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Call: Read and follow all Safety 1-800=659=5917 Rules and instructions before operating this equipment. Craftsman Tractor Help Line 7 am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. Visit our website:
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FOR ONE YEAR fromthe dateof purchase, this product i swarrantedagainst a nydefects in material o r workmanship. Adefective productwill bereplaced freeof charge. Forwarrantycoverage d etailsto obtainfreereplacement, visit This warrantyisvoidifthisproductiseverusedwhileprovidingcommercial services o r if rentedto anotherperson. Thiswarrantygivesyouspecific legalrights,andyoumayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfrom stateto state.
This symbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not This attachmentwas builtto be usedaccordingto the safeopera- followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof tion practicesin this manual.Carelessness or error on the part of yourselfand others. Readand followall instructionsin this manual the operatorcan resultin seriousinjury.Mowersare capableof beforeattemptingto operatethis machine.Failureto complywith amputatinghandsand feet and throwingobjects.Failureto observe these instructionsmay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis the followingsafetyinstructionsas wellas the instructionsprovided symbol,HEEDITS WARNING!
SLOPE OPERATION DO NOT: Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto lossof control andtip-overaccidents Do not turn on slopes unlessnecessary;then, turn slowlyand gradually whichcan resultinsevere injury or death.Attachmentscan also affect the downhill, if possible. stabilityof the machine.All slopes requireextra caution. Do not mow near drop-offs,ditchesor embankments. T he mowercould suddenlyturn over if a wheel is overthe edgeof a cliff,ditch, or if an For yoursafety,use the slope gaugeincludedas part of this manualto edge caves in.
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10° Slope 10° Slope (OK) (TOO STEEP) Figure 1 Figure2 10odashedline USETHiSSLOPE GAUGE TO DETERMINE iF A SLOPE iS TOOSTEEP FORSAFEOPERATION! Tocheckthe slope, proceedas follows: 1. Removethis pageandfold along the dashedline. 2. Locatea vertical object on or behindthe slope(e.g. a pole,building,fence, tree, etc.) 3.
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Beforebeginning installation, r emove all partsfromthe cartonto makesureeverythingispresent. C arton contents arelistedandshownbelow.Twohardware packs are includedinthiskit andaredetailedon the followingpage. Hitch Bracket Kit(3 Pack) Self-Adhesive Foam Strip brackets & Hardware Upper C hute S upport Mount B racket Kit(2 hardware) brackets & Hinge Cover Pin Hitch Support Upright S upport...
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Assembling the MountingHardware Assemble Mounting 8rackets Toassemble the bagger m ountingassembly, l ocatethe hitchbracketkit andfollow If notalready installed bythefactory,install a shoulder b oltfrom your thesesteps: hardware pack ontoeachbracket, s ecuring t hemwith flangelocknutsalso Attachthe right-handandleft handriderhitchbracket t o the universal r ear included inthe hardware pack included withthesebrackets.
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Note:Thisuniversal mountingbracket a ssembly isdesigned to workwith MountAssembly on Tractor otheravailable attachments, s uchasaweight kit usedinconjunction with Installthe mountingassembly onthe tractorasfollows: the snowbladeor snowthrowerattachment.Utilize the contactinformation onthe front or backcoverof thismanual, o r contact t he storeinwhichyou Place the hooked endsofthe bagger m ountingassembly overthe shoulder purchased t hisequipmentto find out moreaboutavailable attachments for bolts,asinFigure 5,on the tractorandlineupthe hitchsupportholeonthe yourspecific tractor.
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Tighten all of the hardware securing the hitchsupportat thistime. Installthe hanger a ssembly ontothe uprightsupportbracketusingthe 5/16" carriage bolt packed loosely with the uprightmountingbracket. S imply Installthe uprightsupportbracketontothe mountingassembly o n the discard the flangenut packed with thecarriage bolt, andreplace itwith the tractorbyhookingit overthe cross mountingbracket a ndaligningwith the wing knob(720-04122) packed in hardware pack689-00319.
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Slidethe hingepin intothe holelocated onthe mounting tab,asinFigure Assembling RemainingBaggerComponents 12. Use the cut-outwindow(See insetin Figure 12)to lineup the hingepin Nowthat the mountingbrackets areassembled a ndareinplaceonthe tractor, on the othersideandpushpinall the wayinuntil it reaches t he end-stop.At followthesestepsto assemble the remaining baggercomponents. this pointthe pin clipsinto placeandissecured byatab inthe bagger c over.
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OpenHoodbypushing in onthe rear,right-side tab with yourrighthand,as Installingthe DeckChute seen in 1of Figure 14,andliftingthe cover w ith yourleft handinthecenter r ear Note:Determine if yourdeckisa newermodel,or anoldermodel.Referto ofthe bagger c over, 2 . the upperinsetof Figure 17.Ifyourdeckhasamountingstudpresent, t hen youhavea newerdeckmodelandyouwouldfollowthe instructionsbelow. Ifno studispresent, r eferto the instructions titled OnTractors With Older DeckConfigurations laterin thissection.
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On Tractors with Older Oeck Configurations: Installthe rubberchutestrap,from hardware pack689-00313, ontothe chuteelbow usingthe clevis pin(711-05063), washer ( 736-0204) andBow-tie cotter p in(714-04040) fromhardware pack 689-00313. See Figure 18.Secure t he endofthestraputilizing the holefurthest f romthe end, i nsert t hetorsion spring hook(732-04510A) intotheotherend.
Page 14
With the abilitynowto wigglethe discharge c hutetubebackandforth,slide Installingthe UpperChuteTube it overthe chuteelbowmountedonthe cuttingdeck,asshownin Figure 24. Peel t he backing off ofthe self-adhesive f oamstrip(721-04388) that has beenincluded within yourCarton of Contents. Applyit to the upperchute, flushagainst t he flangeasshownin Figure 22. Figure24 Continue towork the discharge c hutedownoverthe chuteelbowuntil the grooveon thedischarge chutealignswith the upperchutesupport,asseen...
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Remove t he grass bagsbylifting themup (1 inFigure 28)andawayfromthe Bagger Operation bagsupportassembly (2). NOTE: Whenbothgrass bagsarefull, place the tractoronafirm, level s urface, disengage t he PTO (BladeEngage), turn thetractorengineoffandsetthe parking brake. Fliptheseatup. Opengrass catchercoverbypushing in onthe rear,right-side tab with your right-hand,asseenin 1of Figure 27,andlifting with yourleft-handinthe rearcenter, 2 .
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CRAFTSMAN TWOBINBAGGER Model No.247.240192 Topurchase replacement parts, call 1-800-469-4663 Description Ref, I Part Number 689-00101 Mounting Bracket Kit (Incl. ref. 16, 17,18) Hex Head Screw, 5/16-18 x .75" 710-3008 711-0309A Clevis Pin, .62" Dia. 711-05049 Attachment Pin, 1/4 x 0.66 Lg.
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DURANTEun aSodesde la fecha de compra,este productoestAgarantizado contracualquierdefectode materialo manode obra.Un producto defectuososer_reemplazado sin cargo. Paraque detallesde la coberturade garantiaobtenerun reemplazo libre,visiteel sitio web: EstagarantiaserAnula si este productose utilizamientrasque proporcionaservicioscomercialeso Si alquilaa otra persona. Estagarantiale otorgaderechoslegalesespecificos,y ustedtambi_npuedetenerotros derechosque variande estadoa estado.
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Esta rnAquina rue construidapara seroperadade acuerdocon La presenciade este sirnboloindicaque setrata de instrucciones las reglasde seguridadcontenidasen este manual.AI igualque irnportantesde seguridadque se deben respetarpara evitar concualquiertipo de equipo rnotorizado, u n descuidoo error por poner en peligrosu seguridadpersonaly/o materialy la de otras partedel operadorpuedeproducirlesionesgraves.Esta rnAquina personas.Lea y siga todaslas instruccionesde este manualantes es capazde arnputarrnanosy piesy de arrojarobjetoscon gran...
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Siga las recomendaciones del fabricante sobre pesos y Servid0 general contrapesos de las ruedas, para mejorar la estabilidad. Antes de limpiar, reparar o inspeccionar la m_quina, Haga que todos los movimientos en las pendientes sean compruebe que las cuchillas y todas las piezas m6viles se lentos y graduales.
Page 21
10° Pendiente "" 10 ° Pendiente (ACEPTAR) (DEiVIASlADO ESCARPADO) Figura 1 Figura 2 0oI[nea - - " "" - _ .-...diSC°ntinua US0 DEESTE PENDIENTE D ECALIBRE PARA DETERiVIINAR SI UNAPENDiENTE E SDEIV1ASiADO ESCARPADO P ARAUNAOPERACi(_N SEGURA! Paracomprobarla pendiente, h agaIosiguiente: Borrarestap_.gina y doble a Io largo de la lineadiscontinua.
Page 22
Antesde comenzar l ainstalad6n, r etiretodaslaspiezas delacajaparaasegurarse d equetienetodo.El c ontenido delacajasemuestra acontinuad6n. E ste kit incluye dos paquetes de herrajes quesedetallanenlap_igina siguiente. Enganche s oporte Kit(3soportes y paquete deHardware) Soporte superior d e latolva Kitdesoporte de montaje(2 soportesy hardware) Sujetador d elatapadebisagra Soporte deenganche Soporte vertical...
Page 24
Ensamblar el Hardwarede montaje Armadode iasm nsuias de rnontaje Instale unperno con reborde d elpaquete deelementos enc_da m(_nsula, Para armarlaunidadde montajedelaembolsadora, Iocalice elkit de lam_nsula de ajust_ndolos conlas tuercas deseguridad conbrida quetambi(_n se enganche y sigaestospasos: encuentran enelpaquete. Consulte laFigure 1 . Una lasm_nsulas d eenganche deamboslados a lam(_nsula d euni6ntrasera Instale unpasadores dehorquilla delpaquete d eelementos enc_da universal conlosdospernos delcarro(710-0276) y lastuercas de seguridad...
Page 25
Instalelosdospernos de horquillaconclipsdehorquillaconservados antes, Montaje en el Tractor comosemuestra en lafigura6, paraasegurar l apartesuperior d elaunidad Instaleel montajeeneltractorcomosigue: de apoyo delenganche. Coloque losextremos enganchados delmontajedelrecogedor s obrelos Aprietetodaslaspiezas quesujetanelsoporte de enganche e n este pernosdehombro,comoen laFigure 5,eneltractory alineeelorificio de momento. soporte deenganche enel montajeconelagujero deenganche deltractor.
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Instale al e nsamble de lasuspensibn en el s oporte vertical utilizando Instalelacubiertade recogedor de hierbaenelconjuntodesoportedela perno de carruaje de 5/16"embalado sin apretar con e l s oporte de montaje bolsa, c omoseveen laFigure 11.Lacubiertadel colector d e hierbavadentro en posici6n vertical.
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"_ Instale a mbas b olsas d ehierba enelconjunto d esoporte d ebolsa lnsertando el borde delantero enprimera ( 1),como seveenla Figure 1 5, y bajar e l borde posterior (2)hasta queencaje e nlaAsamblea. Figure 13 Abra elcap6 empujando lapestaffa trasera, lado derecho con lamano derecha, como seve enla1delaFigure 1 4, y levantar latapa conlamano [zqulerda enla parte posterior decentro delatapa delcontenedor, Figure15...
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Instalaci6ndei conducto de cubierta Enlos tractoresconmayoresconfiguradonesde cubierta: Instalelacorrea deconducto degoma,delpaquete detornilleria689-00313, Con conducto dedescarga deltractorlevantado y abierta(I), instaleel en elcododeconductoutilizando el pasador d ehorquilla(711-05063), cododeconductocolocando labarrademontajedelcododeconductoenel laarandela (736-0204) y pajaritapasador ( 714-04040) del paquete de orifido correspondiente enelsoportedelaruedade cubiertao lengiJeta de tornilleria689-00313.
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Instalad6ndel tubo de conducto superior Desprenda e lrespaido de latira deespuma autoadhesiva (721-04388) que ha sidoincluida d entrodesucart6nde contenido. A plica a latolvasuperior, al rascontraelreborde comosemuestraenlaFigure 22. Figure20 Nora:Encubiertas sinruedas decubierta, e nganchar l acorrea deretenci6n enelorificiocorrespondiente en lapestaffa enla partefrontalde la plataforma decorte.Vea la Figure 21.
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3. With the ability now towiggle the discharge chute tube b ack and f orth, slide itover the chute elbow mounted on the cutting deck, as shown inFigure Figure 24 Continue to workthe discharge chutedown overthe chuteelbowuntil the grooveonthe discharge c hutealignswith the upperchutesupport,asseen inthe insetof Figure 25.
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Fundonamiento de ia embolsadora Eliminar l oscubos de lahierbaporlevantarlas hasta(1enla Figure 2)y fuera de laasamblea d eapoyobin(2). NOTA: Cuando losdoscubosparac#sped e st#nIlenos, c oloque eltractor sobreunasuperfidefirmey nivelada, d esenganche l atomade fuerza(PTO), apague el motordeltractory coloque elfrenodeestadonamiento. Volt_e elasiento hadaarriba. Abralacubiertade c#sped empujando enlapartetrasera,ladoderecho dela fichaconsumanoderecha, comoseveen laFigure 1.29,y delevantarconla manoizquierda en elcentrode lapartetrasera, 2 .
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This page intentionally left blank. Use this page to make any notes regarding your bagger.