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This guarantee does not cover:
 Break of the security seals
 Damage caused by a "cause beyond control", natural disasters,
strikes, wars (declared or not), terrorism, social conflicts or any
acts under governmental jurisdiction
 Damage due to misuse, to carelessness, to any accident or an
unsuitable application or installation
 Damage caused by a repair or an attempted repair not
authorized by MADE
 Any product that is not used in accordance with the instructions
provided by MADE
 Cost of transport back to MADE
 Cost of transport by express delivery of parts or products under
 Cost of travel for a repair on site under guarantee
This guarantee constitutes the unique explicit guarantee established
by MADE for its products. All implied guarantees, including, but not
limited to, guarantees on the commercial value of the product and its
suitability for a particular use are positively rejected.
The present guarantee confers certain rights: the legislation of the
country or jurisdiction can grant others. This guarantee constitutes the
final declaration, complete and exclusive, of the terms of the guarantee
and nobody is allowed to give other guarantees or promises on
MADE's account.
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Related Products for Made JUPITER PLUS

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