Image 10.6 Owner's Manual page 18

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3. The program settings
The speed and incrmesettings of the program you
have selected will be shownin the columns of ind'_a-
tom in the canter of the consdie.Red Indicators wiU
show the speed setting of each segment, and green
indicatorswill show the Inclinesetting of each segment.
• 4. Adjust the difficutty level of the program
ff desired, the diffisultylevel of the program can be
adjusted with the RTNESS LEVEL buttons (see the
drawing above). Each time the FITNESS LEVEL
increase button is pressed, the speed and incline set-
tings of all segments will increase. Each time the FIT-
NESS LEVEL decrease buttonis pressed, the speed
and Inclinesettings of all segments will decrease.
Note: The dift"_ultylevel of the program can be
increased only untnthe highestindicator in one of the
columns is lit, and decreased only until the lowest indi-
cator in one of the columns is lit.
5, Adjust the program time
Step onto the walking belt and begin exercising.
The time remaining in the program will be shownin the
TIME display.(If the SEGMENT TIME buttonis pressed,
the numberof seconds remaining in the first segment
willbe shown).Dur_
the last three seconds ofthe first
segment,the TIME display will flash three times.When
the firstsegment is completed, the second column of
ind'_atorswill begin to flash, and the treadmillwill auto-
metisally adjustto the speed and inclinesettingsof the
secondsegment.The program wi_ continuein _
net untilthe twentieth column is flashing and no time
remains.The walking belt will then slow to a stop.
..... ; oto- the
=the pro-
can be adjusted with the FITNESS LEVEL but-
tons. The length of time that the program will last can
be changed with the TIME SET buttons. The program
can be stopped at any time with the STOP button. The
console will then be in the same state as if the pro-
gram had been completed.
Note: Althoughthe difficulty level of the program can be
adjusted, only the original speed and incline settings
will be saved in memory. If you desire to change the
o_ginalspeed and |ndine settings, see HOW TO CRE-
To turn offthe power, remove the key from the con-
sole, Store the key in a secure location.
In addition, move the on/off switch to the "oft"position.
(See the drawing near the bottom of page 10.)
the program will
last can be adjust-
ed, if desired, with
,,_ Io==._,,_
the-TiME SET but-
_ _,
. _=,
tons. Each time
one of the buttons
is pressed, the length of time will cl_ange by 20 sec-
onds. If one of the buttons is held down, the length of"
time wiii change in increments of 1 minute. The pro-
gram can be set to last for a minimum of 5 minutes, up
to a maximum of 80 minutes. (If the SEGMENT TIME
button is pressed, the TiME display will show how
many seconds each of the twenly segments will last.)
6. Start the program
Standonthe foot rails
_ _
of the treadmill and
press the PROGRAM
START button.The first
column of indicators will
• begin to flash, and the treadmill will automatically adjust
to the speed and incline settions of the first s,_m_nt
The console features an information mode that keeps
track of trip time arid distance, as well as the total time
and d'_nca
To select the information
h old down the STOP
•button wh_leinserting the key into the console.The
indicatoron the SEGMENT TiME button will light, and
the trip time and distanca witt be shown in the TiME
and DISTANCE displays. (Note: If the distance
exceeds 999 miles, the thousands digits will be shown
In the SPEED display.) If desired, the trip time and dis-
tance can be reset to zero by pressing the TIME SET
decrease button.
To view the total time and distance, press the TIME
button.The total time and distance will then be shown.
The tot_ time and distance cannot be reseL
Note: The PULSE display will
show the letter "I," indicating
that the console is set for an
infrared {n'_rdl_e,-_ nJd_:_ _n_nr


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