Figure 5.1: Mcdwin Main Window; Mcdwin Program - FAST ComTec MCDWIN User Manual

Webmca multichannel data processor
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MCDWIN Program

MCDWIN Program
The window of the MCDWIN program is shown here. It enables the full control of the webMCA via
the server program to perform measurements and save data, and shows the data on-line in
several windows.
The server program WEBMCA.EXE automatically starts MCDWIN. If you try to start MCDWIN
before the server is started, a message box warns that you should start the server first.

Figure 5.1: MCDWIN main window

A status window at the left side gives all information about the status of the MCA. A toolbar
provides fast access to many used functions in the menu. A status bar at the bottom indicates the
meaning of the toolbar icons. A cursor appears when clicking the left mouse button inside the
graphic area. To clear the cursor, move the cursor outside the spectrum display and double click
with the right mouse button. To define a region, press the right mouse button, and while keeping
the button pressed, drag a rectangle. In the zoomed state a scrollbar appears that allows to scroll
through the spectrum.
MCDWIN has also viewing capabilities for two dimensional spectra. A single spectrum can be
converted into a two dimensional one by specifying the x dimension in the display option dialog.
It is possible to drag a rectangle and zoom into this rectangle. Rectangular ROIs can be set and
the ROISum and Net ROISum is displayed. The Net Sum is calculated the same way like in the
single view, by subtracting a linear interpolated background from the both outmost channels in x-
direction. This Net sums are then summed up in y-direction. The ROI editing dialog is changed
into a Rectangular Editing dialog for MAP and ISO displays. The Cursor can be moved in x and y
direction using the mouse and the arrow keys, in ISO display only using the arrow keys.
ComTec GmbH


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