Important Information; General; General Notes; Equipment Disposal - Air Techniques ScanX Swift Instruction Manual

Table of Contents


Important Information

1. General

1.1 General Notes

These installation and operating instructions form an integral part of the unit . As such they
must be kept close to the unit at all times . Observing the instructions is a precondition for the
designated use and the correct operation of the unit . New personnel must be instructed and
made aware of the contents of this manual and the document should be passed on to future
operating staff .
The safety for the operator and a trouble-free operation of the unit are only guaranteed by
using original parts of the unit . Furthermore, only the accessories described in the installation
and operating instructions or approved by Air Techniques for use with this unit may be used . If
other accessories are used, Air Techniques can assume no warranty for the safe operation and
reliable function of the unit . No claims for damages resulting therefrom will be accepted .
Air Techniques is responsible for the device from the point of view of safety, reliability and
function only when installation, new settings, modifications, expansions and repairs are carried
out by Air Techniques or by a service center authorized by Air Techniques, and when the unit
is used and operated in accordance with this manual .
These installation and operating instructions conform to the relevant version of the equipment
and the underlying safety standards valid at the time of going to press . All copyrights are
reserved for the indicated switches, procedures, names, software programs and units .
Reprinting of this document, in whole or in part, requires the written approval of Air Techniques .
The packaging should be retained for possible return of the product to the manufacturer .
Ensure that the packaging is kept out of the reach of children . Only the original packaging
provides adequate protection during transport of the unit . If the unit has to be returned to the
manufacturer during the warranty period, Air Techniques will accept no liability for damage
occurring during transport resulting from poor packaging .

1.2 Equipment Disposal.

ScanX Swift Unit. Disposal of units, including internal electronic circuitry and external covers must
be done only at appropriate facilities for recovery and recycling . Make sure to dispose of such items
in accordance with current federal, national, state and local government rules and regulations .
Plates. The plate contains a light sensitive material and therefore must be disposed of as
appropriate for special waste . Make sure to dispose of such items in accordance with current
federal, national, state and local government rules and regulations .

1.3 Medical Device.

Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist . Use of this
device, other than as described in this manual, may result in injury .

1.4 Correct Usage.

ScanX Swift has been solely designed for the optical scanning of image data using
phosphor storage plates .
Correct usage of the appliance involves adhering to the installation and operating instructions
concerning set-up, operation and maintenance .
The operator is liable for any damage arising through incorrect usage .
Correct usage includes observing all local and national regulations concerning health and
safety at work and radiation exposure prevention .
Usage which is not in accordance with the Correct Usage identified above will lead to the
warranties of Air Techniques becoming null and void .
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Air Techniques, Inc.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents