Display Setup (Display); Clear Menu (Clear) - WEG MMW03-M22CH User Manual

Energy analyzer
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If you do not press any keys after entering the password or do not change the settings via MODBUS, password protection
is re-enabled after the password activation time has elapsed.

3.5.9 Display Setup (DISPLAY)

The settings about menu screen and backlight are made in this menu.
Menu Setup (MENU):
Menu scroll setting, display time and start page are made in this sub-menu:
„ Menu scroll setup (ScrL): Menu Navigation is given as a name to command which is moving menu screen to
next one at the end of display time. If "ON" is selected, menu navigation is activated after device start or 15
seconds after the last key is pressed.
„ Menu display period (Scr.P): Each menu appears in the screen during the period that is adjusted in "menu
display time". The unit is second and it is effective when menu scroll mode is "on". It is ineffective when
menu scroll mode is "off".
„ Home page setup (Strt): When the device is first energized, first screen menu is called Menu opening page.
Any of this menu can be set from available instantaneous measurements Menu as Home page. Pre value
"VOLTAGELN" menu is designated as Home page.
Display Backlight Setup (BACKLGHT)
Is subhead which lets adjustment of display backlight options and duration of backlight.
„ l Display backlight options (oPt): This menu is adjustment of display backlight activation depending on the
time (TIME DEP), always on (CONT ON) or permanently closed (CONT OFF).
Time Dependent (TIME DEP): Backlight is turned on with device operates or with a pressing any key. Display
backlight will be turned off if there is no pressing any key after set time. It is preferred to have longer-lasting
power-saving and LED lighting.
„ Continuous ON (CONT ON): Display backlight stays on permanently.
„ Continuous OFF (CONT OFF): Display backlight is permanently closed.
„ Display Backlight On Time (durA): Menu is where screen backlight time period is set with unit of second.
„ Display Backlight On Time (durA): Menu is where screen backlight time period is set with unit of second.

3.5.10 Clear Menu (CLEAR)

Use this menu to delete the stored values in the memory and restore the factory settings. Please see Table 3-3
for the menu tree and SECTION 5 for the factory default settings.
The following options are available in the clear menu:
„ OF
: Disables the clear process.
: Clears all values stored in the memory and restores them to the default factory settings.
: Resets all energy counters.
„ COUNTERS : Resets all counters.
„ MAX VALS : Clears the maximum values stored in the memory.
: Clears the minimum values stored in the memory.
: Clears the demand values stored in the memory.
„ SETTINGS : Restores all settings to the factory settings.
: Restores the alarm settings to the factory settings.
In order to prevent an accidental deletion, "NO" / "YES" prompt is displayed if you choose any option other than
"OFF" 3.6.3 Approval Prosedure:
„ To confirm the action:
Press the right key to blink the "NO" sign. Use the up/down keys to change the "NO" to "YES". Then, press
the left key to confirm the action.
„ To discard the action:
Press the right key to blink the "NO" sign. Then, press the left key to confirm the "NO" option and exit the
menu without making any deletions.
26 | Energy Analyzer - MMW03-M22CH


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