Contents INDEX 1. GOT and servo system configurations 2. System configurations and supported models 3. Interactive functions list 4. Startup, adjustment Parameter setting Test operation One-touch tuning function Tuning function Servo amplifier graph function (startup, adjustment) FA transparent function 5. Maintenance System launcher (servo network) function Drive recorder function Servo amplifier data analysis...
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions The GOT2000 provides advanced functionality and improves connectivity with Mitsubishi Electric servo systems. It provides some functions of MR Con gurator2. The GOT Drive enhanced functionality is designed to eliminate need for additional GOT2000 Series hardware, software and suits customers’...
When using the sample screen, it is necessary to change the settings to match the actual system configuration. Please use the sample screen for GT27**-V (640×480). *4 The dedicated screen differs depending on the system configuration and the servo amplifier. For details, please refer to the GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric...
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When using the sample screen, it is necessary to change the settings to match the actual system configuration. Please use the sample screen for GT27**-V (640×480). *4 The dedicated screen differs depending on the system configuration and the servo amplifier. For details, please refer to the GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric...
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When using the sample screen, it is necessary to change the settings to match the actual system configuration. Please use the sample screen for GT27**-V (640×480). *4 The dedicated screen differs depending on the system configuration and the servo amplifier. For details, please refer to the GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric Products) and the GOT2000 Series User's Manual (Monitor).
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Notes on sample screens Depending on your system configuration (P.5-) and servo amplifier, there are cases where the sample screens may not be supported. In such cases, please refer to “User-created screen” on page 45. The sample screens are updated as necessary. The actual sample screens may be different from those in this catalog, and some function screens are not listed.
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GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions GT21 : Supported —: Not supported System Configuration User- FA trans- Controllers connected directly to GOT and GT SoftGOT2000 Controller/Servo amplifier Sample Dedicated created parent screen screen CASE Connection Command screen function Name Model type Name Model type type...
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Notes on sample screens Depending on your system configuration (P.5-) and servo amplifier, there are cases where the sample screens may not be supported. In such cases, please refer to “User-created screen” on page 45. The sample screens are updated as necessary. The actual sample screens may be different from those in this catalog, and some function screens are not listed.
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GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions GOT SoftGOT2000 (single-channel connection) : Supported —: Not supported System Configuration User- FA trans- Controllers connected directly to GOT and GT SoftGOT2000 Controller/Servo amplifier Sample Dedicated created parent screen screen CASE Connection Command screen function Name Model type...
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Notes on sample screens Depending on your system configuration (P.5-) and servo amplifier, there are cases where the sample screens may not be supported. In such cases, please refer to “User-created screen” on page 45. The sample screens are updated as necessary. The actual sample screens may be different from those in this catalog, and some function screens are not listed.
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GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions GOT SoftGOT2000 (single-channel connection) : Supported —: Not supported System Configuration User- FA trans- Controllers connected directly to GOT and GT SoftGOT2000 Controller/Servo amplifier Sample Dedicated created parent screen screen CASE Connection Command screen function Name Model type...
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When using the sample screen, it is necessary to change the settings to match the actual system configuration. Please use the sample screen for GT27**-V (640×480). *4 The dedicated screen differs depending on the system configuration and the servo amplifier. For details, please refer to the GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric...
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When using the sample screen, it is necessary to change the settings to match the actual system configuration. Please use the sample screen for GT27**-V (640×480). *4 The dedicated screen differs depending on the system configuration and the servo amplifier. For details, please refer to the GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric...
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Programmable controller CPU+ FX3U-1PG, etc. *4 The dedicated screen differs depending on the system configuration and the servo amplifier. For details, please refer to the GOT2000 Series Connection Manual (Mitsubishi Electric Products) and the GOT2000 Series User's Manual (Monitor). *5 The sample screen is set up based on a specific system configuration, such as the GOT being connected to a programmable controller CPU and the servo amplifier being controlled by a...
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GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions Interactive functions list Supported drive control interactive functions differ depending on GOT models. Please check the following list for the compatibility status of each model. GT27/GT25 : Supported —: Not supported User- Application Sample Dedicated Process Function name...
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Notes on sample screens Depending on your system configuration (P.5-) and servo amplifier, there are cases where the sample screens may not be supported. In such cases, please refer to “User-created screen” on page 45. The sample screens are updated as necessary. The actual sample screens may be different from those in this catalog, and some function screens are not listed.
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GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions GOT SoftGOT2000 (single-channel connection) : Supported —: Not supported User- Application Sample Dedicated Process Function name Page created scenario screen* function screen Basic setting parameters P.26 — — Gain/filter parameters P.26 — — ...
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Notes on sample screens Depending on your system configuration (P.5-) and servo amplifier, there are cases where the sample screens may not be supported. In such cases, please refer to “User-created screen” on page 45. The sample screens are updated as necessary. The actual sample screens may be different from those in this catalog, and some function screens are not listed.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch)* (Multi-ch) MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE * Supported by MR-J4-B(-RJ), MR-J4W2-B, MR-J4W3-B, MR-JE-B only. See page 16 for details. Feature Parameter setting Sample Easy End user screen startup The screens can be used to display and set the values of various parameters in the servo amplifier Servo amplifier parameters and point table values can be displayed and set with GOT and SoftGOT2000.
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Motor extension setting screen Network setting screen Positioning control screen Positioning extension setting screen * All of the above images are the connection sample screens of MR-J5-G. : Supported —: Not supported MR-J5-G(-RJ) MR-J5D1-G4 MR-J5-B(-RJ) MR-J4-B(-RJ) MR-J4- MR-J4- MR-J4- MR-JET- MR-JE- MR-JE- MR-JE-...
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch)* (Multi-ch) MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE * Supported by MR-J4-B(-RJ), MR-J4W2-B, MR-J4W3-B, MR-JE-B only. See page 16 for details. Feature Test operation Sample Easy End user screen startup Check the equipment on the on-site GOT before going into full-scale operation Without the need to set up a PC, you can confirm if the servo amplifier is working correctly before full-scale operation by checking on the on-site GOT.
SoftGOT SoftGOT GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch)* (Multi-ch) MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE * Supported by MR-J4-B(-RJ), MR-J4W2-B, MR-J4W3-B, MR-JE-B only. See page 16 for details. Feature One-touch tuning function Sample Easy screen startup Easily adjust servos on the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions Adjusting servos, which is challenging without experience, can be done in three steps using the on-site GOT.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch)* (Multi-ch) MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE * Supported by MR-J4-B(-RJ), MR-J4W2-B, MR-J4W3-B, MR-JE-B only. See page 16 for details. Feature Tuning function Sample Easy screen startup Adjust gains on the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions GOT can be used to adjust gains.
You do not have to bother with opening adjustment. the control panel door or changing cable connections. * GT21 cannot be used to access or transfer data to Mitsubishi Electric servo amplifiers. <Compatible software> MELSOFT MR Configurator2 MELSOFT MT Works2 MELSOFT GX Works3 MELSOFT GX Works2...
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature System launcher (servo network) function Dedicated Trouble- End user Maintenance screen shooting Visually check the status of the servo system on the on-site GOT screen Challenges Solutions GOT automatically generates the servo system configuration diagram, allowing you to visually...
SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Drive recorder function Dedicated Trouble- End user screen shooting Check the servo data at the time of alarm occurrence in a waveform list on the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions Servo alarm data such as motor current and position command can be read from the servo amplifier and checked in a waveform or a list format.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Servo amplifier graph function (maintenance) Dedicated Preventive Trouble- End user screen maintenance shooting Analyze the waveform data of a servo amplifier using the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions In the servo amplifier graph function, a specific period of time can be set in the collection and...
SoftGOT SoftGOT GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch)* (Multi-ch) MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE * Supported by MR-J4-B(-RJ), MR-J4W2-B, MR-J4W3-B, MR-JE-B only. See page 16 for details. Feature Monitor function Sample Trouble- End user screen shooting The screens can be used to display the status of the servo amplifier in operation and the I/O signals The servo motor speed, torque, bus voltage and input/output signals of the servo amplifier can be displayed on the GOT and GT SoftGOT2000.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J4 GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature R motion monitor function/Q motion monitor function Dedicated Trouble- End user screen shooting Monitor and edit servo parameters of a motion controller using the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions The R motion monitor function and Q motion monitor function allow you to monitor the motion...
SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J4 GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Motion program editor function Dedicated Trouble- End user Maintenance screen shooting Display and edit motion programs (G-code programs) on the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions Motion programs (G-code programs) can be edited in the dedicated screen of the motion program editor function of the GOT.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J4 MR-JE GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Intelligent module monitor function Dedicated Trouble- End user screen shooting Check the positioning module, status, or parameters on the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions You can debug positioning systems efficiently by displaying the data such as the status, Positioning module parameters, and the I/O information of positioning module axes on GOT while monitoring positioning sequence programs on a PC simultaneously.
SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-JET GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Encoder communication circuit diagnosis Sample Trouble- End user screen shooting The on-site GOT identifies the cause of an alarm generated by communication with the encoder Challenges Solutions When an encoder communication alarm occurs, you can use GOT to diagnose and determine whether the cause of the alarm is a servo amplifier failure or an encoder failure without preparing a PC.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-JET GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Machine diagnosis (tension estimation) Sample Predictive End user Maintenance screen maintenance The on-site GOT allows you to see the timing for belt maintenance Challenges Solutions The servo amplifier estimates the tension deterioration of the belt connected to the servo motor, and GOT displays a tension deterioration warning, allowing maintenance to be performed at an...
SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-JET GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Gear Failure Diagnosis Sample Predictive End user Maintenance screen maintenance You can check if the gear is broken on the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions By checking and grasping the aging deterioration information of the gear acquired from the servo amplifier on the on-site the GOT, the system stop due to the failure can be prevented.
GOT Drive Control (Servo) Interactive Solutions SoftGOT SoftGOT GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch)* (Multi-ch) MR-J4 MR-JE * Supported by MR-J4-B(-RJ), MR-J4W2-B, MR-J4W3-B, MR-JE-B only. See page 16 for details. Feature Machine diagnosis function Sample Predictive End user Maintenance screen maintenance With the on-site GOT, you can find out the maintenance timing of the equipment drive parts Challenges Solutions GOT can display estimated values (machine friction, torque vibration, etc.) that are collected by...
SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J4 GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Machine failure prediction function Predictive End user Maintenance maintenance Notify maintenance timing of equipment drive parts using the on-site GOT Challenges Solutions By setting devices of MR Configurator2 machine failure prediction function to numerical display objects of GT Works3, you can predict deterioration of the servo amplifier drive parts by checking the GOT.
SoftGOT SoftGOT MR-J5 MR-J4 MR-JET MR-JE GT27 GT25 GT21 (Single-ch) (Multi-ch) Feature Sample screens Easy to use sample screens of various interactive functions Sample screens are available for changing servo amplifier parameters, monitoring, and testing operations from the GOT2000 and GT SoftGOT2000.
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Lineup Concept movie Lineup HMI lineup GOT2000 Series Advanced model with multi-touch gesture functions GT27 Ethernet RS-232 RS-422/485 CC-Link IE TSN CC-Link IE Control CC-Link IE Field* CC-Link IE Field Basic CC-Link MELSECNET *1 The CC-Link IE Field Network communication unit and GOT set is also available. 12.1 10.4 inch...
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Multi-touch gesture Multimedia* Video/RGB* Sound output External I/O *2 Not supported by GT2705. inch 65536 colors GT2705-VTBD 640×480 A new style of GOT2000 GT25 Ethernet RS-232 RS-422/485 CC-Link IE TSN CC-Link IE Control CC-Link IE Field CC-Link IE Field Basic CC-Link Bus MELSECNET Open frame Sound output...
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Create new value with MELSERVO-J5. Unlock performance with a total drive solution. For details, please refer to the Mitsubishi Electric AC Servo System Focused on improving total performance. MELSERVO-J5 catalog The MELSERVO-J5 series servo system boasts industry-leading level basic performance.
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MELSERVO-J4 combines with For details, please refer to the other Mitsubishi Electric product lines such as Motion controllers, networks, graphic Mitsubishi Electric operation terminals, programmable controllers and more. This gives you the freedom and Servo Amplifiers &...
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• Before using the products for special purposes such as nuclear power, electric found not to be the cause of Mitsubishi Electric; opportunity loss or lost profits power, aerospace, medicine or passenger-carrying vehicles, consult with caused by faults in Mitsubishi Electric products;...
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American Offices Mexico Brazil Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc. Mitsubishi Electric do Brasil Comercio e Servicos Ltda. 500 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, U.S.A. Mexico Branch Avenida Adelino Cardana, 293, 21.o andar, Bethaville, Barueri Tel: +1-847-478-2100...
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