Raising The Vehicle - Audi A7 2017 Owner's Manual

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the vehicle
Lifting with workshop hoist and with floor
The vehicle may only be lift ed at the lifting
poin ts illust rated.
Fig . . 221 Front lift ing point
Fig. 222 Rea r lifti ng point
.,. Read and heed WARNING
A -
.,. Activate the vehicle jac k mode* in the MMI:
funct io n button
(Car)* systems
co ntro l
Servicing & checks > Air susp.: jack
mode > On.
.,. Locat e lift ing points
c::> fig . 221
a nd
c::> fig .
222 .
.,. Adjus t lifting arm s of wo rkshop hoist or floo r
jac k t o m at ch veh icle lifti ng poin t s.
.,. Inse rt a rub ber pa d between the floor jack/
wor kshop hoist an d the lifting points .
The vehicle jack mode* must be act ivat ed so th at
the aut om at ic adju stment of t he Adaptive Air
Suspens ion* does not make it more d ifficult to
raise the ve hicle w ith the floor jac k.
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to
work underneath, be sure the vehicle is safely
supported on stands intended for this purpose.
Front lifting point
The lifti ng point is lo cate d on th e floor pa n rein-
forcement about at t he same level as th e ja ck
mounting point
fig . 221.
Do not lift the vehi-
cle at the vertical sill reinforcement.
Rear lifting point
The lift ing poin t is lo cate d on th e vert ical rein -
forcement of t he lower sill for t he on-board jack
c::> fig.
22 2 .
Lifting with vehicle jack
Refer to
page 245 .
- To red uce t he ris k of se rious inj ury and veh i-
cle da m age.
- Always lift the vehicle on ly at the special
workshop hoist an d floor jack lift points il-
fig. 221
- Failure to lift the ve hicle at these points
could cause the vehicle to t ilt or fall from
a lift if there is a cha nge in ve hicle we ight
dist ribution and balance . This might hap-
pen, fo r example, wh en heavy compo -
nen t s such as the eng ine block o r t ra ns-
m iss ion ar e re m oved .
- Whe n rem oving he avy com po ne nts like
t hese, anchor vehicle t o hois t or add cor re-
spondin g weig hts to maintai n the cen t er of
gravi ty. Ot herw ise, t he vehicle might t ilt or
slip off the hoist, causi ng serio us pers on al
injur y .
- Be aware of t he follo w ing point s bef or e lift -
ing t he vehicle :
- The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine oil
pan, the transmission housing, the front
or rear axle or the body side members.
This could lead to serious damage .
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame, a rubber pad must be in-
serted between the floor jack and the lift


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