Program Mode
Program Mode Display
Take a minute to familiarize yourself with the Program mode display. It gives you some helpful
basic information, like the MIDI transposition, what MIDI channel you're on, and which
program is currently selected.
Info Box
The box at the left side of the display is called the info box. The info box displays information
about the current program (there's also an info box for Setup mode).
Soft buttons
On most X-Pro screens, the bottom line of the display identifies the function of each of the
buttons beneath the display. We call these buttons soft buttons, because they do different things
depending on what's currently showing in the display.
In Program and Quick Access modes, you can change octaves with the Octav- and Octav+
buttons under the display. The Info soft button shows you relevant details about the current
item. The Xpose-/Xpose+ buttons are a shortcut for quick transposition in semitone (half step)
increments. You can use them to transpose the entire X-Pro as much as three octaves up or
down. The top line of the display shows the current amount of transposition (Xpose). Press both
Xpose buttons simultaneously to return transposition to zero.
VAST Programs
Most of the X-Pro's factory programs are VAST programs, meaning they use Kurzweil's Variable
Architecture Synthesis Technology. Typical VAST programs are made up of layers of keymaps
(keymaps are instrument sounds mapped across the keyboard.) On the Program mode main
page, the info box on the left contains details about the different layers in each program, usually
indicating the keymap used in each layer. The line under the keymap name indicates the layer's
keyboard range (see below.) In this case, only the first two displayed layers extend across the
entire keyboard (A0 to C 8). The ∞ symbol to the right of each layer shows that the keymap is a
stereo keymap.