Eu Declaration Of Conformity - ITRON RB 4000 Instruction Manual

Gas pressure regulator
Table of Contents


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Gas   P ressure   R egulators   f or   N atural   G as   a nd   a ll   n on-­‐corrosive   G ases  
Applied   c onformity   a ssessment  
Procedures   P ED:    
Applied   s tandards   a nd   t echnical    
Other   a pplied   E U-­‐Directives:    
Engaged   n otified   b ody:  
Module   D ,   S urveillance   o f   t he   Q S-­‐System:   TÜV   S ÜD   I ndustrie   S ervice   G mbH,   W estendstraße   1 99,   D -­‐80686   M ünchen  
Module   B ,   E C   t ype   e xamination   c ertificate:   DVGW   C ERT   G mbH,   J osef-­‐Wirmer   S traße   1 -­‐3,   D -­‐53123   B onn    
during   m anufacturing:  
Certificates   w hich   a re   i ncluded:  
Surveillance   o f   t he   Q S-­‐System:  
EU   t ype   e xamination   c ertificate   N o:  
Gas   p ressure   r egulators   ( safety   s hut-­‐off   d evices)   a ccording   t o   E N   3 34   -­‐   i f   n ot   e quipped,   w ith   a ny   e lectronic   d evice   –   d o   n ot  
have   a   p otential   i gnition   s ource   a nd   t herefore   a re   n ot   i n   t he   s cope   o f   E uropean   d irective   2 014/34/EU.  
EU   D eclaration   o f   C onformity
with   o r   w ithout   S afety   S hut-­‐Off   V alves   f or   O PSO   a nd   U PSO  
optional   w ith   S afety   D iaphragm  
Itron   G mbH,   H ardeckstrasse   2 ,   D -­‐75185   K arlsruhe  
declares   u nder   h is   s ole   r esponsibility,   t hat   t he   G as   p ressure   r egulator  
RB4010/4020/4030/4040   w ithout   S SV  
RB4011/12/21/22/31/32/41/42   w ith   i ntegrated   S SV   8 500   o r   8 600  
is   i n   c onformity   w ith   t he   P ressure   E quipment   D irective   2 014/68/EU.  
The   r egulator   w ith   o ur   w ithout   s afety   s hut-­‐off   v alve   h as   b een   c lassified   a s   p ressure  
accessories   i n   c ategory   I I,   b y   t he   m anufacturer.   T he   u sed   f luids   a re   c lassified   i n  
group   1   a ccording   a rticle   1 3.
Module   B   +   D  
DIN   E N   3 34:2005+A1:2009   a nd   D IN   E N   1 4382:2005+A1:2009+AC:2009  
2014/30/EU,   e lectromagnetic   t olerance  
only   f or   o ptional   e lectronic   d evice    
TÜV   S ÜD   I ndustrie   S ervice   G mbH,   W estendstraße   1 99,   D -­‐80686   M ünchen  
Karlsruhe,   J uly   1 9
Head   o f   P roduction
,   2 016  
P.   G arcia  


Table of Contents

Table of Contents