Advanced Features - be bionic steeper Technical Manual

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The slider items highlighted on the image opposite
are used to set the required characteristics of co-
contract signals. Clicking Start will initiate tracing of
the electrode signal. One channel will be displayed
with raising signals moving upward and the second
channel raising signals moving downward. When the
trace reaches the right hand side of the display it
will stop. To continue click Clear, this will remove the
previous trace and automatically start a new one. If
you wish to stop the trace at any point, click Stop.
The display period can be changed by selecting the
appropriate time period (10, 20 or 30 seconds) from
the display period drop down menu (top left).
The black horizontal lines identify the co-contraction
level and can be adjusted as necessary. The horizontal
lines on the display area move simultaneously with
the vertical slider.
The horizontal slider highlighted above (centre left)
can be used to set the co-contraction time window.
A co-contraction signal is considered to exist when
signals from both channel 1 and 2 pass through both
the on-threshold and co-contraction within a desig-
nated time frame (co-contraction window).
With the bebionic hand there is a 'soft'
co-contraction option where the co-contraction
threshold can be set lower than the on-threshold
level. Providing that the peak signal does not exceed
the on-threshold, a co-contraction signal will
be considered to exist.

5.9 Advanced Features

In bebalance adjustment of more specific
features can be acessed by clicking Advanced.
This opens a dialog box similar to the screen shown
opposite. The features displayed will be appropriate
to the mode selected.
Grip Strength
It is possible to select High, Medium or Low Grip
Strength. This setting provides adjustment of grip
strength and battery consumption; the lower the
setting, the lower the grip and current draw. Note:
This has minimal effect on operation speed.
Speed Control
Should you want to open or close the hand at less
than maximum speed, the numeric up / down controls
provide independent hand opening and closing
speeds; 100% (default) being maximum.
Timer Control
For modes 1, 2, 3 and 4 there are two numeric up /
down controls to change mode timings. The upper
control Mode Change Period sets the window of time
to search for a mode change signal. In these modes
additional signals received will have no effect and will
be considered to be the same signal.
The lower control Mode Return Period sets the
period after which the mode reverts to default where
there has been no activity. Setting the slider to zero
deactivates the revert feature. For Mode 5 there is no
upper control as mode change is activated by a co-
contraction signal.
Dwell Threshold (Upper and Lower)
This feature is only used on Mode 1. The Upper
control sets the time that the signal has to exist to be
identified as a CLOSE signal. The Lower control sets
the value for the period a signal has to be held once
considered an OPEN signal.
Dwell Threshold (Min and Max)
This feature is only used on Mode 2. The minimum
control sets the level that the signal has to exceed
within a time set by the maximum control.
Direction Change Timer
This control is used in Mode 3 only. It is used to
set the additional time window when a second
signal will be accepted as an additional same
direction movement. If set to zero, hand movement
will alternate with the next detected signal.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents