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Summary of Contents for Chase Bliss Audio Generation Loss MKII

  • Page 2 Table of Contents Overview Getting Started Controls Knobs Toggles Footswitches Hidden Options Flutter Models Saturate Failure Classic Mode Customize Ramping Ideas External Control Signal Flow Power req: 9VDC Center Negative ~250 mA...
  • Page 3 Overview You can think of Gen Loss as a VCR deconstructed. Within Generation Loss MKII are two different It takes each of the oddities and artifacts tape approaches to the same challenge: machines impart on your sound and gives them an independent control.
  • Page 4 Getting Started The first thing to do is acclimate Gen Loss to your setup. This will only take a moment. VOLUME MODEL The default setting will work for most: FLUTTER SATURATE FAILURE Mono in, mono out. Stereo in, stereo out. NOISE Try maxing out each Now try this.
  • Page 5 Controls - Knobs Sets the depth of slow, smooth, random pitch modulation. Your classic tape-style motion, like unpredictable vibrato. VOLUME Sets the output level of the wet signal. VOLUME MODEL Noon is unity, max is boosted by 2x. If ramping is engaged (pg. 38), the function of this knob will change.
  • Page 6 Controls - Knobs FLUTTER Sets the intensity of fast, twitchy, random modulation. Affects both amplitude and pitch, giving the impression of quivering, trembling tape. Similar to MKII, but without (CLASSIC MODE) amplitude modulation. SATURATE Recreates a unique form of magnetic saturation that occurs when loud signals FLUTTER SATURATE...
  • Page 7 Controls - Toggles Selects a performance effect, activated by the left footswitch. You can set how quickly these effects set in using the hidden options. Sets the loudness of your clean signal. NONE - Pure tape machine. SMALL - Drops in a touch of clean, keeping the tape effect dominant but creating a bigger and more detailed sound.
  • Page 8 Controls - Footswitches BYPASS Activates the pedal. Gen Loss has a variety of bypass and dry thru options. In its default state, it is true bypass with analog dry thru. See pg. 44 for the specifics. Activates the AUX function. Hold for momentary.
  • Page 9 Hidden Options MECHANICAL NOISE LEVEL (SATURATE knob) Hold down both footswitches until the LEDs turn Sets the volume of the mechanical noise green to access the hidden options. introduced by the NOISE toggle. Noon is zero: Rotate clockwise for hum, rotate counter- clockwise for VCR noise.
  • Page 10 Wow is your classic tape-style movement. WOW is also your key to getting some unique chorus sounds. It gives you those signature off-kilter pitch bends, reminiscent of vibrato but random and rubbery. Flick the DRY toggle over to UNITY and expand. VOLUME MODEL FLUTTER...
  • Page 11 Flutter Now turn it down just to the point where you stop Flutter is a rapid, wriggling movement that is noticing it. This is a good trick for more subtle, largely unique to tape. realistic settings. Using FLUTTER without WOW can be useful for a sound that feels vintage, but not broken.
  • Page 12 Model This is your tape library. The MODEL knob steps through a variety of EQ profiles sampled from physical hardware. A good way to explore the models is to recreate the settings from Getting Started (pg. 04) so you can hear how all the different parts interact. Go through the models one by one and see what suits you.
  • Page 13 Models - Continued CAM-8 TYPE: CASSETTE Camcorder. Sampled using the built-in mic. TYPE: NA Turn all the way counter-clockwise DICTATRON-EX to bypass MODEL. Unfiltered. TYPE: CASSETTE Handheld voice recorder. Sampled using the built-in speaker and an external mic. CPR-3300 Gen 1 TYPE: VHS DICTATRON-IN TYPE: CASSETTE...
  • Page 15 Saturate The amount of saturation will vary based on your SATURATE introduces a unique form of dynamic instrument. You can use the hidden options to distortion that occurs when a loud signal is match the input gain to your setup, or access a recorded to tape, overwhelming it.
  • Page 16 Failure You have some options for customizing it: The FAILURE knob is a multi-effect made of the You can bypass the drops and/or snags small imperfections that are a natural part of using the dip switches. tape. It introduces a living feel - unpredictability You can set the loudness of the crinkles and - and is also the key to stereo processing.
  • Page 17 Failure - Continued A creative utility of FAILURE is that it can function FAILURE is responsible for the multi-layered as an unpredictable stereo splitter. Turn on the stereo image you experience with SPREAD on. SNAG BYP, SPREAD, and MISO dip switches, and Its various effects manifest differently on the turn down the other knobs.
  • Page 18 FREEZE Gen Loss has three different AUX effects (and one Back by popular demand, the hidden favorite), for your performance needs. hidden fourth AUX function: Freeze. Tape machines don’t do this, but Select your effect, press the AUX footswitch, who cares. It’s fine. This one is only and it’s on.
  • Page 19 Classic Mode CLASSIC MODE brings back the sound and features of the original CooperFX and Chase VOLUME It can be a Bliss Generation Loss. filtered chorus, for example. Simply flick the CLASSIC dip switch, and you’ve FLUTTER got a different pedal. UNITY VOLUME Flip that...
  • Page 20 Customize DRY TYPE When engaged, all of the pedal’s effects except The dark blue-labeled dip switches on top of Gen WOW and FLUTTER will be applied to your dry Loss allow you to configure it for your setup and signal. This makes it possible to create saturated, fine-tune things to your liking.
  • Page 21 Ramping RAMP RAMP START MODEL Now Gen Loss will steadily jump between Ramping gives you the ability to automate Gen different tape models. The position of the knob Loss’ knobs, either as a one-time movement you’re controlling is important, because it (ramp) or continuous motion (bounce).
  • Page 22 Ramping - Ideas MAINTENANCE PHASE TAPE HOPPER BOUNCE, FAILURE, RANDOM BOUNCE, MODEL, RANDOM This setting randomly jumps to Use this setting for a sound similar different FAILURE settings for more to sample and hold, only each organic, ever-changing amounts landing spot is a different tape of malfunction.
  • Page 23 External Control Gen Loss is CV range = 0-5V compatible (higher voltage with MIDI, CV, or any negative expression, voltage could 1. Choose which knob(s) and external damage the 2. Choose the sweep. you wish to control. footswitch. pedal). MIDI/AUX EXP/CV 3.