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JC Systems 620A Reference Manual page 13


Section 1-2 - CHANGE CURRENT VALUE Screen
2 – CHG_CUR_VAL (Change Current Value):
When <RUN> is pressed the displayed program step is placed in and operated from a location in RAM. Any operating
parameter of the current running step can be modified and executed for the remainder of the step time without changing
the origianl values programmed in memory.
Push <STOP>, <RESET>, <PAGE DOWN> , <2> (to Chg_Cur_Val screen).
Use the Left & Right <Arrow>, <Page Down> and <Page Up> to navigate to the field to be modified.
The following parameters can be modified in the CHG_CUR_VAL selection.
Page 1:
Page 2:
NEXT PGM: Program to execute when the current step time reaches zero.
NEXT STEP: Starting step number of next program to execute.
Push <RUN> after all desired changes are made. The Model 620A will continue running the selected step with the new
parameter values.
CH1 Setpoint and DEV
CH2 Setpoint and DEV
PROG #, STEP#, TIME: Time remaining in the current step
EVT – On/Off status of the 16 programmable event outputs.
LOOPS: number of loops to ececute in the current loop sequence.
CYCLES: number of cycles to repeat from the EOP step.

