Table Of Contents - American Audio VLP - REV 9-10 User Instructions

Professional power amplifier
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Do not open -
risk of electric shock
cAuTion: To reduce THe riSK oF eLecTric
SHocK, do noT remove THe cover.
THere Are no uSer ServiceABLe PArTS
inSide. reFer ALL Service To Your
AuTHoriZed AmericAn Audio
The lightning flash with an arrow triangular
symbol is intended to alert the user to the
presence of non insulated "dangerous volt-
age" within the products enclosure, and
may be of sufficient magnitude to consti-
tute a risk of electric shock.
The exclamation point triangular symbol is
intended to alert the user to the presence
of important operating and maintenance
(servicing) instructions in the user manual
accompanying the amplifier.
Safety Precautions.......................................................................................................................................................................................4
Front Panels.................................................................................................................................................................................................5
rear Panels..................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Speakon output connector Assembly.......................................................................................................................................................11
operating modes........................................................................................................................................................................................12
Protection circuitry
Short circuit Protection...................................................................................................................................................................13
Thermal Protection..........................................................................................................................................................................14
Amplifier Features.......................................................................................................................................................................................14
Speaker Setup............................................................................................................................................................................................15
For oPTimum PerFormAnce And
reLiABiLiTY do noT PreSenT THe
AmPLiFier WiTH A SPeAKer LoAd
oF LeSS THAn 2 oHmS or AnY
comBinATion oF SPeAKerS THAT
ToGeTHer Are LeSS THAn 2 oHmS!
uSinG one SPeAKer, iT muST Be
rATed AT 4 or more oHmS.
uSinG TWo SPeAKerS, THeY muST
rATed eAcH AT 4 or more oHmS.
uSinG THree SPeAKerS, THeY
muST Be rATed eAcH AT 8 or more
©American Audio® - - vLP Series™ Power Amplifier user manual Page 3
P o u r A S S u r e r L A F i A B i L e T e e T
oBTeniT une PerFormAnce oPTimALe,
neSoumeTTe JAmAiS L'AmPLiFicATeur
A une cHArGe d'imPedAnce ToTALe
inFerieure A 2 oHmS, ni Avec un H.P. ni
en comBinAiSon deS H.P.
Avec un H.P., iL FAuT une cHArGe
d'imPedAnce minimum de 2 oHmS.
Avec deuX H.P., FAuT Pour cHAoun une
cHArGe d'imPedAnce minimum de 4
Avec TroiS H.P., FAuT Pour cHAoun une
cHurGe d'imPedAnce minimum de 8

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