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Summary of Contents for Chase Bliss Audio Lossy

  • Page 2 Table of Contents Overview Setup Getting Started Controls Hidden Options Loss Modes Packets Filter Ideas Verb Freeze Gate Customize Ramping External Control Signal Flow Lossy was developed in collaboration with Goodhertz. Power req: 9V DC Center Negative ~400 mA...
  • Page 3 Overview The pedal can be broken into three main blocks: Lossy captures the special kind of degradation that happens to digital audio when it’s shrunk, A loss section that deconstructs transferred, and otherwise contorted: the audio (pg. 18). Streaming music on a 56k modem,...
  • Page 4 Turn on the MISO dip switch. experienced with pedals you can probably ignore this bit and dive right in. And if you want to use Lossy to create a wide stereo image: Turn on the SPREAD dip switch (pg. 32). POWER...
  • Page 5 GLOBAL knob to mellow out the intensity of the to max... effect. This is a good formula for getting comfy with Lossy and making new presets – start with LOSS GLOBAL at max to really hear what it can do, then adjust to taste.
  • Page 6 GLOBAL BYPASS / GATE Tap to engage the pedal. Hold to engage Lossy’s gate (pg. 30). FREEZE / STATE Tap to engage the freeze effect. Hold to change to the solid state (pg. 28).
  • Page 7 MODE Selects the Loss mode (pg. 20). INVERSE - Everything stripped away in Standard mode. STANDARD - Lossy data compression reminiscent of a low bit-rate digital MP3. Select, deconstruct, adjust. JITTER - Inaccuracies in phase and timing due to imperfect clocking.
  • Page 8 96 dB - Intense, highly-emphasized filtering. VERB Controls the reverb wet/dry mix. If the ALL WET dip switch is engaged this control becomes a true analog mix, blending the Lossy-processed signal with the analog input signal (more on pg. 33). Cut, sweep, expand.
  • Page 9 Hidden Options GATE Hold down both footswitches until the LEDs turn Sets the cutoff for Lossy’s gate green to access the Hidden Options. (engaged by holding the bypass switch, pg. 30). Any audio quieter GATE than this threshold will be silenced when the gate is on.
  • Page 10 Hidden Options - Continued AUTO GAIN Gradually introduces automatic gain compensation for the Loss modes. The Loss modes create their AUTO effect by manipulating the frequency GAIN spectrum, so this helps keep the perceived volume the same. LOSS GAIN Controls the overall gain of the wet signal, with cut or boost up to 36 dB.
  • Page 11 Loss This is where it happens. The Loss section analyzes and breaks down your input audio, degrading it and pulling out a SPEED LOSS stream of harmonics and artifacts. PACKETS MODE It’s made up of two distinct parts that you can mix and match...
  • Page 12 LOSS knob is turned up. consistent across the Loss modes, regardless of how the SPEED and STANDARD LOSS knobs are set. Lossy data compression reminiscent of a low bit-rate digital MP3, with a darker sound that is stuffed full THRESHOLD of chiming spectral harmonics.
  • Page 13 Packet Modes Loss Ideas You can think of the Packet effects as a supporting BAD DOWNLOAD flavor to introduce errors, unpredictability, and FILTER GLOBAL VERB movement to the Loss effect. FREQ SPEED LOSS They share the same knobs as the Loss modes SLOPE PACKETS MODE...
  • Page 14 (called a band-reject filter). Useful for scooping the mids and hollowing out your sound. FREQ The filter is a powerful part of the Lossy experience. You can use it to confine the effect for wild but controlled textures, or to emphasize a specific frequency range, or to create filtered reverb.
  • Page 15 Verb VERB PRE Lossy’s reverb is as digital as could be, with a warm character and unique decay that fizzles and sputters. Rather than creating realistic- VERB sounding spaces, it’s instead reminiscent of the reverbs used by electronic musicians in the early 1990s.
  • Page 16 Freeze The freeze is able to update itself and become Lossy contains a unique and versatile type of a shifting spectral copy of your input audio. freeze effect. You can use this to “refill” the sound of the freeze - a new chord, for example - or leave it It can work like any other freeze: Hold the left running continuously like a live effect.
  • Page 17 Gate Hold down Lossy’s BYPASS switch to engage the gate. CUTOFF It can create sputtering effects like a distant radio station at lower settings. CUTOFF Medium settings work well as a performance gesture to introduce momentary failure. Now all audio quieter than the cutoff will be silenced.
  • Page 18 (pg. 27). Lossy allow you to configure it for your SLOW setup and fine-tune Captures the classic sound of the Lossy plugin – things to your liking. bigger, darker, slower, and with more latency. INVERT MISO Changes the filter from a *band-pass Mono In, Stereo Out.
  • Page 19 (depending on the SWEEP setting). Ramping gives you the ability to automate Lossy’s Ramp is the same idea, but the movement only knobs, either as a one-time movement (ramp) or happens once when you turn the pedal on.
  • Page 20 ¼" TRS jack. For details on getting MIDI switches. going with Lossy, check out the MIDI manual. CV and expression are set up the same way as The MIDI jack can also be used to control the FREEZE ramping using the dip switches on the top of the with an external pedal.
  • Page 21 This is the end of the Lossy manual. Get out there and fall apart. Write us here any time if you have any questions: We’re happy to help. Have fun!