RCA 301 Programmer's Reference Manual
RCA 301 Programmer's Reference Manual

RCA 301 Programmer's Reference Manual

Electronic data processing system


L. Morr/s
3 0 1
P R O G R A M M E R S '
Electronic Data
RC A-Cherry Hill
Camden 8, N. J .
November, 1966


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for RCA 301

  • Page 1 L. Morr/s CSCP LLMorris CSCW R C A E L E C T R O N I C D A T A P R O C E S S I N G S Y S T E M 3 0 1 P R O G R A M M E R S ' R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L...
  • Page 2 The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions ifiay be issued to advise of such changes and/or additions. Reissued: June, 1964 This manual has been reprinted to include all revisions through November, 1966.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Morris CONTENTS Page I — THE RCA 301 SYSTEM — GENERAL DESCRIPTION Introduction System Elements Description The RCA 301 Code Organization of Data II —PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT — FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Card Equipment II-1 Paper Tape Equipment II-2 On-Line Printer II-3 Monitor Printer...
  • Page 4 VII — DECISION AND CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS (Cont'd) Page Tally (X) VII-9 ^ Halt (.) VII-10 • Repeat (R) VII-11 VIII — INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS — CARD Card Read Normal (0) (Model 323 Card Reader) VIII-3 Card Read Normal (0) (Model 324, 329 Card Reader) VIII-5 w- Ca rd Read Normal (0) (Model 330 Card Reader-Punch) VIII-7...
  • Page 5 J — Glossary of Terms ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Recording on Data Disc File 2. Recording on Magnetic Record 3. Recording on Hi-Data Tape 4. Recording on Paper Tape 5. Block Diagram of Basic RCA 301 Computer 6. RCA 301 Console Display 111-13...
  • Page 6 • HRSfOTPflf...
  • Page 7: Introduction

    305 and 355) alphanumeric characters. Each location is decimally addressable and can store one of the RCA 301 characters. The RCA 301 code includes all the letters of the alphabet, the ten decimal digits, and control and special symbols. (Refer to 301 Code Chart, Appendix A.) The memory cycle time to address, bring into register, and regenerate...
  • Page 8 The Card Reader, Model 323, reads information punched in 80-column cards for transfer to the Processor. Hollerith card code may be automatically translated to RCA 301 code. It is possible to bypass automatic translation and read cards binarily. Cards are read at rates up to 600 cards per minute. Information may be edited and rearranged under program control.
  • Page 9 The Monitor Printer, Model 338, is used for listing intermediate or final totals of a computer program, summary reports or for program testing. The output rate is up to 10 characters per second. All of the 301 characters may be printed.
  • Page 10 The Data Exchange Control, Model 377, enables any two 30i Processors, each equipped with this control to communicate with each other. A second Data Exchange Control may be attached to a 301 Processor when it is necessary for this Processor to communicate with two other 301 Processors. Data may be transmitted in either direction but in only one direction at a time.
  • Page 11: The Rca 301 Code

    THE RCA 301 CODE The RCA 301 System employs a binary code using seven binary digits, or bits to represent each RCA 301 character. Of the seven bits which make up each of the characters, the highest order bit (2 ) is the parity bit.
  • Page 12 The following table shows the bit configuration for each RCA 301 character. The parity bit (2 ) is not shown in this table but is inserted in each configuration to indicate an odd parity count. RCA 301 CODE Group 1...
  • Page 13: Organization Of Data

    Organization of Data on Magnetic Tape In an RCA 301 system, characters are recorded on magnetic tape as magnetic spots in rows across the tape. On Hi-Data Tape, a magnetized spot represents a zero bit; the absence of a spot represents a one bit. All characters...
  • Page 14 1 2 8 I N T E R L A C E D D A T A T R A C K S I N E A C H READ-WRITE HEAOS 128 SINGLE DATA TRACKS IN EACH Figure 3—Recording on Hi-Data Tape Figure 1 —Recording on the Data Disc Model 381 O oO...
  • Page 15 Therefore, if redundant zeros of the fixed and fixed variable systems are used in the computer, they would also appear on magnetic tape or other storage devices. By utilization of true variable length in the RCA 301 system, a characteristic business file requires less space in the Data Disc and Data Record File and less tape footage, and can be read and written out in less time than a fixed or fixed variable system would permit.
  • Page 17: Card Equipment

    The Card Reader, Model 324, under program control will: (1) automatically convert 80-column Hollerith card code to RCA 301 characters for transfer to HSM, or (2) read a punch card image into HSM binarily which can be processed in any desired manner. Cards may be read on demand at rates of up to 900 cards per minute. Reading is accomplished by photo-electric sensing diodes.
  • Page 18: Paper Tape Equipment

    The seven channels across the width of the tape correspond to the seven bit positions (six information and a parity bit) of an RCA 301 character. When a character position on paper tape contains a punch in all seven channels, it is interpreted as "delete character,"...
  • Page 19: On-Line Printer

    ON-LINE PRINTER Both buffered and unbuffered on-line printers are available in the RCA 301 System. The buffered printers provide the advantage of off-line scan-print in addition to off-line paper advance, freeing the processor mode on completion of print table and data line transfer to the buffer. Further, the buffer can be loaded during paper advance for a prior print instruction.
  • Page 20: Monitor Printer

    # @ ( ) = : , % & E B ; E I $ " - . • + * E D E F / A carriage return is effected by printing an RCA 301 "ED" character or by setting tab stops. The information is checked for correct parity in the Processor. If the Monitor Printer is inoperable when addressed, a computer stop occurs.
  • Page 21: Micr Sorter/Reader

    Inquiries and replies are typed on single or multiple sheet stock up to 15 inches wide, with a maximum of 135 characters to the line, ten characters per inch. The input is a manual keyboard operation, the output printing rate is up to 10 characters per second.
  • Page 22 HI-DATA TAPE GROUP, MODEL 382 The Hi-Data Tape Group, Model 382, is composed of a cluster of six, four, or three tape stations having a common set of control, power supply, and switching circuits. Each tape station can read or write binary coded characters on '/>...
  • Page 23: Multiple Tape Lister

    The Data Exchange Control, Models 377-1 and 377-2 enables any two 301 Processors, each equipped with this control, to communicate with each other. A second Data Exchange Control may be included on a 301 Processor if it is necessary for this processor to communicate with two other 301 Processors.
  • Page 24: Data Disc File

    Processor activity. A total of six Data Record Files can be used in an RCA 301 System, two through individual Control Modules and four through the Record File Mode Control. Three of the Files can be transferring data at the same time, one in the Normal Mode, one in the Simultaneous Mode, and one in the Record File Mode.
  • Page 25 (card feed) and returning the card to the magazine (card return). If the expansion assembly is added, the expansion assembly transport mechanism feeds into the primary card transport mechanism for movement to and from the read/write station. RCA Computer System with Maximum 3488 Configuration 5.4 Billion Characters RCA 301...
  • Page 26 681.6 million Control The Model 380 channel acts as the interface between a 301 Processor and up to four Model 3488 random access units. Two Model 380 channels can be used in each 301 System. The channel permits one-way transfer of data between one of four random access units and the 301 Processor.
  • Page 27 Addressing Addressing is a function of the retrieval unit, which contains the required registers as follows: A full register for selection. A full register for preselection. A magazine address register used to return a card to its associated magazine. These registers permit overlapping of the selection, preselection, and return of cards. INSTRUCTIONS The instructions utilized to program the Random Access device include: Select (SEL)
  • Page 28 Card Feed Time Card Feed Time is the time required to move a card from the select position until the first block is under the read/write heads. Card Return Time Card Return time begins when the leading edge of the card passes under the read/write heads. Card Reload Time Card Reload Time is a nominal time required for the card to be reloaded into the designated magazine.
  • Page 29 On all subsequent extractions, overflow is reported and no writing takes place. These indications can be sensed by use of the Standard 301/3301 Sense instruction as follows: Option 2 —...
  • Page 30 When the Write-Tally switch is in the Write position, every card extracted is prewritten. When the Write-Tally switch is in the Tally position and the device is in "Remote", normal count-down will be performed. The Tally quantity is always recorded with the ten (10) least significant bits all 0's. The five (5) high order bits are recorded in accordance with the switch setting;...
  • Page 31: High Speed Memory

    10,000 characters consists of fourteen 50 x 100 matrices of magnetic cores. As each core represents one bit, a matrix of cores represents 5,000 bits and a memory unit represents 70,000 bits. As each 301 character is made up of seven bits, each memory unit can store 10,000 characters in 10,000 individual character locations.
  • Page 32 In most cases, the entire A address refers to a HSM location, and the entire B address refers to another HSM location. In some instructions, however, only a portion of the A address or B address is used, or one part of the address may designate one value and the other part another value.
  • Page 33 HSM. The A Register has a capacity of four RCA 301 characters. It receives the A address of an instruction, and when necessary, holds the address of each character being processed in the Normal Mode.
  • Page 35: Locate Symbol Left (K

    The PRI's may be sensed by use of the Conditional Transfer of Control Instruction. Arithmetic Functions The arithmetic function of addition and subtraction in the RCA 301 System is performed by the use of arithmetic tables permanently stored in the High Speed Memory (Standard Memory Locations 0000-0199). These locations can be written into only if a special button on the console is depressed, thereby preventing the accidental destruction of these tables.
  • Page 36: Transfer Data Right (N)

    "Normal Mode." The RCA 301 instructions are designed to operate in one of the three modes. Those instructions designed to operate in the Normal Mode will operate in that mode only. If a button, called SMDI (Simultaneous Mode Inhibit), on the Console Panel is not on, those instructions designed to operate in the Simultaneous Mode will operate in that Mode only.
  • Page 37: Halt (.)

    Block Write Record Simultaneous Sector Read Disc Simultaneous Sector Write Disc Simultaneous All instructions in the RCA 301 System are staticized in the Normal Mode. When any one of the above instruc­ tions is staticized, provided: 1. SMDI is not on, 2.
  • Page 38 Time Sharing Simultaneity in the RCA 301 System is accomplished through a technique known as "time sharing." All input/ output instructions need to access the High-Speed Memory for only a fraction of the time they are in progress. For most of their execution times, input/output instructions must wait for some mechanical action in the input/output device to occur (e.g., card movement, tape movement, print drum revolution, etc.).
  • Page 39 Print Two Tapes In the RCA 301 System, then, the HSM is time shared; i.e., during the time that an input/output instruction is in progress, but is not using memory, another input/output instruction and/or compute instruction can use the memory.
  • Page 40 THE CONSOLE Register Display When the computer is not running, no register is displayed. To display a register, it must be selected. To change the contents of a register, it must be selected and then the proper bits (buttons) depressed. These buttons which display the contents of a selected register are the rightmost bank in Figure 6 illustrating the layout of the buttons on the console.
  • Page 41 11. MPE — (Multipunch Error) A non-301 character has been recognized on a card read with the BCT switch off. 12. CIG — (Character in the Gap) A block of less than 3 characters has been read.
  • Page 42 13- RAE— (Record File Address Error) Parity error in the Record File Address Register. 14. FAL — (Record File Alarm) An error has occurred in an instruction in the Record File Mode. MISCELLANEOUS 1. SB — Indicates Simultaneous Mode Busy. 2.
  • Page 45 IV — GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION The RCA 301 Computer operates under the direction of two-address instructions. For descriptive purposes, these instructions may be classified into four general categories: (1) Input/Output, (2) Data Handling, (3) Arithmetic and (4) Decision and Control.
  • Page 46 TIMING Due to the variable item length concept in the RCA 301 System, instruction times can be expressed only as a function of the number of characters involved in a given operation. For example, the time required to write out to tape depends on the number of characters to be written, and the time required to add two numbers together depends on the number of digits in the operands.
  • Page 49 Translate By Table (TRA) Repeatable General Description This instruction translates a specified number of characters in an area from one code to another by the use of a translate table. It may be used to translate from one to forty-four characters in memory. Format Operation —...
  • Page 50 HSM after the Instruction 4057 4058 4053 4054 4055 4056 4050 4051 4052 Final Register Contents: = 4058 = 6300 Time: 21 (5) + 35 = 140 /tS.
  • Page 51 Locate Symbol Left (LSL) General Description This instruction searches through the contents of successive HSM locations between and including, two specified addresses. The operation ceases when the rightmost location is reached or upon detecting a non-selected symbol. Format Operation — K. —...
  • Page 52 Example #1 Instruction: Operation A Address B Address 1000 1009 HSM before and after Instruction is Executed: 1008 1009 1006 1007 1005 1003 1004 1002 1000 1001 Final Register Contents: = 1004 - 1009 PRP is set Time: 14 (6) + 56 = 140 ,xs. Example #2 Instruction: Operation...
  • Page 53 Locate Symbol Right (LSR) General Description This instruction searches through the contents of successive HSM locations between, and including, two specified addresses. The operation ceases when the leftmost location is reached or upon detecting a non-selected symbol. Format Operation —L. —...
  • Page 54 I. M orris QSCP L. Morris CSCW Example Instruction: A Address B Address Operation 1000 1009 HSM before and after Instruction is Executed: 1009 1005 1006 1007 1008 1003 1004 1001 1002 1000 — — — — — Final Register Content: = 1005 (B), = 1000 PRP is set...
  • Page 55 *• Transfer Data Left <DL) Repeatable General Description This instruction transfers a specified number of consecutive characters from one HSM area to another HSM area. It may be used to transfer from one to forty-four characters in memory. Format Operation — M —...
  • Page 56 Transfer Data Right (DR) Re pea ta ble General Description This instruction transfers a specified number of consecutive characters from one HSM area to another. It may be used to transfer from one to forty-four characters in memory. Format Operation — N —0-44 characters to be transferred.
  • Page 57 Transfer Data By Sy mbol Left (DSL) Repeatable General Description This instruction transfers data terminated by a selected symbol from one HSM location to another. Format Operation — # — Selected symbol on which to stop transferring. , A Address — HSM location of leftmost character to be transferred. B Address —...
  • Page 58 Transfer Data By Symbol Right (DSR) Repeatable General Description This instruction transfers data terminated by a selected symbol from one HSM location to another. Format Operation — P — Selected symbol on which to stop transferring. A Address — HSM location of rightmost character to be transferred. B Address —...
  • Page 59 Transfer Symbol To Fill (SF) General Description This instruction inserts a selected symbol into each HSM location between arid including the two given addresses. Format Operation —J — Selected Symbol A Address — Leftmost location in memory to be filled. B Address —...
  • Page 60 >& w m m H9 IHHH1 • •' • • ' • ' • " • • W - • • • • • ' • : • '; :/; ' • . ' ' . ' ' ' . ' • mmSmSSmHm m i •...
  • Page 63 Add (ADD) Repeatable General Description This instruction performs decimal addition in accordance with algebraic rules, providing a non-zero suppressed sum, which is stored in the memory location originally occupied by the augend. The two operands must be equal in length, but may be of any length up to forty-four characters per each operand. Format Operation —...
  • Page 64 When the ADD instruction is used for address modification, the following special conditions apply: 1. If an indirect address is indicated by a one in the 2 bit position of the LSD of either operand, a one is generated in the 2 position of the LSD of the sum.
  • Page 65 HSM before the Instruction is Executed: 2024 2022 2023 2021 201 ^ 2020 2018 2016 2017 2015 2014 — — — HSM aftei Instruction i is Execute d: 2024 2023 2021 2022 2019 2020 2017 2018 2016 2015 2014 — —...
  • Page 66 Subtract tSUB) Repeatable General Description This instruction performs decimal subtraction in accordance with algebraic rules producing a non-zero suppressed difference which is stored in the memory location originally occupied by the minuend. The two operands must be equal in length, but of any length up to forty-four characters for each operand. Format Operation —...
  • Page 67 When the SUBTRACT instruction is used for address modification, the following special conditions apply: 1. If an indirect address is indicated by a one in the 2 bit position of the LSD of either operand, a one is generated in the 2 position of the LSD of the difference.
  • Page 68 General Description This instruction is one of three instructions which provides the 301 system with bit manipulation abilities. It operates on equal length operands according to the rules outlined under "Outline of Operation below. Format Operation — Q —Number (0-44) of characters in each operand.
  • Page 69 Example Instruction: B Address A Address Operation 1005 1003 HSM before Instruction is Executed: Memory 1005 1004 1003 1002 Location Bits within 0 01 0101 0 00 0001 0 00 0111 1 00 0000 Each Location HSM after Instruction is Executed: Memory 1005 1004...
  • Page 70 Repeatable t>HT"ECT S General Description This instruction is one of three instructions which provides the 301 system with bit manipulation abilities. It operates on operands of equal length according to the rules outlined under "Outline of Operation" below. Format Operation —T —Number (0-44) of characters in each operand.
  • Page 71 Timing Total time in microseconds = 21n + 35, where n is the number of characters in either operand (operands must be of equal length). Example Instruction: B Address A Address Operation 1006 1001 HSM before Instruction is Executed: 1006 HSM Location 1001 1002...
  • Page 72 F L I P F L O F > General Description This instruction is one of three instructions which provides the 301 System with bit manipulation abilities. It is executed on operands of equal length according to the rules outlined under "Outline of Operation" below.
  • Page 73 Example Instruction: Operation A Address B Address 1003 1005 HSM before Instruction is Executed: Memory 1005 1004 1003 1002 1002 Location Bits within 0 01 0101 0 11 0010 0 00 0111 1 00 0000 1 00 0000 Each Location HSM after Instruction is Executed: Memory 1005...
  • Page 77 Store Register (REG) General Description This instruction places the contents of a specified register P, A, B, S, or U into a HSM location. Format Operation — V — Register to be stored P, A, B, S, or U. The desired register is specified by the following chart. None Register to be Stored &...
  • Page 78 HSM before Instruction is Executed: 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 HSM after Instruction is Executed: 1002 1004 1001 1003 1005 Final Register Contents: = 1003 = 2116 T ime: 49 jus. VII-4...
  • Page 79 Conditional Transfer of Control (CTC) General Description This instruction senses the PRI's, the EF/ED, Overflow, and Interrupt Indicators, and the Simultaneous Mode. It can choose alternate sets of sequences of instructions. Format Operation —W — Indicates element to be sensed according to the following chart: Indicator Sensed None PR'S FAt-L T>'T-iO...
  • Page 80 Final Register Contents (A)f = (A)j (B), = (B)i Timing 49 /is if a transfer of control takes place. 35 /is if no transfer of control takes place. VII-6...
  • Page 81 Compare Left (COM) General Description This instruction is used to determine the relative magnitude of two operands of equal length. The resulting PR1 settings permit alternate sequence of action. Format Operation —Y — Number (0-44) characters to be compared. (See Appendix F-I.) A Address —...
  • Page 82 Final Register Contents: (A), = 1006 (B), = 1012 PRZ is set. T ime: 21 (5) + 35 = 140 fj.s. Example #2 Instruction: Operation A Address B Address 2000 2006 HSM before and after Instruction is Executed: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004...
  • Page 83 Tally (TA) General Description This instruction permits looping through a sequence of operations by automatically reducing a pre-stored quantity each time control is transferred to the beginning of the sequence. When the quantity (always a positive numeric) has been exhausted, the Tally ends and the instruction following it is performed. The maximum value of of Tally quantity is 99.
  • Page 84 • Halt (HLT) General Description This instruction inhibits the staticizing of any further instructions, halting the computer after completion of any instruction in the Simultaneous or Record File Modes. Format Operation —.(period). ® — 0 (Zero), may be used to designate type of stop. A Address —...
  • Page 85 REPEAT CRPT) c - t O V F E t . ; W O M - K S - - F ' * T > I W ^ T ' R W C T I O General Description This instruction causes the next repeatable instruction to be repeated a specified number of times. All non- repeatable instructions which occur between this instruction and the repeatable instruction will also be repeated.
  • Page 89 The character in column one of the punched card is automatically translated from RCA Card Code to RCA 301 code and is placed in HSM in the location specified by the A Register. The following 79 characters are placed in successive locations in HSM. The final character (column 80) is located at (A), + 79.
  • Page 90 Automatic card translation does not take place if the BCT button on the Computer Console Panel is in the "on" position. Each card column is then split into two groups of six bits each, a parity bit is generated and ad ed to each group, and the resultant two characters are transferred into HSM.
  • Page 91 When the translate mode has been specified (N = 1) the character in column one of the punched card is automatically translated from RCA Card Code to RCA 301 Code and is placed in HSM in the location specified by the A Register.
  • Page 92 Example Instruction: Operation A Address B Address 0700 0000 HSM after Instruction is Executed: 0858 0859 0700 0701 Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data (Rows 3 (Rows 3 (Rows 9 (Rows 9 (Rows 3 (Rows 3 (Rows 9 (Rows 9 through Y) through Y)
  • Page 93 When the translate read mode has been specified (N = 1) the character in column one of the punched card is automatically translated from RCA Card Code to RCA 301 code and is placed in HSM in the location specified by the A Register.
  • Page 94 Timing PROCESSING TIME (ms)* Time Between Time Between Card Rate Card Rate Card Requests (ms) Card Requests (ms) per Minute per Minute Without Read Release With Read Release 600** 480** 343** 300** - Allow one millisecond of the available compute time for variation in the motor speed. '** When Reader-Punch includes Early Card Read Feature.
  • Page 95 The character in column one of the punched card is automatically translated from RCA Card Code to RCA 301 code and is placed in the location specified by the S Register. The following 79 characters are placed in successive locations in HSM. The final character (column 80) is located at (S)j + 79- In order to maintain the 600 card per minute rate, a card read instruction in which the N character is 4 must be executed for each card read.
  • Page 96 When Card Read instructions are staticized in which each N character is 1, cards may be read at any rate up to 200 cards per minute. No terminating instruction is necessary since only one card has been fed into the Card Reader transport mechanism by this instruction.
  • Page 97 When the translate mode has been specified (N = 1) the character in column one of the punched card is automatically translated from RCA Card Code to RCA 301 Code and is placed in HSM in the location specified by the S Register.
  • Page 98 When the translate read mode has been specified (N =1), the character in column one of the punched card is automatically translated from RCA card code to RCA 301 code and is placed in HSM in the location specified by the S Register.
  • Page 99 Timing PROCESSING TIME (ms)* Card Rate Card Rate Time Between Time Between per Minute per Minute Card Requests (ms) Card Requests (ms) Without Read Release With Read Release 600** 480** 343** 300** •» Allo w one millisecond of the available time for variation in the motor speed. ** When Reader-Punch includes Early Card Read Feature.
  • Page 100 Card Punch Normal (CPN) General Description This instruction enables the Model 334 Card Punch to punch 80-column cards from information contained in the HSM. JFormat Operation —2 —Must be zero (0). A Address — HSM address of first character to be punched. B Address —...
  • Page 101 Card Punch Normal (CPN) General Description This instruction enables the Model 336 Card Punch to punch 80-column cards from information contained in the HSM. Format Operation — 2 —Determines the rate at which cards are to be punched, or is used in a card cycle ending routine. Purpose Demand card punching, or to terminate continuous card punching Used in continuous card punching ending routine...
  • Page 102 Card Punch Normal (CPN) General Description This instruction enables the Punch Unit of the Card Reader-Punch to punch one or more 80-column cards from information contained in the HSM using the Normal Mode. Format Operation — 2 Card Punch Mode &...
  • Page 103 Card Punch Simultaneous (CPS) General Description This instruction enables the Card Punch Model 334 to punch 80-column cards from information contained in the HSM, using the Simultaneous Mode. Format Operation — 3 — Must be zero (0). A Address — HSM address of first character to be punched. B Address —...
  • Page 104 Card Punch Simultaneous (CPS) General Description This instruction enables the Model 336 Card Punch to punch 80-column cards from information contained in the HSM, using the Simultaneous Mode. Format Operation — 3 — Determines the rate at which cards are to be punched, or is used in card cycle ending routine. Purpose Demand card punching, or to terminate continuous card punching Used in continuous card punching ending routine...
  • Page 105 Card Punch Simultaneous (CPS) General Description This instruction enables the Punch Unit of the Card Reader-Punch to punch 80-column cards from information contained in the HSM, using the Simultaneous Mode. Format Operation — 3 Card Punch Mode Binary & Translate 0 (Zero) A Address —...
  • Page 106 Input/Output Control (IOC) ea.4vf « •oo-V e> General Description This instruction performs the Read Release, Punch Release and Stacker Select functions for the Card Reader- Punch, Model 330, and the Read Release function for the Card Readers, Model 324 and 329. Format Operation —...
  • Page 107 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected card device and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation — S — Selects the card device to be tested according to the following: Device Card Reader or Read Unit of Card Reader-Punch Card Punch or Punch Unit of Card Reader-Punch...
  • Page 111: Tape Read Forward Normal

    Tape Read Forward Normal (RFN) Repeatable General Description This instruction brings a series of consecutive characters from magnetic tape or punched paper tape into the HSM. Transfer from tape begins with the first character following a gap and ends when the next gap is sensed or the specified HSM area is filled.
  • Page 112 Timing Hi-Data Tapes, Model 381, are read at the rate of 10 KC. Hi-Data Tapes, Model 382, are read at the rate of 30 KC. Paper tape is read at the rate of up to 1000 characters per second. The tape station attached to the Tape Adapter or Dual Tape Channel is read at the rate of 33.3 KC if it is a Model 581 Tape Station or 66.7 KC if it is a Model 582 Tape Station.
  • Page 113 HSM before Instruction is Executed: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2003 2004 2001 2002 2000 — HSM after Instruction is Executed: 2007 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2000 — Final Register Contents: = 2005 (B), = 2004 PRP is set Example #3 Instruction: B Address...
  • Page 114: Tape Read Forward Simultaneous

    Tape Read Forward Simultaneous (RFS) General Description This instruction brings a series of consecutive characters from magnetic tape or punched paper tape into the HSM. Transfer from tape begins with the first character following a gap and ends when the next gap is sensed or the specific HSM area is filled.
  • Page 115 Tape Read Reverse Normal (RRN) Repeatable General Description This instruction transfers a series of consecutive characters from magnetic tape or punched paper tape into the HSM. Transfer from tape begins with the first character following a gap and ends when the next gap is sensed or the specified HSM area is filled.
  • Page 116 Timing Hi-Data tapes, Model 381, are read at the rate of 10 KC. Hi-Data tapes, Model 382, are read at the rate of 30 KC. Paper tape is read at the rate of up to 1000 characters per second. The tape station connected to the Tape Adapter or Dual Tape Channel is read at the rate of 33.3 KC if it is a Model 581 Tape Station, or 66.7 KC if it is a Model 582 Tape Station.
  • Page 117 Tape Read Reverse Simultaneous (RRS) General Description This instruction transfers a series of consecutive characters from magnetic tape or punched paper tape into the HSM. Transfer from tape begins with the first character following a gap and ends when the next gap is sensed or the specified HSM area is filled.
  • Page 118: Tape Write Normal

    Tape Write Normal (TWN) General Description This instruction transfers a specified series of consecutive characters in HSM to a designated Tape Station, a Paper Tape Punch, Interrogating Typewriter, or Monitor Printer. Format Operation — 8 — Identification character of Tape Station, Paper Tape Punch, Interrogating Typewriter, or Monitor Printer.
  • Page 119 HSM before and after Instruction is Executed: 4005 4006 4004 4003 4002 4001 4000 — — Tape on Station #1: Direction of Tape Motion FGHIJK | ABCDE Read-Write Head Read-Write Head in this gap in this gap after instruction before instruction Final Register Contents: = 4006 = 4005...
  • Page 120: Tape Write Simultaneous

    Tape Write Simultaneous (TWS) General Description This instruction transfers a specified series of consecutive characters in HSM to a designated Tape Station, Paper Tape Punch, Interrogating Typewriter, or Monitor Printer. This instruction operates in the Simultaneous Mode. Format Operation — 9 —...
  • Page 121 Rewind to BTC (RWD) General Description This instruction causes a designated magnetic tape unit to be completely rewound. Once the operation has been initiated the rewind proceeds totally independent of the Computer, not occupying the Normal, Simultaneous, or Record File Mode. The Computer, after initiating the rewind, is free to execute other instructions. Format Operation —;...
  • Page 122 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected input/output device and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation —S — Selects the input/output device to be tested according to the following: Device Device Unit #1 Unit # 2...
  • Page 123 A Address—(Continued) "1" Bit Numeric Device Tests Equivalent 2° Magnetic Tape Station tape station inoperable? Is the tape in motion? (Tape mo­ tion will not be indicated during a write to read delay.) Has ETW been sensed? Is the tape positioned on BTC? &...
  • Page 124 Automatic Rollback Control (IOS) General Description This instruction will allow the computer program to override the hardware rollback capabilities of the Model 382 and Model 582 Tape Stations. Immediate stopping will occur on all read and/or read after write errors. ©4 Gt^ Use trs Format...
  • Page 125 Sense Read Error (IOS) General Description This instruction is to be used in conjunction with the Read Error Sense Enhancement for Model 381 Tape Stations. It has two functions as follows: Set the Program Control Switch Format Operation —S —M A Address —...
  • Page 128 -ry V...
  • Page 129 Print & Paper Advance Normal (PAN) General Description This instruction can cause the contents of 120 or 160 consecutive HSM locations, beginning with an even hundred HSM address, to be transferred to the On-Line Printer, initiating the printing of one line. It can advance paper a specified number of lines according to the contents of N, or by the punches in the paper tape loop of the printer.
  • Page 130 These printer signals are used to develop an address for an automatic table lookup operation. This operation extracts from the Print Table (see Appendix H) the RCA 301 character which is to be printed next.
  • Page 131 Print & Paper Advance Simultaneous (PAS) General Description This instruction can cause the contents of 120 or 160 consecutive HSM locations, beginning with an even hundred HSM address, to be transferred to the On-Line Printer, initiating the printing of one line. It can advance the paper a specified number of lines designated by N or by the punches of the paper tape loop of the printer.
  • Page 132 These printer signals are used to develop an address for an automatic table look-up operation. This operation extracts from the Print Table (see Appendix H) the RCA 301 character which is to be printed next. This character is stored in the Print Register. The diad addressed by the S Register is read out of HSM and checked for the character stored in the Print Register.
  • Page 133 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected printer and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation —S — Selects the printer to be tested according to the following: Device Device Unit #2 Unit #1 On-Line Printer A Address —...
  • Page 137 Band Select Normal (BSN) General Description This instruction initiates a search of a designated Data Record File for the record containing a specified band, places the record on the turntable and advances the read/write arm to the "ready" position. Once this instruction is initiated (staticizing and establishing a control counter), the data record and band are selected independent of computer operation.
  • Page 138 Time (in s econds)* Number of Data Record Positions Rotated 2.65 * Variance ± 10% Note: Cage rotation has two speeds a. slow speed (from one to eight data record positions from selection point). b. fast speed (from nine to 64 data record positions from selection point). Use straight line inter­ polation for interim positions on table.
  • Page 139 Band Select Record File Mode (BSM) General Description This instruction initiates a search of a designated Data Record File for the record containing a specified band, places the record on the turntable and advances the read/write arm to the "ready" position. Once this instruction is initiated (staticizing and establishing a control counter), the data record and band are selected independent of computer operation.
  • Page 140 Number of Data Record Positions Rotated Time (in sec onds)* 2.65 * Variance ± 10% Note: Cage rotation has two speeds a. slow speed (from one to eight data record positions from selection point). b. fast speed (from nine to 64 data record positions from selection point). Use straight line inter polation for interim positions on table.
  • Page 141 Block Read Record Normal (BRN) General Description This instruction reads from a selected cell of the Data Record File to a designated HSM location. From one to ten blocks of information may be transferred from the Data Record File with one instruction. A cell may contain a block of one to 900 characters of information to be transferred.
  • Page 142 Timing 1. Data Record positioned on turntable and read/write arm in "ready" position: a. Read/write arm transferred to data record 0.62 to 0.85 sec.* b. Latency (to reach first character of first cell on data record) 0.2 to 0.4 sec. c.
  • Page 143 Block Read Record Simultaneous (BRS) General Description This instruction reads from the Data Record File controlled by the Record File Control Unit to a designated HSM location. From one to ten blocks of information may be transferred from the Data Record Fde with one instruction.
  • Page 144 Timing 1. Data Record positioned on turntable and read/write arm in ready position: /write arm transferred to data record °-62 to 0.85 sec.* Read b. Latency (to reach first character of first cell on data record) 0.2 to 0.4 sec. c.
  • Page 145 Block Write Record Normal (BWN) General Description This instruction writes from a selected HSM location to designated cells of the Data Record File under control of the Record File Control Unit. From one to ten blocks of information may be transferred to the Data Record File with one instruction.
  • Page 146 Timing 1. Data Record positioned on turntable and read/write arm in "ready" position: a. Read/write arm transferred to data record 0.62 to 0.85 sec.* b. Latency (to reach first character of first cell on data record) 0.2 to 0.4 sec. c.
  • Page 147 Block Write Record Simultaneous (BWS) General Description This instruction writes from a designated HSM location to selected Data Record File cells. From one to ten blocks of information may be transferred to the Data Record File with one instruction. A cell may contain a block of one to 900 characters of information.
  • Page 148 Timing 1. Data Record positioned on turntable and read/write arm in "ready" position: a. Read/write arm transferred to data record 0.62 to 0.85 sec.* b. Latency (to reach first character of first cell on data record) 0.2 to 0.4 sec. c.
  • Page 149 Record File Mode Read (RMR) General Description This instruction reads from selected cells located in one of the four Data Record Files connected to the Data Record File Mode Control Unit. From one to ten blocks of information may be transferred from a Data Record File and placed in FISM with one instruction.
  • Page 150 Timing 1. Data Record positioned on turntable and read/write arm in "ready" position: a. Read/write arm transferred to data record 0.62 to 0.85 sec.* b. Latency (to reach first character of first cell on data record) 0.2 to 0.4 sec. c.
  • Page 151 Record File Mode Write (RMW) General Description This instruction writes from a selected HSM location to designated cells in one of the four Data Record Files connected to the Data Record File Mode Control Unit. From one to ten blocks of information may be transferred to the Record File with one instruction.
  • Page 152 Timing 1. Data Record positioned on turntable and read/write arm in "ready" position: a. Read/write arm transferred to data record 0.62 to 0.85 sec.* b. Latency (to reach first character of first cell on data record) 0.2 to 0.4 sec. c.
  • Page 153 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected Data Record File and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation —S — Selects the Data Record File to be tested according to the following: Device Device Unit #2...
  • Page 155 INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS DATA DISC FILE XII — INPUT/OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS — DATA DISC FILE F iu£4» / M ACHfWt 4 v \ » t » y w g " 2 - 4 t ) & KS / M ^ ^ £ TftA;T4 5 ^ 1 1 % 0 h o - r / H o d w W...
  • Page 157 Track Select (TS) General Description This instruction positions the read/write heads over 1 of 128 tracks. Once initiated the track selection is performed independently of computer operation. Format Operation —D —R (First Data Disc File) — Z (Second Data Disc File) A Address —...
  • Page 158 Sector Read Disc Normal (SRN) General Description This instruction reads from a selected sector of the Data Disc File to a designated HSM location. From one to ten sectors of information may be transferred from the Data Disc File with one instruction. 160 characters are transferred for each sect,qr designated.
  • Page 159 Final Register Contents (A), = Address of HSM location one to the right of the last character put in memory. (B)f - (B) Timing Characters are read at the rate of 32 KC. Five milliseconds are required to read one sector. The average time to get to the designated sector is 25 milliseconds (file latency).
  • Page 160 Sector Read Disc Simultaneous (SRS) MT used General Description ThiS instruction reads from a selected sector of the Data Disc File to a designated HSM location. From one to ten sectors of information may be transferred from the Data Disc File with one instruction. 160 characters are transferred for each sector designated.
  • Page 161 If a character with faulty parity is read, an octal 57 (57 ) will be stored in HSM in place of the faulty character. An indicator will also be set and remain set until another read instruction is started. If this instruction contains a bit in the B position and the selected Data Disc File is busy in the Simultaneous Mode, the Simultaneous Instruction being performed will be terminated on the next transfer of data to or from the file The new instruction will then be executed in the normal manner.
  • Page 162 Sector Write Disc Normal (SWN) General Description This instruction writes from a selected HSM location to designated sectors of the Data Disc File. From one to ten sectors of information may be transferred to the Data Disc File with one instruction. 160 characters are transferred for each sector written.
  • Page 163 Timing Characters are written at the rate of 32 KC. Five milliseconds are required to write one sector. The average time to get to the sector designated is 25 milliseconds (file latency).
  • Page 164 Sector Write Disc S imultaneous (SWS) General Description This instruction writes from a selected HSM location to designated sectors of the Data Disc File. From one to ten sectors of information may be transferred to the Data Disc File with one instruction. 160 characters are transferred for each sector written;...
  • Page 165 If this instruction contains a bit in the B 2" position and the selected Data Disc File is busy in the Simultaneous Mode, the Simultaneous Instruction being performed will be terminated on the next transfer of data to or from the file.
  • Page 166 E E F O k e E v S-RV Input/Output Sense (IOS) Vi/Krr& General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected Data Disc File and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation — S —Selects the Data Disc File to be tested according to the following: Unit #2 Unit #1 Note:...
  • Page 167: Xiii - Input/Output Instructions -Data Exchange Control

  • Page 168 x->$ ' • • • • m ' • ' • ' • ' • < Safe •;"C; • .. $ •M • • • » . •: •' - ' , v m t m • h w ' •...
  • Page 169 Tape Read Forward Normal (RFN) Moo 11 7 \oo' General Description This instruction is used to receive data into the HSM of one processor from the HSM of another processor provided both are equipped with a Data Exchange Control. This instruction operates in the Normal Mode. Receipt of data will terminate when the terminate signal is received from the sending computer or by AB equality.
  • Page 170 Tape Read Forward Simultaneous (RFS) General Description This instruction is used to receive data into the HSM of one processor from the HSM of another processor provided both are equipped with a Data Exchange Control. This instruction operates in the Simultaneous Mode. Receipt of data will terminate when the terminate signal is received from the sending computer or by AB equality.
  • Page 171 u/-~ Tape Write Normal (TWN) General Description This instruction is used to transmit data from the HSM of one processor to the HSM of another processor provided both are equipped with a Data Exchange Control. This instruction operates in the Normal Mode. Format Operation —8 —...
  • Page 172 Tape Write Simultaneous (TWS) General Description This instruction is used to transmit data from the HSM of one processor to the HSM of another processor provided both are equipped with a Data Exchange Control. This instruction operates in the Simultaneous Mode. Format Operation —9 —H (first unit)
  • Page 173 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction is used in two ways. The two ways are difterentiated by the state of the 2° bit of A in the A address. The following are the instruction formats and the corresponding tests to be performed. IOS (A = l) Format...
  • Page 174 IOS (A, = 0) Format Operation —S —I A Address — A specifies the tests to be performed as follows: "1" Bit Numeric Test Equivalent 2° Is the other computer non-operable? Is the other computer in a receiving mode? Is the other computer in a transmitting mode? Has a character with incorrect parity been received or sent? —...
  • Page 177: Print Tape Normal

    Print Tape Normal (TWN) General Description This instruction transfers a specified series of consecutive characters in HSM to the Multiple Tape Lister Buffer. Format Operation — 8 — — (minus) A Address — Address of the first location in HSM to be transferred to the buffer (Control Character). B Address —...
  • Page 178: Print Tape Simultaneous

    Print Tape Simultaneous (TWS) General Description This instruction transfers a specified series of consecutive characters in HSM to the Multiple Tape Lister Buffer in the Simultaneous Mode. Format Operation — 9 — — (minus) A Address — Address of the first location in HSM to be transferred to the buffer (Control Character). B Address —...
  • Page 179 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected device and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation — S — - (minus) A Address — A specifies the tests to be performed as follows: "...
  • Page 180 ® w ^ m \ H H V fi ,' • ! • :t,: y • •:" v W W H i f : . ¥...
  • Page 183 Select (SEL) General Description This instruction must be executed prior to the issuance of each read or write. If the select is omitted, the read or write terminates immediately upon being issued and the illegal operation indicator is set. Format Operation —D —...
  • Page 184 The 3^88 unit has two levels of storage for card select information, so that a card preselect function can be performed. The card preselected will not be extracted on to the raceway until the trailing edge of the returning card passes the detection station approximately 10ms ahead of the read-write heads.
  • Page 185: Read Normal

    Read Normal (RFN) General Description This instruction reads a series of consecutive characters from a magnetic card on a 3488 unit starting at the block previously selected by a Select instruction. The instruction terminates and the transfer of information ends when the specified HSM area is filled or the last character of block 255 is read, whichever occurs first.
  • Page 186: Read Simultaneous

    Read Simultaneous (RFS) General Description This instruction reads a series of consecutive characters from a magnetic card on a 3488 unit starting at the block previously selected by the Select instruction. The instruction terminates and the transfer of information ends when the specified HSM area is filled or the last character of block 255 is read, whichever occurs first.
  • Page 187: Write Normal

    Write Normal (TWN) General Description This instruction writes a series of consecutive characters from HSM to a magnetic card on a 3488 unit, starting at the block previously selected by the Select instruction. Transfer of information ends when the last character in the specified HSM area is written or after the last character of block 255 is written, whichever occurs first.
  • Page 188: Write Simultaneous

    Write Simultaneous (TWS) General Description This instruction writes a series of consecutive characters from HSM to a magnetic card on a 3488 unit, starting at the block previously selected by the Select instruction. Transfer of information ends when the last character in the specified HSM area is written or after the last character of block 255 is written, whichever occurs first.
  • Page 189 Input/Output Sense (IOS) General Description This instruction tests the desired status of the selected channel and chooses one of two sequences of instructions. Format Operation — S —Specifies device number. (60) to (63) o° Model 380-14 channel. (64) to (67) on Model 380-24 channel.
  • Page 190 Notes 1. A Select instruction keeps the channel busy for 50ms. after actual termination of the instruction. 2. This sensible bit is set by a Select instruction and reset by a Read or Write instruction. When a Read or Write instruction is accepted by the channel, block select becomes permissible. If the read or write is terminated with a card on the capstan, block select remains permissible.
  • Page 191 Final Register Contents = (A)j (B)f - (B), R e a d i n g o r W ri t i n g I n d i c a t o r H o w I n d i ca t e d I n s t r u c t i o n C o m m e n t s C o n di t i o n s...
  • Page 192 C a r d S e l e c t H o w I n d i c a t e d I n d i c a t o r I n st r uc t io n C o m m e n t s C o n di t i o n s T o P r o g ra m C l e a r a n c e...
  • Page 193 Bl ock S e l e c t H o w I n d i c a t e d I n d i c a t o r I n st r u c t io n C o m m e n t s C o nd i t i o n s T e r mi n a t i o n T o P r o g r a m...
  • Page 194 M i s c e l l a n e o u s C o n d i t i o n s Instruc tion H o w I n d i c a t e d I n d i c a t o r C o m m e n t s C o n d i t i o ns T e r m i n a ti o n...
  • Page 196 APPENDIX A. RCA 301 CODES MA CHINE CODE TAPE C O D E* CARD CO DE C h a r a c t e r C h a r a c t e r C h a r a c t e r...
  • Page 197 APPENDIX A. RCA 301 CODES (Continued) CARD CO DE TAPE CO DE * MACHI NE CO DE C h a r a c t e r C h a r a c t e r C h a r a c t e r...
  • Page 198 APPENDIX B. LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS INPUT/OU TPUT IN STRUCTIONS Op. Code Abbreviation Instruction Name Card Read Normal (Model 323 Reader) Card Read Normal (Model 330 Card Reader-Punch) Card Read Normal (Model 324, 329 Readers) Card Read Simultaneous (Model 323 Reader) Card Read Simultaneous (Model 330 Card Reader-Punch) Card Read Simultaneous (Model 324, 329 Readers) Card Punch Normal (Model 334 Punch)
  • Page 199: Decision And Control Instructions

    APPENDIX B. LIST OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) INPUT/ OUTP UT IN STR UCTIONS Instruction Code Abbreviation Record File Mode Read Record File Mode Write Rewind to BTC Input/Output Control DA TA HA NDLING IN STRUCTIONS Translate by Table Transfer Symbol to Fill Locate Symbol Left Locate Symbol Right Transfer Data Left...
  • Page 200 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY Code Instruction A Address B Address Translate by Table Number (0-44) of char­ HSM location of left­ HSM location of first character of trans­ most character to be late table (must end in 00) acters to be translated translated Address of data to be printed from HSM Print &...
  • Page 201 OF INSTRUCTIONS Final Register Contents PRI's Repeat Remarks A Register B Register Operation left to right. (A) t = HSM address of (B)r = (B)i Translation in place location one to the right of the last character translated 120 or 160 characters (A)r = HSM address of = (B)i except that B printed if Bi is even.
  • Page 202 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY • B Address A Address Instruction Code Bo = Must be zero (0) Must be zeros (0000) Specifies Data Disc Track Select B,, Ba, Bo sele cts track (000-127) File to select R (First Data Disc File) Z (Second Data Disc File) Bo = Must be zero (0)
  • Page 203 OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents Remarks Remarks A Register B Register PRI's PRI's Repeat Repeat (A)f = (A)i (B)f = (B)i Track will be selected independently of computer operation (B)t = (B)i Record will be selected (A)r = (A) i independent of computer operation.
  • Page 204 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY • B Address A Address Code Instruction designates first sector to be written to Specifies additional HSM address of first Sector Write Disc = 0, prevents override of Data Normal number of sectors to be character to be written Disc Simultaneous instruction written and file selected 2* of...
  • Page 205 OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents A Register B Register PRI's PRI's Repeat Repeat Remarks Remarks Operation left to right (A)r = HSM address one (B) r — ( B) i to the right of last character written Operation left to right (S) r = HSM address one (T)r = (B)i to the right of last character...
  • Page 206 APPENDIX C. SUMMARY B Address A Address Instruction Code = 0000 — do not staticize when re­ A = 0000 — do not Number (0-14) of times Repeat peating instruction staticize when to repeat next instruction = 0001 — staticize when repeating in­ repeating instruc­...
  • Page 207 OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents PRI's PRI's Repeat Repeat Remarks Remarks A Register B Register (A)r = (A)i (B)t = (B) (B)r = (B) (B), = (B), (A)r = (A)i (B)r = (B) Controls the Read Error (A)r = (A), (B), = (B), Sense Enhancement Program Control Switch...
  • Page 208 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY Address A Address Code Instruction HSM address of next instruction if one HSM address of next Specifies element to be Conditional of the following conditions is true: instruction if one of the sensed: Transfer of N = 1 and PRN is set following conditions is N = 0, None Control...
  • Page 209 OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents 1 • A Register B Register PRI's PRI's Repeat Remarks (A)t = (A) i (B)r = (B) i The next instruction in sequence is performed if: X. N = 0 2. N = 1 and PRZ is set 3.
  • Page 210 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY • Code Instruction A Address B Address Card Punch Specifies translate or HSM address of first HSM address of last character to be punched Normal (Card binary mode character to be punched •f Reader — Punch) Card Punch Must be zero (0) HSM address of first...
  • Page 211 OF OBSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents B Register A Register Remarks PRI's Repeat (B).= (B), (A)r = HSM address one Operation left to right to right of last character punched (T), = (B). (S) r = HSM address one Operation left to right to the right of last character punched (T)t = (B)i...
  • Page 212 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY B Address Code Instruction A Address HSM address of last character to be read Specifies Tape Station or HSM address of first Tape Read Reverse Paper Tape Reader character to be read Simultaneous HSM address of last character to be Tape Write Specifies Tape Station, HSM address of first...
  • Page 213 OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents B Register A Register Repeat Remarks PRI's (S)r = HSM address one ( T ) r = ( B ) i Operation right to left to the left of last character ED/EF Simultaneous read Indicator set if an ED or EF is read from mag.
  • Page 214 APPENDIX C. S UMMARY Address Code Instruction A Address AoAjAi Input-Output ( (open parenthesis) — Mus t be Must be zeros (0000) > Control zeros (000) At designates function to be performed HSM address of leftmost HSM address of destination of first Transfer Data by Selected symbol on which character to be trans­...
  • Page 215 OF INSTRUCTIONS (Continued) Final Register Contents PRI's Repeat Remarks A Register B Register Used to control the Read ( A ) r = ( A ) i ( B ) r = (B ) . Release and Stacker Select Functions for the Card Reader-Punch, Card Readers, Models 324, 329 Operation left to right...
  • Page 216 APPENDIX D. I NSTRUCTION TIMING* O p . E x p o s i t o r y N o t e s Ins tructi on T i m i n g i n ju s C o d e n = no.
  • Page 217 APPENDIX D. INSTRUCTION TIMING* (Continued) O p . Ins tructi on T i m i n g i n p s E x po s i t o r y N o t e s C o d e a. Average File Latency Sector Read Disc a.
  • Page 218 APPENDIX D. I NSTRUCTION TIMING* (Continued) O p . E x p o s i t o r y N o t e s Ins tructi on T i mi n g i n C o d e Store Register a.
  • Page 219 APPENDIX D. I NSTRUCTION TIMING* (Continued) O p . E x p o s i t o r y N o t e s T i mi n g i n p .s Instru ction C o d e a. Rate of Hi-Data Tape, Model 381 a.
  • Page 220 APPENDIX D. I NSTRUCTION TIMING* (Continued) O p . I n s t r u c t i o n T i mi n g i n /ts E x p o s i t o r y N o t e s C o d e Tape Write Simultaneous Depends upon mode in...
  • Page 221 APPENDIX E. STANDARD HIGH SPEED MEMORY LOCATIONS U s e HS M L o ca t i o n s Sum Table 0000-0099 Difference Table 0100-0199 Card Punch — Temporary storage of address 0202-0205 Arithmetic — Temporary storage of address 0206-0209 0212-0215 0216-0219...
  • Page 222 APPENDIX F-l. SYMBOLS USED FOR N CHARACTER COUNTS EXCEPT IN REPEAT AND PAPER ADVANCE INSTRUCTIONS S y m bo l S y m b o l N C o u n t N C o u n t N C o u n t S y m b o l N C o u n t S y m b o l...
  • Page 223 APPENDIX G. DEVICE IDENTIFICATION FOR INPUT/OUTPUT AND IOS INSTRUCTIONS IOS INS TRUCTIONS D e vi c e First U nit S e c o n d Uni t Card Reader Card Punch Paper Tape Reader Paper Tape Punch On-Line Printer Data Disc File Data Record File (under control of RFC Unit) Data Record File (under control of RFM Unit)
  • Page 224 * Four of the 64 code configurations will not be available as standard 301 codes but can be generated by computer programming. Also, some of the 301 symbols do not appear in this list so that other symbols may be chosen to represent the 301 symbols. It is advisable to prevent energizing the hammers for spaces by placing the code (17) in location 9902, 1902, or Z902.
  • Page 226 APPENDIX I. CONTROL CHARACTERS AND PRINTABLE CHARACTERS FOR THE MULTIPLE TAPE LISTER (Continued) PRINTABLE CHARACTERS Pr int P o s i t i o n 2 4 Pr int P o s i t i o n s 1 - 2 3 C h a r a c t e r C h a r a c t e r T o C h a r a c t e r T o...
  • Page 227 APPENDIX J. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Access Time. A time interval which is characteristic of a storage device, and is essentially a measure of the time required to communicate with that device. The time interval between (1) the instant at wh.ch information is called for from storage and the instant at which it is delivered or (2) the instant at wh.ch information is ready for storage and the instant at which it is stored.
  • Page 228 APPENDIX J. GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Continued) Bucket. The logical 3488 software addressing unit containing records and/or tags comprised of one or more con­ secutive blocks and having many of the properties of a batch on magnetic tape. Home Bucket. The originally specified location of a record. Visitor/Substitute/Overflow Bucket.
  • Page 229 APPENDIX J. GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Continued) Common Memory. That portion of high-speed memory (HSM) used to store constant information necessary for operation of a program. It is the portion of a program which must never be overlaid and contains instructions necessary to start a program, hardware subroutines, and file parameters.
  • Page 230 A blank space on magnetic or paper tape. The gap is used to separate blocks or other units of data. High-Speed Memory. Magnetic core storage in the Computer in the RCA 301 System. See also Storage. High-Speed Memory (HSM) Location.
  • Page 231 Line Printer. A printing device capable of printing an entire line of characters at one time. Location. A storage position in the High-Speed Memory. Each location has a specific address and can hold one RCA character. LSC. Least Significant (rightmost) character.
  • Page 232 Register. A storage device with a specifically assigned function and a given unit capacity. Registers in the computer in the RCA 301 System are of one, two, or four character capacity. Relative Address. An address which specifies a location sequentially relative to a group of addresses but not a specific storage location.
  • Page 233 APPENDIX J. GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Continued) Simultaneity. The ability of the computer to execute more than one instruction at the same time. Slot. An eight-character field in the File Parameter Area containing the address of the User Bucket area. STA. Store A Register (automatic storage of final contents of A Register).
  • Page 235 STZ)i?T A/ p « r uj>e TTqpe. Deivc o u r - p o n ' p ^ i L»J I 1 G_ /??« e ^ j > O N ^ — O u I p y f C « / e u...

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