IntelliTech IntelliBar Mi Series Programmer's Manual page 20

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1 | Programmer's Guide
In this example the value of the width command is set to zero. This will instruct the printer
to read data after the 'W' command until the data delimiter (~) is found. The delimiter is
discarded and not printed. The default value for the data delimiter is the carriage return
(ASCII 13). The delimiter value must be a value not found in the data set being encoded
in the barcode.
Select Error Correction Capacity
The following will set the ECC for 2D barcodes - Datamatrix, PDF417, QR and Aztec.
0x1b 0x24 0x62 <value> 0x45
Select Barcode Terminating Current Active Position
The following will place the cursor position at the location depicted in the diagram below.
This escape sequence must be sent prior to sending any data that is to appear in the
0x1b 0x24 0x62 <value> 0x46
Figure: 1 - 2 Terminating Current Active Position (CAP)
Select Barcode Height (Decipoints)
The following will set the barcode height in decipoints with 1 decimal.
0x1b 0x24 0x62 <value> 0x48
If the barcode auto print is enabled prior to sending the barcode data, the height of the
barcode will include the height of any human readable text if enabled. The number of
pixels used in the barcode height will always be rounded. As an example, if the barcode
height is specified to be 97 decipoints, the number of dots used on a 300 DPI printer is
[(97 x 300)/720 = 40.417] and will round down to 40 dots. If the height is specified to be
98 [(98 x 300)/720 = 40.833] the number of dots will be 41. The default barcode height is
720 decipoints (1 inch) for linear barcodes.
Select Barcode Height (PCL Units)
The following will set the barcode height in decipoints with 1 decimal.
Thermal Printer Programmer's Guide
IntelliTech International, Inc.

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