Remote Control; Trouble Shooting - BRUEL & KJAER 1013 Instructions And Applications

Beat frequency oscillator
Table of Contents


H. Remote Control.
In the description of the apparatus several forms of remote control
To carry out any of these methods use must be made of
the REMOTE CONTROL jack on the front panel, the appropriate connec-
tions being made of the pins of the six-pole socket. Fig. 2.6 shows the
different pins on the socket.
Viewed externally
Oscillator Stop
(+100 Volts d.c. approx.)
i on
Magnetic Clutch
Fig. 3.5. REMOTE CONTROL jack, viewed looking towards front
Remote control of the magnetic clutch can be obtained by setting or break-
ing a connection between a and f, providing the AUTOMATIC SCANNING
switch is at the position "Off".
For external modulation it is necessary to connect the external generator
between terminals f and b, having the MODULATION FREQUENCY
switch set to any position except "Off".
For remote interruption of the output signal (stopping of the fixed
oscillator) the terminal c should be connected to terminal f (ground). This
arrangement is used, for instance, when reverberation measurements are
carried out automatically by employing the B
K Level Recorder Type
2305. A special switch in the Recorder then connects terminal c to ground
when the radiated signal has to be interrupted.
Terminals d and e are in connection with an internal contact used to
interrupt the signal output when the frequency scale pointer is outside
the scale. This internal contact is also in use when the Partial Blocking
arrangement is utilized.
Note: When delivered from the factory, each BFO is supplied with a
6-poled plug containing the necessary connections for the function of the
internal contact.
I. Trouble Shooting.
If the BFO is not working properly when switched on, check the follow-


Table of Contents

Table of Contents