TomTom VIA 1435T Reference Manual page 76

Tomtom via 1435t: reference guide
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internete adresu
© 2010 TomTom N.V., Nīderlande. TomTom® un "divu rociņu" logotips ir prečzīmes, kas
pieder TomTom N.V. vai kādam tā meitas uzņēmumam. Garantijas un gala lietotāja
līgumus, kas piemērojami šim izstrādājumam, skatiet vietnē
© 2010 TomTom N.V., Hollanda. TomTom® ve diğer logolar ile birlikte "iki el" logosunun
mülkiyeti, TomTom N.V. veya bağlı şirketlerine aittir. Bu ürün için geçerli garanti ve son
kullanıcı lisans sözleşmeleri için sayfasına bakın.
© 2010 TomTom N.V., Holanda. TomTom® e o logotipo "duas mãos" entre outros, são
marcas comerciais de propriedade da TomTom N.V. ou de uma de suas subsidiárias. Con-
sulte para obter garantias e contratos de licença de usuário
final que se aplicam a este produto.
Data Source
© 2010 Tele Atlas N.V. Based upon:
Topografische ondergrond Copyright © dienst voor het kadaster en de openbare regis-
ters, Apeldoorn 2006.
© Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.
© IGN France.
© Swisstopo.
© BEV, GZ 1368/2003.
© Geonext/DeAgostini.
© Norwegian Mapping Authority, Public Roads Administration / © Mapsolutions.
© DAV, violation of these copyrights shall cause legal proceedings.
This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission
of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown copyright and/or database
right 2010. All rights reserved. Licence number 100026920.
© Roskartographia
Data Source
© 2010 Tele Atlas North America. Inc. All rights reserved.
SoundClear™ acoustic echo cancellation software © Acoustic Technologies Inc.
Text to Speech technology, © 2010 Loquendo TTS. All rights reserved. Loquendo is a reg-
istered trademark.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.

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