Omega MAX-EDP Operation Manual page 16

Vehicle security system
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Step 1 With the engine running and foot on the brake, apply the parking
brake, put the transmission shifter in "neutral", and remove your foot
from the brake.
Step 2 Press and release the transmitter "arm/lock" and "disarm/unlock"
buttons together. The Status Light will begin flashing green, as the
MAX-EDP is now keeping the engine running. Do not press the
brake pedal from this point, and the parking brake must remain on.
Step 3 Within 2 minutes, turn off the ignition key, exit the vehicle and then
press the transmitter's "arm/lock" button to lock the vehicle. The
alarm will also arm, and the previously running engine will stop. The
Status Light also changes to show the "armed" indication, flashing
slowly red, but every fourth flash will be green, indicating that the
system is "armed, and ready for remote starting".
From this point, the vehicle may be remote started provided that it is not
disturbed. When ready to remote start, the activation of remote starting is
the same as previously described: press and release the transmitter's "arm/
lock" and "disarm/unlock" buttons together.
During the setup procedure, the parking brake must remain set, and the
regular brake pedal must not be pressed when and after the transmitter's
"arm/lock" and "disarm/unlock" buttons are pressed. After exiting the
vehicle, the transmitter's "arm/lock" button only must be used to secure the
vehicle. Using any other transmitter button will produce the appropriate
system response, but the remote starting setup will be voided.
Once the system is fully setup for remote starting, it will start the engine
if the next transmitter operation is pressing the "arm/lock" and "disarm/
unlock" buttons together. If any other transmitter button is pressed the
remote starting setup will be voided. If the armed alarm should be triggered
during this period, the remote starting setup condition will be voided.
Pit-Stop Feature: This feature allows you to turn off the ignition switch,
remove your keys, leave the vehicle and lock your doors while leaving the
engine running. To use this feature, have the engine running normally
from the ignition switch, have the gear selector in "park", and your foot off
of the brake pedal. Press the Valet Switch twice; the parking lights will
flash once and the siren chirps 5 times; then turn the ignition off. The
engine will remain running for the programmed run time, or it will turn off if
another transmitter signal is received, a safety circuit is violated, or if the
Valet Switch is pressed.
This feature may be used anytime; it does not have to be specially
programmed to operate.
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Each of the Programmable Features is described in detail in the
following pages. The User Programmable Features are described as
a first group, and the Installer Programmable Features as a second
group. It is important to note that programmable features affect the
exact operation of the system, and that the descriptions of any
features utilized should be used to supplement the basic system
operations which were described in previous sections of this booklet.
The User Programmable Features
This group of 23 User Programmable Features are all accessed as a
group in the first level of features' programming. These features have a
direct affect upon the system's operations, so the programming and
operation of each are described following the list.
Last Door Arming
Automatic Rearming
Starter Interrupt Functions
Ignition Activated Override
Doors Lock With Ignition On
Doors Unlock With Ignition Off
Open Door Bypass To Previous Two Features
Confirmation Chirps
Confirmation Chirp Volume
Activated Alarm Cycle
Lights On Upon Disarm
Disarm Alarm Upon Trunk Release
Arming Delay
Steady Siren Output / Pulsed Horn
Alarm Functions Bypass
Ignition Activated Anti-Carjacking Protection
Door Activated Anti-Carjacking Protection
Remote Activated Anti-Carjacking Protection
Open Door Warning Upon Arming
Red "
" Button Operation
Remote Start Run Time
Steady / Flashing Lights During Remote Start
Use the step-by-step instructions on the previous two pages to change
any of these programmable features, along with the feature's option
choices and related programming transmitter button assignment found in
the following individual feature descriptions.
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