Minimum Heights And Distances; Position Indications - Accorroni MEC25-85 Technical Information

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4.1.1 Installation of MEC air heaters for the
free delivery of warm air
To ensure the optimal configuration of the air
heaters within an environment, it is recommended
to observe the following instructions:
a) position the air heater as close as possible to
the occupied area, also for what concerns the
installation height of the appliance, without
however taking the risk of striking people directly
with the flow of warm air
b) when installing the appliance consider the
presence of obstacles, such as pilasters,
shelving and stored materials which might
prevent the warm air from being delivered
c) when more than one air heater is installed in the
same room, it is recommended to distribute the
warm air in opposing directions (fig. 17)
d) Where there is a large inflow of cold air, such as
next to entrance doors, it is recommended to
install an air heater so that the stream of warm
air flows directly towards the cold sources.
4.1.2 Installation of MEC C air heaters for
distribution of ducted air
For ducted installation it is recommended to
observe the following instructions:
a) for ducted units, all delivery and return air ducts,
including air filters, jointing and any insulation
or lining, must be constructed entirely of materials
which will not contribute to a fire, are of adequate
strength and dimensionally stable for the
maximum internal and external temperatures to
which they will be exposed during commissioning
and normal operation.
When selecting materials, it is also necessary
to consider the working environment and the air
temperatures which will result when the overheat
limit thermostat is being commissioned. Where
inter-joist spaces are used as duct routes, they
should be suitably lined with a fire-resisting
b) a full and unobstructed return air path to the air
heater(s) must be provided.
If the air heater(s) will be installed in a plant
room, the return air and warm air discharge
layouts must prevent any interference with flue
operation by the air circulation fan. The return
air intake(s) and the warm air outlet(s) should,
therefore, be fully ducted, in the plant room, to
and from the air heater(s) respectively. The
openings in the plant room structure crossed by
ducting must be fire stopped.
c) make sure that return-air intakes are kept clear
of any sources of smells and fumes, and in
special circumstances, where there is any
possibility of polluting the air with dust, shavings,
etc., precautions must be taken by carefully
positioning return-air intakes and installing
screens to prevent contamination.


If the appliance is installed in the room to be
heated, the installation height has a direct effect
on the optimum distribution of the warm air. For
this reason the air heater should be installed with
its base at a height of 2.5 metres from the ground
(fig. 18).
Do not install the air heater at higher levels from
the ground, thus limiting the stratification of the air.
If this is not possible or for the case involving
rooms with heights greater than 6-7 metres, it is


page 22
Fig. 17

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