Safety Disarm Feature; Activation Alert; Automatic Rearming Disarming By Emergency Override - Omega MAX-EDP Operation Manual

Vehicle security system
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Safety Disarm/Storm Mode: While the system is activated, i.e. sounding
the siren and flashing the lights, pressing the "disarm/unlock" button will
disarm the system, but not unlock the doors. This safety feature ensures
that the vehicle remain secure should the system require disarming due to
being activated from nuisance or malicious false sensory inputs, such as
typically produced by severe weather conditions. To remotely unlock the
doors if the system is disarmed while activated, simply repeat the disarm
operation by pressing and releasing the "disarm/unlock" button again. If
disarmed from a panic mode, the normal disarm indications are present,
including the unlocking of the doors.
Automatic Rearming Feature: Automatic Rearming is a programmable
feature which ensures that your system is never inadvertently disarmed. It
is possible to accidentally or unknowingly operate the transmitter from a
pocket or purse. You may not even be aware of an accidental disarming due
to the enhanced operating distance offered by the MAX-EDP's extended
range. Automatic Rearming has the alarm rearm itself 90 seconds after it
is has been disarmed, unless a vehicle door is opened and the ignition key
turned on. Automatic Rearming is confirmed by a fast flashing Status Light
after the disarming, unless the system was triggered, in which case a Zone
Violation code will flash instead.
During the 90 second period, Automatic Rearming can be paused by
opening the door or stopped completely by turning the ignition key "on".
Also, Automatic Rearming can be cancelled by the Safety Disarm/Storm
Mode feature; if the system is disarmed while triggered, Automatic Rearming
will not occur.
Disarming the System by Emergency Override
Should the transmitter become lost, damaged, or its batteries become
exhausted, the Valet Switch and the vehicle's ignition key may be used to
disarm the system:
Step 1 With the system in the armed condition, enter the vehicle via the
driver's door (be aware that the alarm will trigger when the door is
Step 2 Using the ignition key, turn the vehicle's ignition switch on.
Step 3 Within 5 seconds press and release the Valet Switch one time. The
system will disarm.
The number of Valet Switch presses which are required for the
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Feature #8 Open Door Bypass of Ignition Locking
Factory Default Setting
This feature cancels the automatic locking or unlocking of the vehicle's
doors should one of the doors is open when the ignition switch is turned on
or off.
Feature #9 Confirmation Chirps
Factory Default Setting
(press "arm/lock" button to program)
(press "disarm/unlock" button to program)
Chirps Excepting Valet Mode
Chirps in Valet Mode Only
This feature removes the system's 1 arming and 2 disarming confirmation
chirps. When this feature is used to remove these chirps, the system will
still have 3 chirps
upon arming if a protected zone is violated, and still have 4 chirps upon
disarming if the system was previously activated. Using this feature to turn
off the arm and disarming chirps will also not affect the Prewarning
operation, Unauthorized Transmitter Alert (if used), nor will it affect the
chirps used when programming.
The other two settings will have the confirmation chirps operate only
when the system is in Valet Mode, and not otherwise; or, the chirps will
operate except when the system is in Valet Mode.
Feature #10 Confirmation Chirp Volume
Factory Default Setting
Medium High
(press "OPTION" button to program)
Low (softest)
(press "arm/lock" button to program)
Medium Low
(press "disarm/unlock" button to program)
High (loudest)
(press red "panic" button to program)
This feature allows the choice of four different volume levels of the system's
confirmation chirps, and when programming it, the buttons can be repeat-
edly and sequentially pressed, thus making it easy to hear and choose the
setting with the best chirp volume.
This feature operates regardless of how feature #15, "Steady Siren" or
"Pulsed Horn" is set. Feature #15 sets "Steady"; or "Pulsed" as three dif-
ferent timings, for the activated alarm period output. This feature, #10,
affects only the confirmation chirps.
(press "arm/lock" button to program)
(press "disarm/unlock" button to program)
(press "OPTION" button to program)
(press red "panic" button to program)
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