| Tie-down straps wi!l become I_se and vehiste wilt
I be releas_i upon lowering the vehicle
SECURING THE VEHICLE with the two 1-in, x 1_,
Rateheting Tie-Down Straps (s_
Fig, 4, 4A)
Fig, 4
Release La_ch C
Top view "OPEN
3, Tighten the strap by ratcheting the handle back and [orth until the vehicle
is sec_Jre tn order to keep the strap in position while t ghtening,
may be
necessary to take up _heexcess slack by hand unti! the strap is tighL
4, To _ockratchet, p_ace Handle @ in the ciosed position
to the veh c/e, DO NOT over-tighten strap,
Fig. 4A
High,.chasss moto_yde
secured onto iack wilh the
2cinch adapIer p_ates
sold separately
and the two ratche_in 9
fie_.>wn straps