Magnavox FP5230W Owner's Manual page 4

Table of Contents


First " rime SetLipwhich automatically
sets t heTV
forlocal c hannels
and antenna
mode. It even helps you
make the necessary
for the Picture-In-
Picture (PIP) feature
(see page 8.)
Remote Control which operates your TV
set and a variety of wireless remote control VCRs and
Cable TV Converte,rs.
TV broadcast (VHF/UHF) or Cable TV
(CA'I'V) channel capability.
Closed Captioning which allows the viewer to read
TV program dialogue or voice conversations as on-
;creer, text.
Automatic Programming
of channels for quick and
easy selection of favorite stations available in your
(PIP) which can show a TV
program and the direct video output from an accessory
(VCR, etc.) onto the TV screen at the same time.
Control for "Censoring"
or blanking out
chanrels and Audio/Video Input jack connections to
prevent children from watching undesirable
Stereo-Ready TV with built-in audio amplifier and
twin ,;peaker system. Receives TV programs in both
broadcast stereo sound or (SAP) bilingual broadcast.
Features which display helpful
information for setting of TV controls (such as color
adjustment, timer settings and channel programming).
Audio/Video jacks for direct connections with VCRs
(and other accessories) for quality TV picture and
sound playback.
Surround Sound external audio speaker connections.
which automatically turns the TV OFF al
preset time intervals.
As you unpack your TV please note that the
following items have been included with your set:
Owner's Manual
Warranty Registration Card
Safety Tip Infoimation Broch_Lre
Factory Service Address Directory
Remote Control Transmitter
Batteries for Remote Control Use
Accessory Products Information Brochure
Audio/Video Cables for Direct Input and
Output Connections.
Please take a few rninntes to complete your
registration card. The: serial number for the TV is
on the back of the sel.
Please keep your packing material for any future
To ensure that picture screen performance is of
the highest quality, please avoid robbing any
object or material on the screen that could scratch
or damage its surface.
Refer to the back of this manual for instructions
on the cleaning and c are of the TV.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents