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JC Systems 620A Reference Manual page 15


Section 1-3 – EDIT: Create new or edit existing programs in memory.
4 Programmer/Controller Configurations.
Single Channel, Two Channel, FastTRAC Standard and FastTRAC PassTHRU.
Push <STOP>, <RESET>, <PAGE DOWN> , <3> (to EDIT).
There are six Step Types. Each Ramp/Soak type step has two edit pages. All other Step_Types have one edit page.
Page 1 – Ramp/Soak Step: Single, Two and FastTRAC modes.
Line 1: Step_Type field - Use Sel button to scroll through six choices.
Line 4: Guarantee Soak. Value entered in controller units. CH2 GS is not displayed in singel channel mode.
<PAGE DOWN to page 2.
Page 2 – Ramp/Soak Step: Single and Dual Modes. See next picture for Page 2 in FastTRAC Mode.
Line 1: CH1 setpoint and Deviation Alarm value entry fields.
Line 4: Events On/Off. Two entry fields. Use RT & Left Arrow key to move from number (1 – 8) to
Letter (A – H) event fields. Push the desired event number or letter (while in the appropriate
Field) to turn event On/Off. Event ON = number or letter displayed. Event OFF decimal displayed.
<PAGE DOWN> to page 1 of next step or <PAGE UP> page 1 of this step.
Line 2: Dsiplay only. Next step in
program sequence.
Line 3: Prog # and Step #.
Step# is default when entering Edit mode.
Free Steps – Display only. Shows the
number of steps available in memory of
the original 200.
Line 2: CH2 setpoint and Deviation
Alarm value entry fields.
This line is not displayed in Single
channel mode.
Line 3: Prog # and Step # fields.
Step Time entry field. Time entered in
HH : MM : SS.

