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JC Systems 620A Reference Manual page 11


Section 1 - SELECT PROGRAM TO RUN Screen
From the Main Menu push <STOP>, <RESET>, <PAGE DOWN> , <1>.
The cursor will be flashing on the Program # field displaying the last program run.
Enter the program number you wish to run using the numeric keypad.
If you wish to start the program on any step other than step# 1.
Push the Right or Left <Arrow>. The cursor will toggle between the program and step number fields.
In the step# field, enter the step number on which you would like the program to start.
Push <RUN>.
The programmer will immediately return to the "Home Screen" and begin running the program from the selected program
and step number.
You MUST select a starting step with a Step Type of Ramp/Soak. Pushing <RUN>
on any other step type will cause the 620A to freeze on that step and not execute the
You MUST select a program# that has a valid program in that program# location.
Selecting a program number without programmed information will cause the 620A
to freeze on that program and not execute.
DO NOT select a step number higher than the last step (EOP) of the program.
If a step number is entered higher than the last step (EOP) the display will cycle between
"INVALID ENTRY" and the home screen display.
Pushing <RUN> will reset the step# to step 1 of the displayed program# and run the program.
Pushing <CLR> will reset the step# to step 1 and remain in "Select a program to Run."

