Chapter 5
Figure 5-6. HP NetRAID Assistant Wizard Array Definition Window
To assign physical drives to the first array:
1. Select all the Ready physical drives that you want to put into the first
array. Clicking on a drive either selects or deselects it.
2. Click the Add to Array button.
Physical drives show "A:new" to indicate the drive has been added to a
new array, but has not been accepted yet.
3. If you want to remove a physical drive from a new array, select the drive
in the new array and click the Reclaim button.
4. When the array is complete, click the Accept Array button.
All physical drives assigned to arrays display their array numbers to the
right of the SCSI ID. The numbering is zero-based. For example, A0
designates a physical drive assigned to Array 0.
5. The next new array appears. Assign physical drives to it as described
above. Be sure to click the Accept Array button to close the array.
Installation and Configuration