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Racal Instruments 9010 Service Manual page 10

Decade divider


For further instructions when operating by remote program
(Option 02 or 05) refer to para. 2.3.
Check that the instructions in para. 2.1 have been compliedwith.
Check that the associated digital counter is switched on and ready
for use. (Refer to the appropriate instruction manual).
Connect the appropriate output socket of the Decade Divider to the
Input socket of the associated counter, using the BNC to BNC
coaxial lead supplied. See NOTES below:-
NOTE1: If the associated counter has a high impedance input the
connecting coaxial lead must be terminated in 500 at the
input to the counter.
NOTE 2: The choice of whether to use the
10 or';' 100 outlet is
governed by the following conditions:-
The &equency to be measured (if known).
The upper &equency limit of the associated counter.
Preferably the smaller division ratio
10) outlet should be used,
provided that this output frequency falls within the measurement
range of the counter.
Set the SENSITIVITY switch to the setting appropriate to the amplitude
of the signal to be measured. Refer to Table 1.1 or 1.2 in Section 1
(Technical Specification) noting the upper limits for the sensitivity
ranges which are also engraved in red on the panel.
The correct use of the SENSITIVITY control is very important,
particularly when dividing signals with high "noise" or
interference levels. For satisfactory results use the least
sensitive setting that will give stable counting. If the signal
amplitude or condition is unknown set the SENSITIVITY switch
initially to the least sensitive setting. The SENSITIVITY
control (if fitted) on the associated counter should be set to a
sensitivity position compatible with the Pre-scaler output
amplitude whi ch is approximately 1.5V peak-to-peak when
terminated in 500.
2 - 2



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