False Capacity; Ampere-Hour (Ah) Rating - CareUcar Battery Analyzer User Manual

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7.0 – False Capacity
A battery can meet all the tests for being at full charge, yet be much lower than
its original capacity. If plates are damaged, sulfated, or partially gone from long
use, the battery may give the appearance of being fully charged, but in reality
acts like a battery of much smaller size.
This same thing can occur in GEL Cells if they are overcharged and gaps or
bubbles occur in the gel. What is left of the plates may be fully functional, but
with only 20% of the plates left...
Batteries usually go bad for other reasons before reaching this point, but it is
something to be aware of if your batteries seem to test OK but lack capacity
and go dead very quickly under load.
8.0 – Amperes-Hour (AH) Rating
All Deep Cycle batteries are rated in amp-hours (AH). An amp-hour is one amp
for one hour, or 10 amps for 1/10 of an hour and so forth. It is Amps multiply (x)
by Hours.
For example, if you have something that draws 20 amps, and you use it for 20
minutes, then the amp-hours used would be 20 (amps) x .333 (hours), or 6.67
The '20 Hour Rate' is the accepted AH rating time period for batteries used
in solar electric and backup power systems (and also for nearly all Deep
Cycle batteries).
This means that it is discharged down to 10.5 volts over a 20 hour period while
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the total actual amp-hours that it supplies are measured. Sometimes ratings at
the 6 hour rate and 100 hour rate are also given for comparison and for
different applications.
The 6 hour rate is often used for industrial batteries, as that is a typical daily
duty cycle. Sometimes the 100 hour rate is given just to make the battery look
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You will notice that there is no indication of message (Good or Replace)
on the RESULTS instead on LIFE; it indicates "Charge Retest".
Recharge the battery fully and repeat the test again.
Pressing the
back to the previous screen.
key at any moment will exit and return
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Battery Analyzer


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