Introduction - Omega MAX-EDP Operation Manual

Vehicle security system
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Welcome to the convenience and protection which is offered by your
MAX-EDP vehicle security system.
manufactured by Omega Research and Development, a world leader in
vehicle convenience and security since 1975. Your system offers easy,
carefree operation, and the modular design allows its many impressive
features to be customized to suit your needs. This sophisticated, state-of-
the-art product deters theft of your vehicle, and its contents. Omega
systems are designed for professional installation, and are available only
through new car retail outlets and selected mobile electronics specialist
Please note that this guide is written to reflect:
That a power doorlock interface is installed with your system
(the MAX-EDP also operates your power doorlocks). The type
of interface may vary from one vehicle to the other, and in some
cases may involve optional components.
That an optional electronic siren is used for the system's audible
output; the MAX-EDP operating the vehicle's existing horn is also
an available option.
That the Programmable Features are in the default settings;
the operations of these features are also explained.
Your MAX-EDP system has three principal user components: the
multicolored LED Status Light, the Valet Switch, and the Remote Trans-
The Red and Green LED Status Light
of the different conditions the security system is in, and also serves as a
visual deterrent to break-ins and theft. Specific operations of this light are
described on pages 22-23.
The Valet Switch
is used to access Valet Mode, which allows the
operator to suspend some of the security system's normal functions for as
long as desired. The Valet Switch may also be used, instead of the remote
transmitter, to override an armed and activated system. The Valet Switch
is also used when programming remote transmitters and system features.
See "Using the Valet Switch" on pages 19 and 20.
s are used to operate the MAX-EDP. Each system is
capable of being operated by up to four different remote Transmitters, which
are described on the following page. The remote transmitter has four push-
The MAX-EDP is designed and
informs you at a glance which
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press the transmitter's "arm/lock" and "disarm/unlock" buttons at the
same time, which keeps the engine running after removing the ignition key.
After exiting, the user must then arm the system, locking the vehicle doors,
by pressing the "arm/lock" button. Only after this is done will the system
accept a remote start command, and the vehicle must remain undisturbed
until that point. The complete instructions for remote starting, including
Stick Shift Remote Starting, starts on page 14.
This feature should only be programmed by the installer, and the
operation of this feature depends on the correct connection of the safety
wire to the vehicle's parking brake.
Instructions manual for proper connection of this wire.
Feature #6 "Tach Wire" or "Tachless" Starter Operation
Factory Default Setting
Tach Wire
This feature selects the MAX-EDP's method of determining the status of the
engine running during remote start operation. As explained in the previous
feature's description, "Tachless" mode has an associated base starter
output time duration. However, if the voltage fluctuation is detectable, the
processor adjusts the starter output time accordingly. When this feature is
set for "Tach Wire" operation, the base starter output increases to 3
seconds, but the processor adjusts the actual starter engagement time
accordingly. Connecting and use of the "Tach Wire" is the most reliable form
of engine running information input, and its use is recommended. This
feature should only be programmed by the installer.
Important: Before this feature is programmed, please refer to the "Instal-
lation Manual" for proper wiring connection and the Tach Learning Proce-
dure, both of which are required for use of this feature.
Feature #7 Extended Starter Cranking Time
Factory Default Setting
Minimum (.7 Second)
(press "arm/lock" button to program)
Medium Lo (1.25 Second)
(press "disarm/unlock" button to program)
Medium Hi (1.75 Second)
(press "OPTION" button to program)
Maximum (2.5 Second)
(press red "panic" button to program)
Extended Starter Cranking Time operates in conjunction with the previous
feature's "Tachless" setting.
detecting the running engine by two separate methods- the use of the
vehicle's tachometer ("tach") wire for a direct engine RPM input, or by
monitoring the vehicle's fluctuating voltage levels caused by the starting
process. This feature sets the duration of the starter output's base timing
Please refer to the Installation
(press "arm/lock" button to program)
(press "disarm/unlock" button to program)
The MAX-EDP processor is capable of
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