Initiation; Initial Operation - Kärcher Ringler RI 300 W2G Translation Of The Original Operating Manual

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Pos : 9.2 /1 Grundl egende Sic her heitshi nweis e/Hi nweis Sic herheitssc huhe @ 0\mod_1261406516446_131.doc x @ 925 @ @ 1
Only use with safety shoes (acc. to EN ISO 20345)
Pos : 9.3 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Ü berschrift: Ersti nbetriebnahme @ 1 \mod_1336455358905_131.doc x @ 12457 @ 2 @ 1

Initial operation

Pos : 9.4 /1 Grundl egende Sic her heitshi nweis e/Signalwort-F eld " Vorsicht" @ 0\mod_1261404898171_131.doc x @ 899 @ @ 1
Pos : 9.5 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Spänesauger/Di es er Ringler Industriesauger dar f nur mit Sic her heitssc huhen bedient werden @ 0\mod_1269350891518_131.doc x @ 3221 @ @ 1
 This Ringler industrial vacuum cleaner may only be operated when wearing safety shoes
Pos : 9.6 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Spänesauger/N etz ansc hlussl eitung en überprüfen @ 0\mod_1269349980705_131.doc x @ 3197 @ @ 1
Make sure that the power supply cord is not damaged by being run over, crushed, tugged etc..
Stop the industrial vacuum cleaner immediately if necessary!
The power supply cord must be regularly inspected for signs of damage or ageing!
Connectors of power supply cords must at least be splash-proof!
Pos : 9.7 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Verantwortung Betr eiber Installation Sc hutzei nrichtung Trennung Ansc hlussphasen @ 6\mod_1401953418877_131.doc x @ 60458 @ @ 1
The operator shall be responsible for installation of protective equipment that will recognise a short-
circuit in case of fault and isolate all connection phases.
Pos : 9.8 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Spänesauger/Di e max. Sic her ungss tromstär ke darf 16A nic ht überschr eiten. @ 2 \mod_1346153718390_131.doc x @ 21458 @ @ 1
 The max. fuse current of the supply cable must not exceed 16 A slow-blow.
Pos : 9.9 /6 Inbetriebnahme/Spänesauger/Di e Betriebsbedingungen s timmen mit den Sc hildangaben @ 0\mod_1269350197077_131.doc x @ 3203 @ @ 1
The operating conditions must match the data on the plate and the supplied documentation, if
Pos : 9.10 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Z weimotorige Ausführ ung en dürfen nur betri eben wer den @ 0\mod_1269350426634_131.doc x @ 3215 @ @ 1
 Twin-motor versions may only be operated with both suction turbines are switched on.
Pos : 9.11 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Bei der Entl eer ung des Ri ngler Industri es augers mit dem Kr an oder @ 0\mod_1269350343296_131.doc x @ 3209 @ @ 1
 Standing in the work area is forbidden when emptying the Ringler industrial vacuum cleaner by
means of crane or stacker truck!
Pos : 9.12 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Die Inbetri ebnahme ohne Filter oder ei nem besc hädigten Filter is t nicht z uläs sig @ 0\mod_1269350986591_131.doc x @ 3227 @ @ 1
Starting without a filter or with a damaged filter is not allowed
Pos : 9.13 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes augerVor der ersten Inbetri ebnahme prüfen, Sammelbehälter ric htig in Ras thebel ei ngeras tet ist @ 10\mod_1433922803161_131.doc x @ 97015 @ @ 1
Before the first commissioning, check if the collection container has properly latched in the latching
lever; otherwise, the collection container may top and thus be damaged.
Pos : 9.14 /1 Gr undleg ende Si cherheits hinweis e/Sig nal wort-Fel d "Hi nweis" @ 0\mod_1261404960439_131.doc x @ 905 @ @ 1
Pos : 9.15 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/D er Industri esauger is t ordnungsgemäß montiert, @ 0 \mod_1269351204934_131.doc x @ 3239 @ @ 1
The industrial vacuum cleaner must be correctly installed, with all necessary lines
Pos : 9.16 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Die Kühlluftführ ung ist nic ht beeintr äc htigt @ 0 \mod_1269351426579_131.doc x @ 3245 @ @ 1
The cooling air duct must be fully functional, the cooling effect must also not be impaired by soiling
of the cooling surfaces.
Pos : 9.17 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Kontrolli eren, ob Pr allbl ec h und event. Siebkorb richtig eing elegt si nd. @ 0\mod_1269351613267_131.doc x @ 3257 @ @ 1
 Check that baffle plate and perforated basket, if applicable, are correctly inserted.
Pos : 9.18 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Gewüns chte Abs augdüs e i n Stec kkonus am H andgriff des Absaugschl auches ei ns etz en. @ 0\mod_1269351562967_131.doc x @ 3251 @ @ 1
Insert desired suction nozzle into the plug-in cone on the handle of the suction tube.
Pos : 9.19 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Z entrischen Si tz der Antriebs einheit auf Behälter kontrollier en. @ 0\mod_1269351676324_131.doc x @ 3263 @ @ 1
Check that the drive unit is centrally located on the tank.
Pos : 9.20 /6 Inbetri ebna hme/Spänes auger/Antri ebs ei nheit durch 180- Grad Drehung der Kl emmgriffe verrieg eln. @ 0\mod_1269351748189_131.doc x @ 3269 @ @ 1
 Lock the drive unit by turning the clamping levers 180 degrees.
Pos : 9.21 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/N etzs tec ker einstec ken @ 3\mod_1353317852290_131.doc x @ 34512 @ @ 1
 Put in power plug
Pos : 9.22 /6 Inbetri ebnahme/Spänes auger/Indus tries aug er mit dem an der Antriebs einheit befindlichen Ei n/Aussc halter i n Betri eb setzen @ 0\mod_1269351880561_131.doc x @ 3281 @ @ 1
 Start up the industrial vacuum cleaner with the on/off switch located on the drive unit.
Pos : 10.1 /7 Betri eb, Bedienung/Betrieb, Bedienung, Kapi tel übersc hrift @ 0\mod_1263539997200_131.doc x @ 1414 @ 1 @ 1
and tubes


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This manual is also suitable for:

Ringler ri 300 w2e

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