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JC Systems 620A Reference Manual page 14


RAMP STEP: If the setpoint is changed in a Ramp step the 620A will calculate a new ramp rate
based on the "new" setpoint and the time remaining in the step.
If the original ramp was from 0 to 60 deg in 1 hr (1 deg/min) and the unit is
stopped at 30 min the current running setpoint will be 30.
If the setpoint is changed to 90 and <RUN> is pushed and new ramp is generated
from 30 deg to 90 deg (60 deg change) in the remaining 30 min (2 deg/min).
If the 1 deg rate of change is necessary then the TIME must also be changed to
60 min. prior to pushing <RUN>.
SOAK STEP: If the setpoint is changed in a Soak step the 620A will make an immediate change to the new setpoint
(zero time). The time remaining in the step clocks down.
If the original soak setpoint was 50 deg for 4 hrs and the unit is stopped with 2
hrs remaining the setpoint is held at 50. If a new setpoint value of 75 is entered
and <RUN> is pushed, the setpoint of 75 is immediately executed the clock
begins to time down from 2 hrs. The controller will control to and hold the new
CLR: Clearing the setpoint will display ---.- in the setpoint display and immediately
"kill" the controller outputs for that channel when the cursor is moved.
The next step will always be a ramp to the next programmed setpoint from the
current process value.
DEVIATION: The new deviation alarm value for the selected channel is active as soon as the
value is entered and remains active for the duration of the step when <RUN> is pushed.
TIME: The new time entered will be used for the remainder of the current step after <RUN> is
pushed. <CLR> will display the time as 00:00:00 and the unit will execute the next sequntial program and step
after <RUN> is pushed.
Only the number of Loops remaining for the current nested Loop can be
If the Loop display shows either --- or 0, the unit has not yet reached the Loop step for
that nested Loop and the Loops counter has not been updated.
If the ---- or 0 are displayed the number of loops may not be changed.
No changes can be made if the loop counter indicates 1 loop remaining.
The 620A will continue to the next sequential step of the program after the loop
step is reached.
The number of programmed cycles may be changed.
The cycles have the same requirements as the loops.
DO NOT use the <0> or <CLR> to change the loops.
Using 0 or CLR will have no effect.

