61000-4-6
150 kHz to 80 MHz
Radiated RF
3 V/m
IEC 61000-4-3
80 MHz to 2,5 GHz
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is affected by absorption
and reflection from structures, objects and people.
Indicates this device is subject to the Waste
Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Directive in the European Union.
To protect the environment, dispose of
useless device at appropriate collection sites
according to national or local regulations.
Please read the instructions for use
Battery Recycling
The THP0FU uses RF energy only for its internal function. Therefore, its RF emissions are very
Group 1
low and are not likely to cause any interference in nearby electronic equipment.
Class B
The THP0FU is suitable for use in all establishments, including domestic establishments and
Not applicable
those directly connected to the public low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings
used for domestic purposes.
Not applicable
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment should be used no closer to any part
of the THP0FU, including cables, than the recommended separation distance calculated
from the equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance
d = 1,2
d = 1,2
d = 2,3
Not applicable
where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to
the transmitter manufacturer and d is the recommended separation distance in meters
3 V/m
Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, as determined by an electromagnetic site
survey, a should be less than the compliance level in each frequency range b.
Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipment marked with the following symbol:
Electromagnetic environment – guidance
Electromagnetic environment – guidance
80 MHz to 800 MHz
800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
representative in the
European community
Paper Recycling

