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JC Systems 620A Reference Manual page 34


There are two controller modes of operation, Programmer and Manual.
Programmer: The controller receives it's setpoint from a profile programmed in the Model 620A's memory.
Manual: The controller receives its setpoint directly via front panel or computer command entry.
The controller immediately controls to the new setpoint value.
When a channel is placed in the Manual mode, the manual setting and setpoint will
override any programmed information. To operate the channel in a programmed mode
the channel must be reset from Manual Mode to Programmer mode of operation.
The event outputs will "always" operate as programmed. Leaving a channel in the Manual
Mode and running a program will only maintain the controller channel's manual setpoint.
The event status will follow the programmed settings.
When operating in the FastTRAC mode the CH2 controller must be in the Programmer mode.
Manual % Output Mode: This special function allows the user to set a fixed controller % output.
The % output is available on one screen only. Leaving the % output screen returns the controller
channels back to the manual mode of operation with the setpoint cleared and outputs disabled.
The process below shows Manual Setpoint control in the Single Chanel Mode.
Manual setpoints can also be entered for each channel together or independently in the Two Channel Mode.
In the FastTRAC Model of operation only the CH1 manual setpoint can be entered. The CH2 setpoint is
generated internally and sent to CH2.
Page 1: Programmer/Manual mode selection screen.
This screen shows the initial manual mode screen with the programmer in the single channel mode and selected
for Programmer operation.
Line 1: CH1 setpoint, CH2 setpoint (blank in this mode), Event status (1 – 8)
From the Main Menu select Item 5.
Push <5>.
Line 2: CH1 process value, CH2 process value and
Event status (A – H).
Line 3: CH1 mode. Push <Sel> to toggle between
Programmer and Manual.
Line 4: Blank in this mode. In two channel mode
Programmer or Manual modes available.

