Sennheiser SDC 8200 SYS Software Manual page 28

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Configuring the conference system
In the "Color" window, click the desired color or define your own color.
The foreground color is changed.
To change the background color:
In the color palette, double-click the background color box (shown in
white in the example screenshot).
The "Color" window opens.
In the "Color" window, click the desired color or define your own color.
The background color is changed.
To undo the last drawing operation:
From the "Edit" menu, choose "Undo"
or press the key combination Ctrl + Z .
The last drawing operation is undone.
To redo the last undone drawing operation:
From the "Edit" menu, choose "Redo"
or press the key combination Ctrl + Y.
The last undone drawing operation is redone.
To cut a selected area:
From the "Edit" menu, choose "Cut"
or press the key combination Ctrl + X.
The selected area is cut and saved on the clipboard.
To copy the selected area to the clipboard:
From the "Edit" menu, choose "Copy"
or press the key combination Ctrl + C.
The selected area is copied to the clipboard.
To paste the cut or copied area from the clipboard onto the canvas:
From the "Edit" menu, choose "Paste"
or press the key combination Ctrl + "V".
The cut or copied area is pasted to the upper left corner of the canvas.
To delete the selected area:
From the "Edit" menu, choose "Delete"
or press the "Del" key.
The selected area is deleted.
To set the border style for a drawing object:
From the "Format" menu, choose "Border Style".
Set the border style of a drawing object.
solid line
dashed line
dotted line
dashdot line
dashdotdot line


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