Tab "Manual Control; Tab "Stand-Alone - V Robin 300 plasma spot User Manual

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Default Settings - The menu item allows to set all fixture parameters to the default (factory) values.

7.4 Tab "Manual Control"

Reset Functions.- The menu allows to reset the fixture either per function modules or all modules together.
Total Reset - The item resets all function modules.
Pan/Tilt Reset - The item resets a pan and tilt movement.
Colour System Reset - The item resets a colour wheel and CMY/CTO flags.
Gobo System Reset - The item resets a static/rotating gobo wheel.
Strobe Reset - The item resets strobe lamellas.
Optics/Prism/Frost Res. - The item resets a zoom, focus, prism and a frost module.
Iris Reset - The item resets an iris module.
Preset Effect Control - Use the menu to show preset positions of each channel effect.
Manual Effect control.- Use the menu to control all fixture channels by means of the control panel.

7.5 Tab "Stand-alone".

Test Sequences.-Use the menu to run a test/demo sequences without an external controller, which will show
you some possibilities of using Robin 300 Plasma Spot.
...Dynamic Mode - This mode uses all Robin 300 Plasma Spot functions including pan/tilt movement and
is good for a complete introduction of the fixture.
...Static Mode.- This mode is suitable for projections on the wall, ceiling or ground without any pan/tilt move-
ment. Adjust the pan, tilt, zoom, focus and hot-spot to desired positions an start test sequences by touching
the green
Music Trigger - Use the item to activate the sound control of the running program via the built-in micro-
Preset Playback - This menu allows you to select the program which will be played in a loop after switching
the fixture on (the option is commonly used in a stand-alone operation without an external controller).
...None - The option disables "Presetting playback" function.
...Test - The option starts the test sequences.
...Prog. 1 - The option starts user program No. 1.
Prog. 2 - The option starts user program No. 2.
Prog. 3 - The option starts user program No. 3.
Play program - Use the menu to run desired program in a loop.
Play Program 1 - The option starts user program No.1.
Play Program 2 - The option starts user program No. 2.
Play Program 3 - The option starts user program No. 3.
Edit Program - Use the menu to create or to edit desired program. The Robin 300 Plasma Spot offers 3 free
programs, each up to 100 steps.
Edit Program 1 - The option allows to edit user program No.1.
Edit Program 2 - The option allows to edit user program No.2.
Edit Program 3 - The option allows to edit user program No.3
To edit program:
1. Touch the item which you want to edit ("Edit Program 1" - "Edit Program 3").
2. Touch the item "Edit Program Steps".
3. Touch the item "Step 1".


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This manual is also suitable for:

300 plasma spot

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