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Sanyo PLC-400P Service Manual page 26

Portable lcd color video projector


Aftar performing disassembly cteanmg, adjustment of the unit
wit) be necessary.
Disassembly c)eaning should on)y be performed when there !s
considerate contamination which cannot be removed by a!r
Never remove the mirror. The posMion of the mirror is
precisely set at the factofy. Perform aii cteaning of the
mirror with it attached to the unit.
Remove dust, etc. by wiping with a soft cfoth. For heavy
contamination, remove by moistening the cfoth with atcohof.
Never use organic sotvonts (thinners, etc.) as their use wHi
cause damage to these surfaces.
Never use water or other liquids on the LCD paneis ass'y. if the
iiquid gets !nto the circuits, damage wii! result.
Remove dust, etc. by wiping with a soft doth. For heavy
contamination, remove by moistening the c)oth with aicoho).
Disassembly and assembly of the LCD panel units is per-
formed according to the exploded view diagrams given for
each panef, cleaning of the mirror is atways performed with it
attached to the main unit.
Perform the cleaning of each part according to the cteaning
methods described beiow.
Never use organic sotvents (thinners, etc.) as their use wiii
cause damage to these surfaces.

