FAST ComTec MCDWIN User Manual page 22

Webmca multichannel data processor
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alert Message
waitinfo 5000 Message; Displays a Messagebox containing Message, an OK and an END
beep *
delay 4000
run controlfile
onstart command
onstart off
onstop command
onstop off
onlast command
onlast off
ComTec GmbH
Windows Server Program
; Saves data of actual multichannel analyzer. An existing file is
; overwritten.
; pushes the actual filename on an internal stack that can hold 4
; names.
; pops the last filename from the internal stack.
; Loads data of actual multichannel analyzer; the filename must be
; specified before with a command datname=...
; Adds data to actual multichannel analyzer; the filename must be
; specified before with a command datname=...
; Subtracts data from actual multichannel analyzer; the filename must
; be specified before with a command datname=...
; Smoothes the data in actual multichannel analyzer
; Clears the data of system 1.
; Exits the MCA.exe (and MCDWIN) programs
; Displays a Messagebox containing Message and an OK button that
; must be pressed before execution can continue.
; button. After the specified time (5000 msec) the Messagebox
; vanishes and execution continues. OK continues immediately, END
; escapes execution.
; Makes a beep. The character '*' may be replaced with '?', '!' or left
; empty. The corresponding sound is defined in the WIN.INI file in the
; [sounds] section.
; Waits specified time (4000 msec = 4 sec).
; Runs a sequence of commands stored in control file. This command
; cannot be nested, i.e. it is not possible to execute a run command
; from the control file called.
; The command is executed always after a start action when the
; acquisition is already running. The command can be any valid
; command, also 'run controlfile' is possible.
; Switches off the 'onstart' feature. Also a manual Stop command
; switches it off.
; The command is executed always after a stop caused by a preset
; reached or trigger. This can be used to program measure cycles. For
; example the command 'onstop start' makes a loop of this kind.
; Switches off the 'onstop' feature. Also a manual Stop command
; switches it off.
; Defines the file count for the last run in a measure cycle. After a file
; with this count or greater was saved with autoinc on, instead of the
; 'onstop command' the 'onlast command' is executed.
; Defines the file count for the last run in a measure cycle. The last
; count is the present one plus the numruns number.After a file with
; this count was saved with autoinc on, instead of the 'onstop
; command' the 'onlast command' is executed.
; The command is executed after a stop caused by a preset reached
; or trigger instead of the 'onstop command', when the last file count is
; reached with autoinc on. This can be used to finish programmed
; measure cycles.
; Switches off the 'onlast' feature. Also a manual Stop command
; switches it off.


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