Kenwood NEXEDGE NX-700 Instruction Manual
Kenwood NEXEDGE NX-700 Instruction Manual

Kenwood NEXEDGE NX-700 Instruction Manual

Vhf/uhf digital transceiver
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NX-700/ NX-800
VHF Digital traNscEiVEr/
UHF Digital traNscEiVEr

iNstrUctioN MaNUal

traNscEPtor Digital VHF/
traNscEPtor Digital UHF
MaNUal DE iNstrUccioNEs
ricEtrasMEttitorE DigitalE VHF/
ricEtrasMEttitorE DigitalE UHF
MaNUalE Di istrUzioNi
VHF Digital FUNKgErÄt/
UHF Digital FUNKgErÄt
VHF DigitalE zENDoNtVaNgEr/
UHF DigitalE zENDoNtVaNgEr
KUllaNiM KilaVUzU
© B62-2112-00 (E)
09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for Kenwood NEXEDGE NX-700

  • Page 1: Instruction Manual

    NX-700/ NX-800 VHF Digital traNscEiVEr/ UHF Digital traNscEiVEr iNstrUctioN MaNUal ÉMEttEUr-rÉcEPtEUr NUMÉriQUE VHF/ ÉMEttEUr-rÉcEPtEUr NUMÉriQUE UHF MoDE D’EMPloi traNscEPtor Digital VHF/ traNscEPtor Digital UHF MaNUal DE iNstrUccioNEs ricEtrasMEttitorE DigitalE VHF/ ricEtrasMEttitorE DigitalE UHF MaNUalE Di istrUzioNi VHF Digital FUNKgErÄt/ UHF Digital FUNKgErÄt BEDiENUNgsaNlEitUNg VHF DigitalE zENDoNtVaNgEr/ UHF DigitalE zENDoNtVaNgEr...
  • Page 3 VHF Digital traNscEiVEr/ UHF Digital traNscEiVEr NX-700/ NX-800 iNstrUctioN MaNUal NOTIFICATION This equipment complies with the essential requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC. The use of the warning symbol means the equipment is subject to restrictions of use in certain countries. This equipment requires a licence and is intended for use in the countries as below.
  • Page 4 Information on Disposal of Old Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries (applicable for EU countries that have adopted separate waste collection systems) Products and batteries with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as household waste. Old electrical and electronic equipment and batteries should be recycled at a facility capable of handling these items and their waste byproducts.
  • Page 5 We are grateful you have chosen Kenwood for your personal moble applcatons. Ths nstructon manual covers only the basc operatons of your NEXEDGE moble rado. Ask your dealer for nformaton on any customzed features they may have added to your rado.
  • Page 6 • Do not expose the transcever to long perods of drect sunlght, nor place t near heatng applances. • If an abnormal odor or smoke s detected comng from the transcever, swtch the transcever power off mmedately, and contact your Kenwood dealer. • Use of the transceiver while you are driving may be against traffic laws. Please check and observe the vehcle regulatons n your area.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENT ........1 ...............1 uPPlieD ccessories PREPARATION ...................2 ................2 ools equireD ..............2 ower able onnecTion ...............3 nsTalling The ransceiver GETTING ACQUAINTED ..............4 ..................4 ronT anel .....................5 isPlaY PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS ............6 BASIC OPERATIONS ................7 on/oFF ...............7 wiTching ower ...............7 DjusTing The olume...
  • Page 8 ADVANCED OPERATIONS ..............16 DTmF (D ........16 ulTi requencY alls ) ...............16 runking alls nalog ................17 mergencY alls ..................17 crambler ..................18 ignaling .....................19 lock lcD b ................19 righTness ..................19 lerT (Pa) ..............19 ublic DDress BACKGROUND OPERATIONS ............20 (ToT) ..............20 imer .............20 ignal TrengTh nDicaTor...
  • Page 9: Unpacking And Checking Equipment

    UNPACKING AND CHECKING EQUIPMENT Note: The following unpacking instructions are for use by your Kenwood dealer, an authorized Kenwood service facility, or the factory. Carefully unpack the transceiver. We recommend that you identify the items listed in the following list before discarding the packing material. If any items are missing or have been damaged during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
  • Page 10: Preparation

    If your vehicle contains such equipment, consult the dealer for the make of vehicle and enlist his/her aid in determining if they will perform normally while transmitting. Note: The following preparation instructions are for use by your Kenwood dealer, an authorized Kenwood service facility, or the factory.
  • Page 11: I Nstalling The T Ransceiver

    nSTAlling The rAnSceiver For passenger safety, install the transceiver securely using an optional mounting bracket and screw set so the transceiver will not break loose in the event of a collision. 1 Mark the position of the holes in the dash by using the mounting bracket as a template.
  • Page 12: Getting Acquainted

    GETTING ACQUAINTED ronT Anel Optional microphone ① (power) switch Press and hold to switch the transceiver power ON and OFF. ② Press to activate its programmable function {page 6}. The default is Volume ③ Press to activate its programmable function {page 6}. The default is Volume Down.
  • Page 13: D Isplay

    ⑫ Press to activate its programmable function {page 6}. The default is Zone Up. ⑬ Press to activate its programmable function {page 6}. ⑭ Speaker Internal speaker ⑮ PTT (Push-to-Talk) switch Press and hold this switch, then speak into the microphone to call a station. iSplAy Indicator Description...
  • Page 14: Programmable Functions

    PROGRAMMABLE FUNCTIONS Following is a list of available programmable functions. Contact your dealer for details on those functions which have been programmed on your transceiver. • 2-tone • Maintenance • Auto Reply Message • Menu • Auto Telephone • Monitor •...
  • Page 15: Basic Operations

    BASIC OPERATIONS on/oFF wiTching ower Press and hold the switch for approximately  second to turn the transceiver power ON. Press and hold the switch again to turn the transceiver OFF. ■ Transceiver Password If the transceiver is password protected, “PASSWORD” will appear on the display when the power is turned ON.
  • Page 16: R Eceiving

    3 Press the PTT switch and speak into the microphone. Release the PTT switch to receive. • For best sound quality, hold the microphone approximately .5 inches (3 ~ 4 cm) from your mouth. ■ Making Group Calls (Digital) If a key has been programmed with Group or Group + Status, you can select a group ID from the list to make a call to those parties.
  • Page 17: Menu Mode

    MENU MODE Many functions on this transceiver are selected or configured through the Menu instead of physical controls. Once you become familiar with the Menu system, you will appreciate the versatility it offers. cceSS 1 Press the key programmed as Menu. 2 Press to select a Menu item.
  • Page 18 Menu Description GPS POS DISP GPS Position Display mode GROUP Group mode GROUP+STATUS Group + Status mode GROUP+SDM Group + SDM mode HOME CH SEL Home CH/GID Select HORN ALERT Horn Alert ON/OFF INDIVIDUAL Individual mode INDIV+STATUS Individual + Status mode INDIV+SDM Individual + SDM mode LCD BRIGHTNESS...
  • Page 19: C Haracter E Ntry

    Menu Description VOICE MEMO Voice Memo mode ZONE DEL/ADD Zone Delete/Add hArAcTer nTry There are 2 methods available for entering characters: ) Pressing the keys Press to cycle the characters from A ~ Z, 0 ~ 9, and a space (default settings).
  • Page 20: Scan

    SCAN Scan monitors for signals on the transceiver channels. While scanning, the transceiver checks for a signal on each channel and only stops if a signal is present. To begin scanning, press the key programmed as Scan. • The icon appears on the display. •...
  • Page 21: S Can D Elete /A Dd

    eleTe You can add and remove zones and/or channels/group IDs to and from your scan list. 1 Select your desired zone and/or channel/group ID. 2 Press the key programmed as Zone Delete/Add (to add/remove zones) or Scan Delete/Add (to add/remove channels/group IDs). •...
  • Page 22: Fleetsync: Alphanumeric 2-Way Paging Function

    FleetSync: ALPHANUMERIC 2-WAY PAGING FUNCTION FleetSync is an Alphanumeric 2-way Paging Function, and is a protocol owned by Kenwood Corporation. Note: This function is available only in analog operation. elcAll elecTive Alling A Selcall is a voice call to a station or group of stations.
  • Page 23: S Hort /L Ong M Essages

    3 Press to select the station you want to call. • If Manual Dialing is enabled, you can enter the station ID by using the microphone keypad, or by using / . When using / , cycle through the digits to select a digit, then press to set the digit and move the cursor to the right.
  • Page 24: Advanced Operations

    ADVANCED OPERATIONS dTmF (d ulTi requency AllS ■ Making a DTMF Call Note: DTMF calls can be made only in analog operation. Manual Dialing (Microphone Keypad Only) 1 Press and hold the PTT switch. 2 Enter the desired digits using the microphone keypad. •...
  • Page 25: E Mergency C Alls

    Selecting a Number from the List 1 Select your desired zone and telephone group ID. 2 Press the key programmed as Autodial. • The last called unit appears on the display. 3 Press to select your desired list number. 4 Press the PTT switch to start the call. ■...
  • Page 26: S Ignaling

    ignAling ■ Quiet Talk (QT)/ Digital Quiet Talk (DQT) Your dealer may have programmed QT or DQT signaling on your transceiver channels. A QT tone/ DQT code is a sub-audible tone/code which allows you to ignore (not hear) calls from other parties who are using the same channel. Operator Selectable Tone (OST) If a key has been programmed with OST, you can reprogram the QT/DQT settings on each of your channels.
  • Page 27: C Lock

    lock If activated by your dealer, you can view the clock any time by pressing the key programmed as Clock. Note: Removing the transceiver power for extended periods will clear the clock time. To set the time: 1 Press the key programmed as Clock Adjustment. •...
  • Page 28: Background Operations

    BACKGROUND OPERATIONS Your dealer can activate a variety of transceiver functions to perform without any additional operation on your part. (ToT) imer The Time-out Timer is used to prevent you from using a channel for an extended duration. If you continuously transmit for a preset time, the transceiver will stop transmitting and an alert tone will sound.
  • Page 29: Vgs-1 Optional Voice Guide & Storage Unit

    VGS-1 OPTIONAL VOICE GUIDE & STORAGE UNIT oice ecorder The voice recorder allows you to record conversations and create voice memos. ■ Auto Recording If activated, the auto recorder will continuously record all transmitted and received signals. The recording storage area retains only the last 30 seconds of recording.
  • Page 30: Oice G Uide

    ■ Playback To play back a recorded conversation, memo, or message: 1 Press the key programmed as Playback or access the Menu {page 9}. • If the last action on your transceiver was to auto record your conversation, “STORE?” will appear on the display, otherwise a recording channel with the time of the recording will appear.

This manual is also suitable for:

Nexedge nx-800

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