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Security Code - Viking DVA-TNT Practices

Time and temp announcer


2. Remote Programming
a. Connect the LINE INPUT jack or terminals to an incoming phone line or analog station.
b. Call the C.O. line or analog PABX/KSU station connected to the DVA-TNT.
c. If the DVA-TNT is in the ring-trip mode, it will answer on the first ring. If the DVA-TNT is in drum recorder mode,
it will allow the line to continue ringing until the current message cycle has been completed, at which time it will
answer and produce a single beep as a user prompt.
d. Enter a , followed by the six digit security code (see section C below).
e. Two beeps will be heard indicating that the unit has entered programming.
B. Programming Features Quick Reference
Record night message (15 seconds maximum) .............................................................................
Record pre-time and temperature user recorded message (30 seconds maximum) .......................
Record post-time and temperature user recorded message (30 seconds maximum) ....................
Playback all 3 user-recorded messages ........................................................................................
Set to "Good Morning"/"Good Afternoon"/"Good Evening" greetings (factory setting) ....................
Set to "Thank you for calling" greeting .............................................................................................
Set to Fahrenheit temperature (factory default) ..............................................................................
Set to Celsius temperature .............................................................................................................
Check total call count (cleared on power down) ..............................................................................
Clear call counter ............................................................................................................................
Set to Master unit (factory default) .................................................................................................
Set to Slave unit .............................................................................................................................
Set to Ring trip mode (factory default) .............................................................................................
Set to Drum recorder mode ............................................................................................................
Set Normal busy lead polarity (factory default) ...............................................................................
Set Inverted busy lead polarity .......................................................................................................
Disable pre-time and temp user-recorded message (factory setting) .............................................
Enable pre-time and temp user-recorded message .......................................................................
Disable post-time and temp user-recorded message (factory setting) ...........................................
Enable post-time and temp user-recorded message ......................................................................
Set time (two digits must be used for programming the hours and minutes) ...................................
Program security code (factory set to 845464) ................................................................................
Set all programming to factory default .............................................................................................
Note: HH
C. Security Code
The Security Code is used to access the programming mode (see Programming section A) using only the numbers 0
- 9 in the security code. The factory set security code is "845464" and should be changed after installation to assure
To change the security code, enter programming (see Programming section A), then enter the desired digits followed
by "#02". Two beeps will be heard to confirm that the security code has been successfully changed.
D. Messages
The DVA-TNT comes from the factory with two sets of factory-recorded pre-time and temperature messages, a "Good
Morning/Afternoon/Evening" message and a "Thank You for Calling" message. You may select one of these two options
or record your own pre-time and temperature message (see section E).
1. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Message
This message is selected by entering ",4" while in programming. There
are three separate greetings that are automatically selected depending
on the time of day (see chart to the right).
2. Thank You for Calling Message
The greeting, "Thank you for calling", can be selected by entering ",5" while programming.
6 digits
"Good Morning"
12:00am - 12:00pm
"Good Afternoon"
12:00pm - 06:00pm
"Good Evening"
06:00pm - 12:00am
+ Location
+ #01
+ #02

