Image Size; Linearity; Geometrical Distortion; Jitter - Nokia 446PRO Service Manual

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--- Luminance uniformity:
With the brightness control set so that the background raster is just extinguished the contrast
control set for L0 = 100 nits, ( 29 Ft ---L), luminance on areas L1, L2, L3 and L4 shall be greater
than (75 %) of L0.(75 nits)

6.6. Image size

Display size is defined as the width and height of the display using the active raster, not includ-
ing the border.
Full white field brightness set to 100 nits (29 Ft ---L). Cross---hatch test pattern.
The width and the height are measured at the center of the screen.
Nominal size:
Width = 354 mm
Height = 265 mm
Over the full range of operating temperature, the size shall not change more than one percent.

6.7. Linearity

Cross---hatch test pattern (16 x 12 cells). Brightness control set so that the background raster is
just extinguished and the contrast control is set to maximum.
The limits for vertical or horizontal non---linearities are 4 % for adjacent cells and 8 % for overall
linearity. The method of calculating linearity is: [ (max---min)/max ]*100 < 8 %
The measurements are done along the vertical and horizontal center lines of the screen.
Frequency range <48kHz non---linearities are 8% for adjacent cells and 12% for overall linearity.

6.8. Geometrical distortion

The distance between bezel and active screen edge shall not vary more than 1.5mm for ad-
justed mode and 4.0mm for the preloaded mode.

6.9. Jitter

Image motion in terms of dynamic pixel displacement shall be defined as jitter.
(MPR 1990:10, 1.07)
The horizontal and vertical displacement of any pixel using the "convergence" dot and cross
hatch pattern measured using microscope with appropriate magnification.
The maximum displacements in both the horizontal and vertical directions must be less than 0.1
Adjusted mode
± 4
± 3
Pre load or GTF based timings :
± 6 mm
± 5 mm

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