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NoiseKen LSS-F02 Series Instruction Manual

Lightning surge simulator


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Summary of Contents for NoiseKen LSS-F02 Series

  • Page 2 NOTICE • The contents of this instruction manual (the “Manual”) are subject to change without prior notice. • No part of the Manual may be reproduced or distributed, in any form or by any means, without the authorization of Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd. (the “Company”). •...
  • Page 3 The following instructions are very important for safe handling of the lightening surge simulator LSS-F02 series (hereinafter “the Unit”). They must be kept strictly to prevent users of the Unit from receiving harm or damage through using the Unit. Read them carefully before use.
  • Page 4 2. CHECK PACKAGE CONTENTS Before using the instrument, check whether the included accessories are complete according to the following list. A:AC cable --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 B:Surge output cable (1.8m) (MODEL:05-00137A alligator clip) --------------- 2 C:Line output cable (1.8m) (MODEL:05-00138A M6) ----------------------------- 3(A1A/C1) 5(A3A/C3) D:FG cable (2m) (MODEL:05-00070A M6-M6)...
  • Page 5 3. APPLICATION FORM FOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL We place an order for an instruction manual. Model: LSS-F02 Serial No.: Applicant: Company name: Address: Department: Person in charge: Tel No.: Fax No. Cut off this page “APPLICATION FORM FOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL” from this volume and keep it for future use with care.
  • Page 6 Memorandum...
  • Page 7 4. PREFACE 4-1. Preface We thank you very much for your purchase of our Lightening Surge Simulator LSS-F02 series (hereinafter “the Unit”). This instruction manual (“the Manual”) contains how to use the Unit and other important information. In order to obtain the highest performance from the Unit, thoroughly understand the contents of the Manual and use as ready reference for operation.
  • Page 8 5. CONTENTS 1. IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..............1 2. CHECK PACKAGE CONTENTS ................2 3. APPLICATION FORM FOR INSTRUCTION MANUAL ..........3 4. PREFACE ........................5 4-1. P ······················································································································· 5 REFACE 4-2. F ······················································································································· 5 EATURE 5. CONTENTS ........................ 6 6.
  • Page 9 5. CONTENTS ......................32 ONNECTION OF URGE UTPUT 10-4. C AC/DC L ··············································· 33 ONNECTION FOR PPLYING URGE AVEFORM TO AC/DC L ......................33 ONNECTION OF NPUT AC/DC L ....................35 ONNECTION OF UTPUT 10-5. C (C1/C3) ································· 37 ONNECTION FOR PPLYING URGE AVEFORM TO...
  • Page 10 5. CONTENTS ON D ..........................74 OWER ISPLAY ............................74 LARM .............................. 74 ANGUAGE ............................74 OLTAGE IMIT ........................... 75 NTERLOCK EVEL ..........................75 EQUENCE ETHOD ........................... 75 ITLE PERATION 16. ERROR MESSAGE ....................76 17. SPECIFICATIONS ....................78 17-1. C ······································································································...
  • Page 11 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following items are very important instructions which users must follow to take precautions against possible injury and harm. The indications are provided as an explanation of potential danger involved if the safety precautions are not observed correctly. 6-1.
  • Page 12 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The contents of following signs indicate warnings and cautions when using the Unit. Noticing possibility of an electric shock It indicates that there is possibility of an electric shock. Noticing caution, warning and danger It indicates that there is a possibility of harm or physical damage if the Unit is or related equipment is handled incorrectly and that the Manual should be referred.
  • Page 13 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS It indicates warnings for electric shock etc. and the Manual should be referred. Caution on handling Do not uncover to reduce the risk of an electric shock. It indicates warnings for electric shock etc. and the Manual should be referred. Caution on handling Noise Laboratory Co., Ltd.
  • Page 14 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DANGER Do not take the Unit apart or do not remodel. Do not open the cover. Imminent danger might occur resulting in death or serious injury. Repair, internal adjustment, and inspection of the Unit should be performed by a qualified service Do not engineer.
  • Page 15 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Use the Unit after understanding instructions in the Manual fully. There may be danger causing a fatal or serious wound or emitting over-ristricted-value electromagnetic noise in using the Unit. NOISE LABORATORY and its sales agents shall have no liability against any accident resulting in injury or death, any damage to equipment or any resultant damage thereof, which is caused by abuse or careless handling of this unit.
  • Page 16 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING Do not use the Unit for any other purpose than Lightening Surge test. The misuse may result in an electric shock, an injury, or damage of equipment. Do not put any substance into the Unit or its connectors. If some metal or flammable things are put into the Unit through a connector or a vent, it may result in a fire or an electric shock.
  • Page 17 6. BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Use the Unit in proper environment. Operating temperature range is 15~35ºC. Operating humidity range is 25~75%. If these precautions are not followed, the unit may be broken or the prescribed performance may not be warranted. Clean up the AC plug periodically. If dust gets damp between the AC plug and outlet, insulation capability deteriorates.
  • Page 18 7. CAUTION ABOUT EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES About switches, storage capacitors, high voltage relays, discharge switches, contactors, circuit breakers, fuses, fans, and varistors inside The above components used in the Unit are expendable. The lifetime of them is dependent on using conditions and environment. If a symptom which seems to be caused by exhausted components e.g.
  • Page 19 8. INTRODUCTORY NOTES 8-1. Introductory Notes The meaning of following symbols is as follows. Operate the touch panel. Additional explanation. Indicating other parts to be referred in the Manual. Indicating restriction of setting up. Indicating items to be confirmed before usage. 【...
  • Page 20 8. INTRODUCTORY NOTES 8-3. How to Understand Model Number This instruction manual is common for all of LSS-F02 series models. The outline of each model of this series is shown as the following table. Model No. Output waveform LSS-F02A1A AC single phase / DC 1.2/50µs-8/20µs combination waveform...
  • Page 21 8. INTRODUCTORY NOTES 8-5. Block Diagram SURGE OUTPUT V.SENSOR 0.2u I.SENSOR SURGE OUTPUT HV: High voltage power supply H V : 高 電 圧 電 源 H V : 高 電 圧 電 源 H V : 高 電 圧 電 源 H V :...
  • Page 22 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 9-1. Appearance of The Main Unit LSS-F02A1A LSS-F02A3A Control Panel ⇒P.22 Surge Generation Panel ⇒P. 23 AC/DC Line Injection Panel ⇒P. エラー エラー! ブ ブ ブ ブ エラー エラー Input Panel ⇒P. 28...
  • Page 23 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART ※Refer to 8-3. How to Understand Model Number. LSS-F02C1 LSS-F02C3 Control Panel ⇒P.22 Surge Generation Panel ⇒P. 23 AC/DC Line Injection Panel ⇒P. エラー エラー エラー! ブ ブ ブ ブ エラー Telecom Line Injection Panel ⇒P.26 Input Panel...
  • Page 24 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 9-2. Control Panel 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 1 1...
  • Page 25 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 9-3. Surge Generation Panel 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1...
  • Page 26 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 9-4. AC/DC Line Injection Panel Single Phase Model (A1A/C1 type) 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1...
  • Page 27 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 ..1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 ..Power line indication LED【INJECTION LINE AC/DC】 illuminates when the EUT LINE key【EUT LINE】is turned ON in the line injection test. 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 .
  • Page 28 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 9-5. Telecom Line Injection Panel (C1/C3) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6...
  • Page 29 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 ..1 1 1 1 8 8 8 8 ..Telecom line output terminal【TELECOM LINE OUTPUT 1/2/3/4/PE】 Line injection output terminal for telecom line. Use the terminal 1 and 2 for 2-line type, the terminal 1~4 for 4-line type.
  • Page 30 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 9-6. Input Panel Single Phase Model (A1A/C1 type) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2...
  • Page 31 9. APPEARANCE AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 ..2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 ..Interlock terminal【INTERLOCK】 Turns ON when 1pin - 3pin is short-circuited so that test is ready. Connect the supplied interlock connector to this terminal.
  • Page 32 10. CONNECTION 10-1. Connection of AC Cables and Interlock Connector Interlock connector AC cable FG cable (※1) ① Insert the AC cable into the AC inlet【AC INPUT】. ② Connect the interlock connector to the interlock terminal. The supplied AC cable is for AC100~120V. When the Unit is used with AC220~240V, prepare a three line AC cable which has a protective earth terminal conforming to the local safety standard.
  • Page 33 10. CONNECTION 10-2. Connection of Optical Communication Cable (Optional) To control the Unit externally (optional), connect a communication cable to the optical communication connector【REMOTE】. The communication cable is connected to PC via the optical fiber cable and adaptor. For details, refer to the instruction manual of the remote software. When communication is started, the display changes as the remote software content changes, but operation on the Unit is unavailable in this status except the following operation.
  • Page 34 10. CONNECTION 10-3. Connection for Applying Surge Waveform to EUT Directly Connection of Surge Output ① Connect the supplied surge output cable to the surge output terminal 【HOT】 , 【COM】 on the surge generation panel. Surge output terminal ② Put the protective cover on every AC/DC line output terminal 【AC/DC LINE OUTPUT】 which is not used for the test.
  • Page 35 10. CONNECTION 10-4. Connection for Applying Surge Waveform to AC/DC Line Connection of AC/DC Line Input Connection of Isolation Transformer The power line injection unit of the Unit incorporates filters to prevent the surge from returning to the power supply upstream (Those filter are referred to as "Decoupling Network" in the relevant IEC standard.).
  • Page 36 10. CONNECTION Single-phase (A1A/C1 type) the Unit isolation transformer Connect to the power supply Connect to the protective earth Three-phase (A3A/C3 type) the Unit isolation transformer Connect to the power supply Connect to the protective earth DC line Connect to the protective earth...
  • Page 37 10. CONNECTION Connection of AC/DC Line Output ① Connect the supplied line output cable to the AC/DC line output terminal 【AC/DC LINE OUTPUT】 . Refer to the figures as below. Put the connector cap on the AC/DC line output terminal which is not used for the test.
  • Page 38 10. CONNECTION ② Put the connector cap on the surge output terminal【HOT】 【COM】. Surge output terminal Connector cap ③ Be sure to close the door of the telecom injection panel (in case of C1/C3 type). ④ Connect EUT to the tip of the surge output cable. If the surge output cable and the connecting part are worked for the test with insulation tubes, the surge test can be performed more safely.
  • Page 39 10. CONNECTION 10-5. Connection for Applying Surge Waveform to Telecom Line (C1/C3) Connection of Telecom Line Input ① Before connecting, ensure that power supply to the EUT is turned off and that the Unit is in OFF status. ② In case of 2-line,【TELECOM LINE OUTPUT 1】and【TELECOM LINE OUTPUT 2】are automatically selected in the Unit.
  • Page 40 10. CONNECTION ② Put the arrestor cover on these arrestor units. Tighten 4 pieces of knurled screws securely. If the cover is open, the telecom line breaker is turned OFF. Arrestor cover Knurled screw ③ Connect the supplied telecom line output cable to the telecom line output terminal【TELECOM LINE OUTPUT】on the telecom line injection panel.
  • Page 41 10. CONNECTION ⑤ Be sure to close the door of the telecom line injection panel. ⑥ Connect EUT to the tip of the supplied telecom line output cable. If the telecom line output cable and the connecting part are worked for the test with insulation tubes, the surge test can be performed more safely.
  • Page 42 11. OPERATION 11-1. Emergency Stop Button When emergency stop button is pressed, the Unit shits to the following status forcibly. The test is immediately stopped and high voltage generating circuit of the Unit is turned off. ・ ・ ・ ・ ・EUT power supply (EUT LINE switch ) is turned OFF by force.
  • Page 43 11. OPERATION 11-2. Turn ON the Unit ① Turn on the Unit with the POWER switch on the input panel. ② When the Unit is turned on and starts normally, an electronic sound goes off, the main menu is displayed on the LCD touch panel. ↑...
  • Page 44 11. OPERATION 11-4. Screen Flowchart AC LINE (CDN SETUP) DC LINE (C DN SETUP) ↕ ↕ TELECOM ( CDN SETUP) C1/C3 type ↕ C1/C3 type Main Menu...
  • Page 45 11. OPERATION 11-5. Inputting Numbers and Letters (About Ten Key and Character Key) The ten key is displayed for inputting numbers, the character key is displayed for operation for title. Basic operations of them are as follows. Touch the item which is necessary to be input and the ten key is displayed with the value as in the last usage.
  • Page 46 12. STANDARD TEST 12-1. Setting Standard Test Touch『STANDARD』on the main menu. In the standard test mode, the test conditions prescribed on the IEC61000-4-5 are preset. The test list is made automatically only with inputting the output way and voltage according to the user’s EUT line. If any other test condition than the standard test is needed, set with the manual test mode (Refer to 13.MANUAL TEST –P.54).
  • Page 47 12. STANDARD TEST If this button is pressed, a message box asking The estimate test time is displayed whether moving to the manual test mode or not with conditions previously input. will appear. If『yes』is selected, the screen will move to the manual test setting screen with Standard test setting screen holding all of set data.
  • Page 48 13. STANDARD TEST Discharge Interval The first surge after the test start is output when the minimum charging time (Refer to the previous page) has passed without any relationship with the set interval. 12-2. AC LINE Standard Normal mode (without PE) Normal / Common mode (with PE) ①...
  • Page 49 12. STANDARD TEST 12-3. DC LINE Standard Normal mode (without PE) Normal / Common mode (with PE) ① For injecting surge to the DC line, touch『DC LINE』on the above tub. The surge is output from the AC/DC line output terminal【AC/DC LINE OUTPUT】. ②...
  • Page 50 13. STANDARD TEST 12-5. TELECOM Standard (C1/C3 type) This function is just for the LSS-F02C1 or the LSS-F02C3. ① For injecting surge to the telecom line, touch『TELECOM』on the above tub. The surge is output from the telecom line output terminal【TELECOM LINE OUTPUT】. ②...
  • Page 51 12. STANDARD TEST 12-6. Executing Standard Test ① In case of the injection test to power lines, turn ON the line breaker of lines to be tested. ② Power supply to the EUT In case of the injection test to power lines, press the EUT LINE key 【 EUT LINE】 to connect the line. The LED of the EUT LINE key illuminates when power is supplied.
  • Page 52 13. STANDARD TEST For selecting the opening test If the specific test number is touched and the START key is pressed again on the check screen, the test starts with the specific test number. Example) If you like to start with the No. 5 test, touch the No. 5 to move the executing test frame to the No.5.
  • Page 53 12. STANDARD TEST ④ Conducting test First,『Test is being prepared』is indicated. When switching the internal circuit is complete, 『UNDER TEST』 appears on the screen. The warning lamp is blinking while the test is conducted. The discharge times counts up and the interval counts down. High voltage surges are output.
  • Page 54 13. STANDARD TEST Pause Pressing the START key while conducting test makes the output pausing. The START key is blinking and 『PAUSE』is indicated on the screen. For restarting the test, press the START key again. While pausing, the restarting test can be changed. Since the operation is same as selecting the opening test, refer to P.
  • Page 55 12. STANDARD TEST ⑥ Completion of test The test is ended automatically when the entire set test is complete. The START key lights off and 『Test Completed.』Is indicated on the screen. Confirming completion, touch to return to the standard test setting screen. •...
  • Page 56 13. MANUAL TEST 13-1. Setting Manual Test Touch『MANUAL』on the main menu. When AC LINE / DC LINE is selected AC/DC CDN Setup Screen ☆ Title C1/C3 type When TELECOM is selected TELECOM CDN Setup Screen ☆1 Title is indicated when the setup content is saved. List of icons for operation Icon of key Remarks...
  • Page 57 13. MANUAL TEST Sweep function The sweep function of polarity『Pola』, surge voltage『Vol』, output line『CDN』, and/or phase angle 『PHASE』can be selected. As for the surge voltage and the phase angle (Only when the surge is output to the AC line and phase angle synchronization is selected), the start value (START), the stop value (STOP), and step value can be input to utilize this function.
  • Page 58 13. MANUAL TEST Selecting Output Select which terminal the surge is output to. Touch 『TELECOM』is not indicated in case of A1/A3 type. For injecting surge to the AC line, select『AC LINE』. The surge is output from the AC/DC line output terminal【AC/DC LINE OUTPUT】. For injecting surge to the DC line, select『DC LINE』.
  • Page 59 13. MANUAL TEST Selecting Synchronization (Phase Angle) / Synchronization When 『AC LINE』is selected as the output, surge injection synchronized with AC line of the EUT power supply is available. Touch the check box of Sync or Async ( ). When Sync is selected, the phase angle can be set. Touch of PHASE and input the value.
  • Page 60 13. MANUAL TEST Selecting Waveform Touch 1.2/50 10/700 • In case OUTPUT is set as AC LINE or DC LINE, only『1.2/50』is available. • In case OUTPUT is set as SURGE OUT, both『1.2/50』and『10/700』is selectable. • In case OUTPUT is set as TELECOM, both『1.2/50』and『10/700』is selectable. Selecting Polarity Touch +...
  • Page 61 13. MANUAL TEST Setting Voltage Touch of VOLTAGE to indicate the ten key. 0.0~15.0kV 0.1kV step Setting voltage with ▲/▼ key on the right side of the column is also available instead of indicating the ten key (Also as 0.1kV step). (The voltage range as the guaranteed waveform on the specification is 0.5~15.0kV.) Voltage sweep Touching...
  • Page 62 13. MANUAL TEST Setting Discharge Times Touch of COUNT to indicate the ten key. Input the discharge times and press Enter to fix the number of discharge times. 1~999 times 1 time step Setting Interval Touch of INTERVAL to indicate the ten key. Input the value (unit: second) and press Enter to fix the value.
  • Page 63 13. MANUAL TEST 13-2. Setting AC/DC Injection In case of injecting surge to power lines, setting the injection phase and the return phase is necessary. Touch to move to the AC/DC CDN setup screen when AC LINE or DC LINE is selected on the manual setting screen.
  • Page 64 13. MANUAL TEST Injection phase sweep (AC/DC sweep) If the CDN sweep key is touched on the manual setting screen and is touched, the screen moves to the CDN setup ‘sweep’ screen. Touch to indicate the popup menu. Select the EUT line for the EUT. All of the combinations of the injection phase and the return phase in accordance with the selected EUT line are displayed on the screen.
  • Page 65 13. MANUAL TEST Setting coupling In the AC / DC injection setting, selecting the coupling circuit is available. In the STANDARD mode, the coupling circuit which is prescribed on the IEC61000-4-5 is composed automatically. For the normal mode (line – line), it is fixed as 18µF, for the common mode (line – PE), fixed as 10Ω+9µF.
  • Page 66 13. MANUAL TEST 13-3. Setting TELECOM Injection (C1/C3 type) This function is just for the LSS-F02C1 or the LSS-F02C3. In case of injecting surge to the telecom line, setting the injection phase and the return phase is necessary. Touch to move to the TELECOM CDN setup screen when TELECOM is selected on the manual setting screen.
  • Page 67 13. MANUAL TEST Injection sweep (TELECOM injection) If the CDN sweep key is touched on the manual setting screen and is touched, the screen moves to the TELECOM CDN setup ‘sweep’ screen. Touch the check box of 2LINE or 4LINE ( ). Select the EUT line for the EUT.
  • Page 68 13. MANUAL TEST Setting matching resistor In the TELECOM injection setting, selecting the matching resistor is available. In the STANDARD mode, the matching resistor which is prescribed on the IEC61000-4-5 is fixed automatically according to the injected waveform. For the 1.2/50µs, it is fixed as 40Ω, for the 10/700µs, fixed as 25Ω.
  • Page 69 13. MANUAL TEST 13-4. Executing Manual Test ① In case of the injection test to power lines, turn ON the line breaker of lines to be tested. ② Power supply to the EUT In case of the injection test to power lines, press the EUT LINE key 【 EUT LINE】 to connect the line. The LED of the EUT LINE key illuminates when power is supplied.
  • Page 70 13. MANUAL TEST Check screen when the sweep mode is set Injection phase sweep Polarity sweep Phase angle Voltage sweep sweep When SWEEP of voltage and/or phase angle is set, start value, stop value, and step value are indicated in the bottom column. When the injection phase sweep is set, 『SWEEP』 is indicated in the upper right column.
  • Page 71 13. MANUAL TEST ⑤ Moving to the next test If the sweep function is set and the sequence method on the “Utility” is “AUTO”, the test stage moves to the next automatically. If the sweep function is set and the sequence method on the “Utility”...
  • Page 72 13. MANUAL TEST Suspension Pressing the STOP key while conducting test makes the test stop at the moment. The START key lights off and『Test suspended』is indicated on the screen. Confirming suspension, touch to return to the manual test setting screen. Starting the test again on this screen is not available.
  • Page 73 14. TITLE SAVE / LOAD The test conditions set on the manual test setting screen can be saved with naming a title. Saving 36 kinds of sets is available and each title can include 12 or less roman letters, digits. Select a title box and select『LOAD/DEL/ SAVE』.
  • Page 74 14. TITLE SAVE / LOAD Save Touch a title box for saving and touch to indicate character key. Input a title and fix it with Enter. Ex.) Save a new file as TEST 01. “TEST 01” is indicated. Input “TEST 01”. Touch the icon for save.
  • Page 75 14. TITLE SAVE / LOAD Load Load means calling the saved titled file to use it for the manual test setting. Touch the title box to be called. Touch to call the saved test contents. If there is another set up in editing on the manual test setting screen, a check box as below appears before start loading.
  • Page 76 15. UTILITY Power ON Display Selects the first screen indicated when the Unit is turned ON. Touch 『UTIL 1』 → 『POWER ON DISPLAY』 . Touch the check box ( ) depending on your need. The standard test setting screen The main menu screen is is indicated when starting.
  • Page 77 15. UTILITY Interlock Level Selects the way of turning OFF when the interlock is unlocked. Touch『UTIL 2』→『INTERLOCK LEVEL』. Touch the check box ( ) depending on your need. Only the high voltage output is turned OFF. The EUT line is not turned OFF. Both of the high voltage output and the EUT line are turned OFF.
  • Page 78 16. ERROR MESSAGE Errors indicated on the Unit are shown as below table. Error message Meanings Emergency stop button was pressed. Emergency stop The Unit cannot be operated. ERROR 1 check safety After confirming safety, turn on again. The fan does not work. Repair is necessary. Fan error ERROR 2 Repair is necessary...
  • Page 79 16. ERROR MESSAGE A system error happens as the following part. Repair is necessary. Enquire of your sales agent or Noise Laboratory. No.01 Unused No.02 Generating part unit error No.03 Injection part unit error No.04 Telecom unit error No.05 Hot switching error No.06 HVPS error No.07...
  • Page 80 17. SPECIFICATIONS 17-1. Controlling Part ITEM SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS Voltage limiter Upper limit: 6kV Settable by user on the utility screen (Default: OFF) Discharge interval 1.2/50µs waveform 10~999sec,Depending on set voltage 10/700µs waveform 15~999sec,Depending on set voltage Discharge times 1~999 times / 1 time step Trigger input Asynchronized Depending on repetition time...
  • Page 81 17. SPECIFICATIONS 17-3. AC / DC Line Injection Part ITEM SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS Injection surge 1.2/50µs -8/20µs waveform Combination waveforms Maximum injectable Up to the settable maximum value surge voltage / current Coupling circuit Line - Line 18µF±10% IEC 61000-4-5 Line - PE 10Ω+9µF±10% 0.5kV~15kV ±10% AC/DC Input part...
  • Page 82 17. SPECIFICATIONS 17-4. Telecom Line Injection Part (C1/C3 Type) ITEM SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS Injection surge 1.2/50µs-8/20µs Combination waveforms waveform 10/700µs-5/320µs Combination waveforms Maximum injectable Up to the settable maximum value surge voltage / current Matching resistor 1.2/50µs waveform 40Ω±10% 1 line 80Ω: at 2 line 1 line 160Ω: at 4 line 10/700µs waveform 25Ω±10%...
  • Page 83 18. OPTIONAL PRODUCT Major optional products are as follows. For details, enquire Noise Laboratory or your nearest sales agent of Noise Laboratory. Items MODEL No. Remarks Warning Lamp 11-00008A The blinking makes the operators or neighbors pay attention to the test processing. Isolation transformer TF-2302P For isolation of line input.
  • Page 84 19. WAVEFORM VERIFICATION This chapter describes how to verify the output waveform of this simulator. 19-1. Preparation Oscilloscope (Frequency range: DC~100MHz or more) Isolation transformer 19-2. Connection Connect voltage surge monitor terminal【MONITOR OUTPUT V 1/2000】or current surge monitor terminal【MONITOR OUTPUT A 1/1000】to the oscilloscope with the supplied coaxial cable. Input impedance of oscilloscope is set in advance for accurate observation at 1MΩ.
  • Page 85 19. WAVEFORM VERIFICATION 15-4. Measurement Set the probe input 1MΩ on the oscilloscope and the ratio at 1:1. Set the voltage axis and time axis of the oscilloscope according to surge voltage (current) output. As monitor output ratio is VOLTAGE: 1/2000, CURRENT: 1000A/V, when surge voltage is 15kV, voltage monitor output is 7.5V, and when surge current is 7500A, voltage monitor output is 3.3V.
  • Page 86 20. WARRANTY Services The following terms are applicable to the services provided by the Company to maintain and repair the Unit. Scope The Unit and accessories and options provided by the Company are covered under this section. Technical Service Fee Any repairs provided by the Company during the warranty period will be free of charge in accordance with the Limited Warranty.
  • Page 87 20. WARRANTY Limited Warranty In the event of failure during the warranty period, the Unit will be repaired or replaced free of charge. Decision of the repair method shall be left at the discretion of the Company. This limited warranty is applicable in Japan only. Scope This warranty is applicable only to the Unit and its accessories.
  • Page 88 21. MAINTENANCE 1. When repair, maintenance or internal adjustment of the Unit is required, a qualified service engineer takes charge of such work. 2. Maintenance on the user side is restricted to the outside cleaning and functional check of the Unit. 3.
  • Page 89 22. NOISE LABORATORY SUPPORT NETWORK If a symptom which seems a trouble is found, inform the model name and serial number of the product together with the symptom to Noise Laboratory or your nearest sales agent of Noise Laboratory. When the product is returned to Noise Laboratory, write the state of the trouble, contents of your request, model name and serial number in a repair order, and pack the product and repair order sheet in the former package of equivalent suitable for transit and send them back.
  • Page 91 NOISE LABORATORY CO., LTD. 1-4-4, Chiyoda, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Pref., 252-0237, Japan TEL: +81-(0)42-712-2051 FAX: +81-(0)42-712-2050 URL: Printed in Japan...