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Labgear S401 User Manual page 8

Professional satellite meter


8.4 Program Info
In the Program Info, you can check the details of the current
selected TV program and you can scroll down to check the
details of other available programs.
8.5 Angle Calculation
You can edit angle settings for the selected satellite.
8.6 Multimedia
Select Multimedia and press OK.
Choose from Movie, Music and Photo options
• Movie
Press the Red TTXT key to change the folder view to detailed list.
Press the Green SUBT key to see play options e.g. Random,
Repeat text encode etc. Press the MENU key to return to list.
Press the orange key to change folder Icon size.
Press the arrow keys to move the cursor, and press OK to
enter/play a folder/video file.
While your video is playing press:
F1 Key: For Normal play.
F2 Key: For Pause.
F3 Key: For Fast backward. Press F1 key to play.
SCAN Key: Fast forward. Press F1 key to play.
Music and Photo folders and files can be accessed then
played/viewed in a similar way.
S401 - Program Info - Multimedia



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