Unpacking And Contents; Preliminary Warnings - Kinetico MEDDALSOFT 11 User Manual

Systems for water softening
Table of Contents



It is important that before the installation and commis-
sioning of the equipment, to check the material recei-
ved, in order to ensure that it has not been damaged
during transport.
CAUTION: Claims for damage during transport
must be presented with the delivery note or in-
voice to your distributor, attaching the name of the
carrier, within a maximum of 24 hours after receipt of
the goods.
Units are supplied fully assembled and consist of the
following components:
• Volumetric WATERMARK valve: Fully automatic built in
Noryl. Equipped with an isolation by-pass and a residual
hardness mixing valve.
• Column containing the resin, constructed of fiber-
glass-reinforced polyethylene.
• Special load of strong cation type ion exchange resin
for softening, provided inside the column.
• Compact cabinet MEDDALSOFT, made of plastic mate-
rial, with salt capacity for several regenerations.
• Packaging and protections, including a pressurized ba-
lloon to prevent the resin column from moving.
Before starting the installation of the equipment, this
manual should be read carefully.
CAUTION: the air bag must be removed before
installing the equipment
The materials used in the packaging are recyclable and
must be disposed of in the appropriate selective co-
llection containers or in the specific place for the reco-
very of materials.
The purchased device has been designed and manufac-
tured with high quality recyclable and reusable mate-
rials and components. This product cannot be disposed
of with normal municipal waste. When renewing the
device, you must hand it in to the specific local center
for the recovery of materials, indicating that it contains
circuits, electrical and electronic components, as well
as ion exchange resin.
For more information on the disposal of electrical or
electronic equipment, once it has reached its useful
life, contact a licensed waste handler or the facility
where your dealer.
Collecting and processing unused devices helps preser-
ve the environment and avoid potential risks to public


The MEDDALSOFT series water treatment equipment is
NOT a water purifier. Its purpose is to remove hardness
from the water, leaving treated, softened water that will
prevent hard water problems.
User guide
If the water to be treated does not come from the mu-
nicipal public network or is of unknown origin, it will be
necessary to carry out a physico-chemical and bacte-
riological analysis of the water, in order to ensure that
it is properly potabilized by applying the techniques and
equipment adapted to each need, BEFORE INSTALLING
your system.
Contact your dealer for advice on the most appropriate
treatment for you.
• Do not supply your system with hot water (T<36ºC).
• Ambient temperature must be between 4ºC and 45ºC.
• The equipment should be installed, if possible, in a
dry environment free from acid fumes. If not, adequate
ventilation must be ensured.
• A minimum pressure of 2.5 bar must be ensured, if
this minimum pressure is not available, a pressure relief
system must be installed.
• If the inlet pressure is higher than 5.5 bar, a pressure
regulator must be installed.
• The water to be treated must be suitably filtered,
which is why the installation of a filter beforehand is re-
commended to guarantee the elimination of suspended
particles entrained by the inlet water. It is recommen-
ded to use the self-cleaning filters of the FILTERMAX se-
ries, which incorporate all the necessary components.
If an adequate filter is not placed, these particles could
clog the gauges or the internal injectors of the equi-
pment, affecting the correct operation of the equip-
• To treat the whole house supply, connect the softener
to the general supply pipe, before connecting it to the
rest of the plumbing, except for the outlets to the out-
side. Faucets located outside the house should provide
hard water. Due to the increase in sodium in softened
water, its use for irrigation is not recommended, as it
can negatively affect the development of plants and
• If it is necessary to condition the installation in order
to be able to install the equipment in the intended pla-
ce, this must be done in accordance with the national
regulations in force for electrical and hydraulic insta-


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