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Fire Burglqry XL STAR 4612 Owner's Manual page 12


Early warning fire detection is best achieved by the installation 01 fire detectfon
equipment the location as lollows;
Typical Smoke Delector Layout
Preparation of an evacuation plan is 01 prime importance in fire prevention. Establish
a household emergency evacuation plan In the event of fire.
1 - Evaluate possible escape routes from your home.
2- Select 2 escape routes from each room.
3- Rooms on the second floor should have a rope ladder. Be sure it will reach the
4- Draw a rough sketch 01 your escape plan so everyone is familiar with it.
5- Practice your escape plan to assure that everyone knows what to do.
6- Establish a meeting place outside where your family Is to report. Once you have
evacuated the house do not return to a burning house.
7- Advise
the lccal fire authority that you have installed a fire alarm system.
8. When the fire alarm signals, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. Do not stop for belonglngs.
9. II afire occurs Jest the door. lf hot, use your alternate route. II the door is cool, brace
your shoulder against it and open It cautiously. Shut the door to help prevent the fire
and smoke from spreading. Crawl through smoke, holding your breath.
10. Contact the Fire Department from a neighbor's telephone.
11 Everyone lndudlng neighbors should be lamlllar with the Fire and Burglary signals.
In this installation the Fire Alarm signal is
The Burglary Alarm signal is

