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Sanyo PLC-400P Service Manual page 3

Portable lcd color video projector


1 .
Fundamentat Princip)es of the Liquid
Crysta) Projector
The white tight emitted from the iight source is
separated into red (R), green (G) and biue (B) tight
components by the dichroic mirror. Each component is
projected onto one of the three liquid crystal panefs.
The three crystal iiqufd panels are respoctivefy driven
by Ft, G, and B primary co)or signals. The R/G/B images
are reproduced by the shutter operation of these panefs.
The R, G, and B pictures dispfayed on the three paneis
are again combined by the dichroic mirror into one and
projected onto the screen.
[^^] shows the fundamental phncipfes of the liquid
crysta) projector. Uttraviotet and infrared rays are tittered
out by the UV - cut fitter and cotd fitter from the !)ght
beams produced by the metaf haiide iamp which is the
iight source. Thus unneeded fight components in the
projected image are efiminatod and the liquid crystal
panei is protected from the iight and heat of the famp.
The uftravioiet rays harmfu! to the operator are atso cut
out. The tight beams now consist only of visibte t^ght
components which enter the condenser iens, creating
para!!ei iight beams to prevent tight from scattering,
improving luminous efficiency. The tight beams are next
divided into three primary cotors (red, green and btue)
by the dichroic mirror. The dichroic mirror is a fitter
constructed of multiple dielectric layers, each having a
different refractive index. The tayers are formed on g!ass
to reflect fight of a specific wavelength and transmit
others. Each of the divided R. G, and B parafiei tight
beams now enter its respective liquid crystal pane),
where they are intensity- modulated by R/G/B cotor
signats. The images formed on R, G and B panots are
again combined by the dichroic mirror end reflected by
the fuii reflection mirror before being projected on the
screen by the projection tens.
Projection !eM - -
D!chro!c m!rror
Put) reftectton
LiquM ^._
Met<t hx)Me )*mp

