Corrected Anomalies; Firmware Revisions - Allen-Bradley 1441-PEN25 Release Notes

Enpac 2500 data collector version 3.10
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Corrected Anomalies

Table 3 - Corrected Anomalies with Firmware Revisions 1.03...3.10
System Version
CORRECTED: In some instances, the Bump Test and Recorder modules just get an hour glass but does not go into the program.
CORRECTED: After incorrect installation, the Runup Coast Down module does not Show Setup menu.
CORRECTED: The -gSE Time waveforms can appear 'smoothed' when compared to the Datapac 1500 data collector.
CORRECTED: Overlapping band alarms do not trigger correctly.
CORRECTED: The Capture On Alarm only works with first point after the Magnitude point.
CORRECTED: Filtered Orbits support up to 3x filtering, all others will be taken and uploaded as Unfiltered.
CORRECTED: The 1x RPM does not update cursors when in Continuous mode.
CORRECTED: Occasionally gSE / Time measurements are not taken correctly (all 0s).
CORRECTED: The - gSE Time waveforms are inverted.
CORRECTED: The Alarm overwrites the RPM section of the status area.
CORRECTED: You can only review offroute orbits as orbits if the coupling is set to DC when collecting data.
CORRECTED: Hardware Integration (Time Only, or Conservative Autoranging) reads about 4-5% low.
CORRECTED: Speed control points auto advance.
CORRECTED: You can review offroute orbits only as orbits if the coupling is set to DC when collecting data.
CORRECTED: Add ability to either use smaller Font Size or remove 'wrapping' in the Hierarchy.
CORRECTED: When using the overlapping band set and an analog filter, the instrument may show dotted lines at the edges of the bands. You could see no
visible alarm level for any band for high alarms or a solid red from bottom to top of the spectrum for low alarm; it may not flash.
When using the overlapping band set and a digital filter, the instrument takes the overall first, and then a spectrum that shows the bands correctly, a solid color
up/down to the correct level and flashing if the level was exceeded.
You cannot see a flashing 'alarmed' band that is overlapped or nested if it is being covered up with a solid non-alarmed. You may also see all non-tripped
alarms in solid red, not shaded red or in the color associated with the alarm in the Emonitor software.
CORRECTED: The Speed Reference function from a spectrum is not supported. The Current Spectrum Measurement and Extract from Current Spectrum
Measurement are also not supported by the Enpac 2500 data collector. Refer to speed reference in the Enpac 2500 User Manual, publication GMSI10-UM002.
CORRECTED: The data collector does not recognize user defined units.
CORRECTED: The data collector freezes when collecting data on a Secure Digital (SD) card for two continuous hours.
CORRECTED: If no previous data is set with the Emonitor software configured as undefined for the speed reference, the instrument may not calculate speed
correctly for dependant points.
CORRECTED: The increase from 3 to 6 levels of hierarchy can make the navigation more complex due to the amount of data that must be scrolled through to
confirm the point.
CORRECTED: When trying to set a high Fmax to measure gear mesh frequencies, for example, up to 80 kHz, the unit may let you take the reading if entering
with numeric keys.
CORRECTED: When the route is collected, the first two channel measurement is collected without errors. During the second two channel measurement the
error message `error retrieving information from database' appears and the route locks up.
This sections describes the anomalies corrected by the Enpac 2500 data collector,

firmware revisions 1.03...3.10.

Rockwell Automation Publication GMSI10-RN004B-EN-E - August 2012
Enpac 2500 Data Collector Version 3.10 7


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