Omega MAX-EDP Operation Manual page 17

Vehicle security system
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To Access a Feature:
Step 4
Within 10 seconds, Press & Release the Valet Switch the same
number of times as the desired feature's number.
•The siren will chirp and the Status Indicator Light will flash as
many times as the Valet Switch was pressed to indicate the
feature number which is now accessed.
•This and the following steps apply for both of the programming
levels- User Programming or Installer Programming.
To Change a Feature:
Step 5
After accessing the desired feature, within 10 seconds Press
& Release the appropriate transmitter or controller button.
• Pressing the "arm/lock" button typically turns the feature on;
or sets the feature's first option. The siren will chirp once when
this button is pressed.
• Pressing the "disarm/unlock" button also typically turns the
feature off; or, sets the feature's second option. The siren will
chirp twice when this button is pressed.
• Many features have third, and even fourth setting options.
Pressing the "
tions. Confirmation chirps when these buttons are pressed are
three and four chirps respectively.
• Generally speaking, the Status Light will light solid when a se-
lected feature is programmed "on", and not light when the fea-
ture is set for "off". Some features have more than one "on"
option, in which case the Status Light will remain on for all of
the feature "on" settings.
To Access and Change further Features:
Step 6
If there are more features to be programmed, within 10 seconds
of the previous action Press & Release the Valet Switch the
same number of times as the next desired feature's number.
• Again the siren will chirp and the Status Indicator Light will flash
as many times as the Valet Switch was pressed to indicate the
new feature number which is now accessed.
• Use the transmitter or controller as described in Step 5 to change
the newly accessed feature as desired.
• Repeat this Step 6 for each additional feature until all features
are programmed.
Step 7
Allow 10 seconds to pass without performing any programming
actions; or, turn the vehicles's ignition on.
• The siren will sound briefly and the Status Indicator Light will go
out to confirm that the system is exiting Programing Mode.
" and "panic" buttons select these op-
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Low Battery Automatic Starting Feature:
anytime. Setting this feature to operate has the MAX-EDP automatically
start the engine should the vehicle battery voltage drop to 11 volts. This
feature is very useful if the vehicle is to parked unattended for a long pe-
riod of time, such as extended parking at the airport while away. Low
Battery automatic starting must be activated for each occasion which it is
desired to operate, as follows:
Turn the ignition switch "on", then "off" (engine not running), and within
7 seconds press the brake pedal. The system will chirp 6 times. Then,
open the door, exit the vehicle and close the door, press the transmitter's
"arm/lock" button to lock the vehicle (arming the system).
The feature is now turned on, and until the system is disarmed or the
ignition turned "on", if the system detects the vehicle battery voltage drop-
ping to 11 volts, it will automatically start the engine.
Turbo Timer Feature: It is typically recommended that vehicles equipped
with turbocharged engines allow the engine to idle for a few minutes be-
fore turning it off. When this Installer Programmable Feature is programmed
on, the MAX-EDP will automatically keep the engine running as follows:
With the engine running, hold the brake pedal and engage the parking
brake. When the brake pedal is released, the MAX-EDP will keep the
engine running for the selected time, and then automatically turn it off.
This feature must be programmed by the installer, and turning it on offers
three run time choices- 1, 2, or 3 minutes. The alarm may be armed while
the engine is running. Turbo Timer can be prevented form engaging, or
"bypassed" if desired, by turning the engine off first and then engaging the
parking brake, or if it's already engaged simply step on the brake pedal to
turn the running engine off.
This feature may be used
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