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• Rated Power... • Frequency Response • Sensitivity. Flush Mount Speaker _Impedance HAU1·PARlEUR ENCASTRABLE I ALTAVtlZ DE MONT,t,JE ANIVEL • Net Weight With Grille AlTIFAL/l.NTE DE MONTAGEM NIVELADA KFC-1682ie 1 pair • Sound Image Enhancer .160 mm [6-1/2 in.l3-Way 3-Speaker...
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KENWOOD IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS KENWOOD CORPORATION AVERTISSEMENTS IMPORTANTS & Caution: Read this page carefully to keep your safety. & Lire attentivement cette page pour votre securite. PRINTED IN CHINA B58-1730-00(TTSl Please read all of the safety and operating instructions 4. Dust and unstable locations Do not install the before operating this unit.
Nombre y direccion del cliente Asiakkaan nimi & osoite Ovo~a Thank you for purchasing this kenwood product. As mentioned in the pages of this KaL bLEveuva" ayopaO'tl] Nome e indirizzo del cliente booklet, our warranty is only valid in the countries listed. If your country is not listed...
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During the express warranty period, KENWOOD ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. will provide to any Any product which is not distributed in the U.S.A. by Kenwood orwhich is not purchased in the U.S.A. from an authorized KENWOOD Authorised Service Centre in Australia free of charge both parts and labour necessary to correct any defect in Kenwood car stereo dealer or an automobile dealer, unlessthe product is purchased through the U.S.A Military Exchange...
OU les produits Kenwood sont employes This Kenwood product is warranted for parts and labour for a period of one (1) year from the date of original purchase, lease...
I'utilisationdepiecesderechangeinappropriees; tilstrrekkeligt bevis for, at k0bet har fundet sted. Hvis k0bet fandt sidenk0bsdatoen,forbeholderKenwoodNSsigrettilatnregte hejereend,hvaddererangivetogbeskadigelseafplader, Kenwood etabli dans Ie CEE en y joignant Ie certificat d'achat ou (d) LenumerodeserieetlenomdumodeleduProduit. (d) LedommagecauseauProduitdOaufeu,I'immersiondans sted uden for EU, skal produktet indleveres hos den detailhandler, atreparereproduktetindenforrammerneafdennegaranti.
ErkendService CenterofdetailhandelaarvoorKenwood produktenin Indiendezeinformalienielkanwordenmeegedeeld,ofindienhet ongeval, wijzigingen, gebrekkige inslallalieo.fverpakking, Authorized Service Centre or retailer of Kenwood producls in the EEC, B. The Product has been manufactured thaI it complies with all disks, or any olher goods which are not the Product ilsen;...
(c) L:identiteetl'adressecompletedecedetaillanl. (c) LedommagecauseauProduitresultantd'unenegligence, Unl)p&Oia<;ri tllnopo Xlovoo;<;nwMo&W<;TWV EOKIl&TT]von~&I~lJov0p6<;riaAAlJ&napKr'] ~1J1l1t<; OTO npol6v nou O(j)&iAOVTOI 0& alltX&IO, OTuXlJlla, Kenwood etabli dans Ie CEE en y joignantle certificat d'achat ou (d) LenumerodeserieetlenomdumodeleduProduil. d'unaccident,demodilications,d'uneinstallationoud'un npoi6VTwvKENWOODOTI)V TOVOPlBIl60&tpQ<;KaITovapIBIl61l0VTtXOUTOU npol6VTo<;. anM&~1J toute autre preuve appropriee de la date de son acquisition. Si Ie...
Baste Kenwood kund Chaziz Klijent tal-Prodotti Kenwood, Merci d'avoir choisi ce produit de KENWOOD. Gracias por haber elegido este Producto Til hamingju me6 n 'yja Kenwood treki6 pitt. Tack fOr att Ni valt denna Kenwood-produkt. Grazzi talli ghazilt dan il-prodott "KENWOOD". Kenwood.
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