Maintenance And Disinfection - Kinetico MEDDALSOFT 11 User Manual

Systems for water softening
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CAUTION: the hardness regulator is supplied tota-
lly closed, if the equipment is not regulated it will
supply totally softened water.


For correct operation of the system, carry out the fo-
llowing checks:
Salt level in the tank
Hardness of the water supply
Hardness of the treated water
Brine tank cleaning
After-sales service review
CAUTION: It is important not to overlap disinfec-
tion and descaling tasks, as the chemicals used
can react violently. Cleaning and descaling should
be done alternately, according to the frequency indi-
Salt refill:
Frequently check the salt level in the tank. A minimum
salt level equivalent to one-third of the tank must be
maintained. If the salt runs out before refilling, the
equipment will produce hard water. At the end of the
examination, check that the salt lid is properly closed.
CAUTION: In humid areas, it is better to maintain
a lower salt level than normal and to refill more
Recommended salt: Coarse salt in pellets or balls with
less than 1% impurities.
Salts not recommended: Stone salt, with impurities, in
block, granulated, in pellets, or cooking.
Breaking a salt bridge:
In some cases, a salt bridge can form in the salt deposit.
This is usually due to high humidity or the use of low
quality salt. When a salt bridge forms, there is an empty
space between the water and the salt, thus preventing
its dissolution, therefore the softener equipment will
not regenerate properly and produce hard water.
If the tank is filled with salt, it is difficult to tell if a salt
bridge has formed, as the salt on the surface may feel
loose, even though it is compacted at the bottom.
To check for salt bridge, take a long stiff tool (e.g. a
broomstick) and hold it next to the softener measuring
the distance between the ground and the edge of the
salt. Then insert the tool into the salt. If you find an ob-
ject hard to the touch, it is a salt bridge.
Proceed very gently to press the crust in several places
to break it.
CAUTION: do not use sharp or pointed objects.
Once a year, it is recommended to carry out disin-
fection as indicated below:
1. Open the brine tank caps and pour 20 to 30 ml (2
or 3 caps) of Bacwater (652100.) into the brine funnel.
Close it again.
2. Verify that the bypass valves are in service.
3. The sanitizing process will be complete when regene-
ration is complete and the sanitizing solution has been
expelled from the softener to the drain.
Once a year, clean with Clean Softener (611000), a pro-
duct specially designed for cleaning and descaling all
your softener equipment. This product, thanks to its
special formulation, cleans the resin eliminating traces
of iron and other metals that could contaminate it while
eliminating possible encrustations in the internal passa-
ges of of the valve.
Salt bridge
Level water
20-30 ml.
inner funnel


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